Been feeling some Lacuna Coil so think it's what I'll share on this entry. I remember this song was what turned me onto this band when I heard it in the credits of the video game: Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines. Wow, it been almost 20 years now. That game really captured what I envision the vampire world to be like. Just taking a bit more liberty with how things look physically with what happens spiritually in the real world. But yeah it's a dark scape where survival is key. In that fantasy scape I'm more like a Gangrel which tends to be attuned to their animal nature and stays on the outskirts of society for the most part. Just not the type to be hypocritical like most that lie to themselves and others to survive. But anyway the lyrics to this song Swamped really strike an accord with me. Being trained by your feelings... Being hypersensitive means I feel things a whole lot more and with my unique experiences has shaped my view of reality a bit differently than others. They redid the video than what they had then under a different label so can now put it into their own channel.
Okay so have been exercising coding techniques to incorporate them into my communication skills here on the internet. Like words you forget definition to because of little use and look up so I find myself with some coding having to go back to the text book to find out what then writing it out. Is just the way I like to do things. I suppose the process is like that of a dojo in Martial Arts or parade field in military to train one's self till it becomes automatic. Then when you need the skills like in a crisis then they are there for you to call upon. But have gotten into the habit of copying something before posting it just in case it get's stripped out for one minor error.
Lately have been studying {alt} to place an alternate for directories that don't allow certain things like images. So you put an alternate in the coding so if you have an image as a link you can place a word link instead then it will still show up. Want to do that for the language barrier too by just having another language or use another tool pay for to incorporate it. Plan to create my own graphic icon for time too. There's this site I pay for that allows you to use their material for you own apps. Want to create something been seeing in my imagination for a while now but not in reality.
Been working on my coven content on pen and graph paper and am excited to be getting a better spec computer to run graphic suite to bring what's in my imagination and mind down into something I can express to others. I expect I'll be working on establishing a coven for some time. So it will have under construction sign posted until I got the basics down into running what I think constitutes one. Been in many over the years here and none of them were what I was looking for. It's left with me now to create what I was looking for for others who I deem worthy to enjoy on a website that advertises it is for real vampires.
Okay the Prince returned his mark for this profile this evening thus making it a sire. First order of business. Getting the fuck out of this pathetic prison coven. Okay now the second finding a powerful vampire on V.R. for protection. Done now I can rub it in and post openly. Woot!
Congratulations. You deserve it.
Wow.... um.... I can't read that lol.
Looks good though.
@ Toxicbite29 My encrypted journal entries titled Status Update I post after I level up that show the new stats and what it will take to level up next. Also includes the block list which doesn't seem fitting to me to post openly to the public. But to the mature it's interesting to note the kinds of people that block / censor others not because they're problems but just to manipulate scores or emotional energy.
Is this a new language that I am not aware of????
@ Toxicbite29 It's called Upiori. To me is just the characters that show up when one encrypts a journal or message from link at the bottom of text box. Useful for security to keep things from those that don't have the password. Those who have proven themselves trusted friends that are interested in what I have to say earn them. There's one given freely in my profile if one takes the time to read it.
22:25 Sep 28 2022
I love that band ,lacuna coil
23:33 Sep 28 2022
Okay I was going to edit and add a link to Gangrel but since ThanaNight made a comment I'll just post it here rather than stripping it out. Interacting with comments is important when done in the right spirit like she has. I think many others do it to manipulate people or perception on this site but others to genuinely express what they think like they would in real life. While other would only type out or embed a GIF to express what they can't in reality. I suppose it works for them and those that enjoy the attention they get online but it does tend to warp their reality. Then if they ever met that same person and would find someone completely different in how they act. I'm just the opposite and try to be as close to real as I can but that really doesn't make me popular nor does it manipulate others to make them feel good and thus create attention when one thinks of them. Whatever floats their boat as long as it doesn't impact me and those who are awake to it that I interact with I say let them do their thing and continue warping reality both there's and the ones they manipulate.
21:35 Sep 29 2022
I found the Vampire The Masquerade info cool, the bloodlines were interesting Gangrel the loner, naturist, every deadly and strong. Thanks for sharing, would be cool to see houses and bloodlines created here on VR