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Well, I got kicked out of ThanaNight's coven today and then blocked to boot. Reason??? Honestly moody female issues is what I'm attributing this up to. Sighs. Can't get too mad about that. I'm just glad I don't have to deal with those hormones. It's usually just a matter of being patient with them till their moods shift again. I'm more about resolving problems with dialog so until this block is removed can't really express much. I will say this expressing your own opinion is not meant to be demeaning.
She is right about something. I do need to create my own coven and then just run it how I choose. I've expressed this on many occasions that the most important aspect of identifying with one's bestial and primal nature is that of being a hunter. On this site that equates to referrals. But this is corrupted by most with alternate profiles that just name themselves as their own referral or others on the site to build them up in level. Like driving a whole herd into a surround trap, I know how to bring in the masses but for the most part am not motivated to do so because I just don't like dealing with a lot of people. But will probably demonstrate it in the future just to prove a point.
In my vantage of the cosmos there are pros and cons to everything. With my level of scrutiny and hypersensitivity I tend to perceive a lot. Usually, it's a bit overwhelming and takes me time to unravel and organize stuff to their proper place. I put this video of a guy explaining how black light can be projected. At the beginning of the video, he demonstrates how the phone light is bright in complete darkness but when another light overpowers it in illumination it shows up as black. Yeah, it's still the same light just in that context it shows up differently. This is a very good explanation of what I see. Now others may not see it and then think I'm being ridiculous for the way I act but if they could see what I do they'd change their tune quick.