To whom it concerns. Let me make this clear. I use this site simply because I'm a HLV (Human Living Vampire). I am now constantly overwhelmed in occult forces or more accurately my senses are attuned to them especially the sense of touch. As I get older it increases in magnitude. Can't deny it as it is way too exquisite and just have an appetite for more. At any given time when I interact with people including on this site this is my state of mind. Hardly seems fair as they stress over things mainly due to insecurities. It's not that I've been jaded or don't care just whatever emotions I do feel in any situation quickly become swallowed up. I don't want it to make me irresponsible in dealing with others so just giving you head's up. It's cool if you see me as toxic. Best to just ignore me.
-Blocked again. :( It is one of those ones that sends a message right before they do it to get the last word in which I might add was calling me a bitch. That's okay because they just like reading my journal afterwards like a sadistic artist wanting to hear the moans and don't even need to be logged in to do it as that accounts for a chunk of those anonymous users that are active on different accounts. Vampire Rave is like a refuge for an endangered species. This ranger wants to do something about it. There are some longstanding members here on the Rave that are children trapped in adult bodies. Best to look for the behavior markers that marks them. This particular one is like a little girl that stomps her feet when she doesn't get her way. They talk of faith in God. I actually wonder where people are at in that regard having studied many traditions in great depth even the ones steeped in blood magick like circumcision rites/virgin marriage covenant and the blessing of Abraham to his children of promise. Great tool but isn't absolute truth to me. I think there are times in the evolution and devolution cycles souls go through in other lifetimes that is quite enough to fear the afterlife than a lake of fire. Death indeed is most merciful. That should be a great comfort to all that perceive this truth. I'll say this much I'd rather deal with these oversized children than some arrogant old bat. That arrogance blinds them only the weak-minded or politically motivated perceive otherwise.
Game on frenemy
According to TOS Guide lines after deleting a profile and not logging into it for a whole month or so it is no longer you 'res to begin with. and falls off the IP address secondly it is no longer on the IP Address you may see the old username but it is deleted and still in the system but deleted and fall off the IP Address
So their for I have one profile and the usernames are not deleted from vampire rave data base but they are in fact off my IP address.
Lifetimes to my understanding are never permanently deleted. As long as you have the password and email address to it. This can be a problem to those who don't do their own codework or share profiles and break the most cardinal rule of vampire rave: do not reveal your password to others. I got some but they are just for memory storage on Cancer's servers other than Neowise2020 which I use exclusively for cybermancy on Firefox browser.
Did a little editing there of journal comments at the request of a member of importance.
you didn't edit the word frenemy since we where never friends to begin with dummy.
oh and by all means tell everyone the time and date we became friends and the countless times you wished me happy birthday
oh by the way I honestly just hate you at this point because you're a cunt.
For treating me this way.
Again, this journal entry was edited so you are not getting a complete picture of the comments made.
Just sat through the Presidential debate. When it comes to our next world war I think we are close. So, I'd keep that in mind when choosing the better of two evils if either of them will be our Commander In Chief. At the very least tactical nukes will play a part with serious changes like martial law. Like the North Koreans joining the fight dropping boots in Ukraine we'll put those immigrants to work and sure up our defenses. When the gloves come off that's when people start paying attention to the things that really matter. I am both proud and ashamed of just about everything including being an American. It is a saving grace that we have a world economy now dependent on our enemies.
I got a big move done today that has been an obstacle to doing some things I've been talking about for years. Now my biggest obstacle is motivation. There is a price for things like the saying be careful what you wish for. So, I have gotten some spiritual things that are fantastic but robs one to doing much of anything else. We'll see what happens as I usually don't complete things to my satisfaction, but I still end up with something for my efforts that other beholders seem to like.
Most likely yes
Vampyre that disappears into Mist. That statement, I never heard of. Maybe with the right training, I should do it too. This time when, I return from the mist, I should be more darker, more intense with the amount of bloodlust that can't be defined.
Yes I'm a real vampyre.
I think many legends like that of the vampire are just the product of a superstitious imagination that just doesn't understand the reality to make sense of it. But yes, there is reality to it involving the occult in my experience. It is on that level I'll need to interact with one in determining who they are. There're some real hideous ones out there in the guise of being great people but it's important to note things from the scope of eternity.
I have been wondering about those anonymous users online on the Who's Online page. It has been my experience in life that things are not always as they appear; And what about these unique visitors. I can think up some seriously dark conspiracies. Force of habit I usually stick to lurk mode myself but not being logged in is a form of it for many especially if they have multiple accounts. I reason this is a chunk of that number but still there are other contingencies I must consider. Murphy's law is not to be underestimated. My ninja powers are kicking in. That was the first magick I learned as a teenager. That was a different time. But is still a part of me.
I'm just a retired old man now with some fringe benefits as an occultist. In a nutshell that means I've been taken by the Fae having eaten their fruit it spoils one to earthly things. One of those things I was good at was spatial aptitude but this has also transferred to the spiritual so that when I've had OBE's which is what flight is all about considering archetypes and winged legends this aspect really kicks in with acoustics. The underworld I went to was an immense cavern deep in the earth. But of late Ive had a different kind and that is what I call titan sense. A sense that you are much bigger with more mass than your surroundings. This can be alarming as you don't necessarily want others to see this.
Looking forward to their latest album that releases August 9th.
One of those traditions I happened to study with some empirical returns was Norse. Runes at the heart of it and the stories of the Eddas.
I'm on the plus side again with honor. Wonder what happened to my secret hater. They must have moved on to another. Looks like Maro's getting hit by one of them. Pretty sure they all just want to share their misery but some of us can rise above it where they can't which makes them pitiful creatures indeed.
Music is one of my best tools as a magician. Can pull quite a bit up in my mind when it comes to experience in life. Somewhere along the way I picked up this habit of looking at what's involved in creating something and for music it's the artist's work and all those that promote them in the industry. I use cloud storage now rather than other mediums from the past involving plastic. Like fossils I wonder which things will survive for anthropologists in the future to sift through. In the case of computers, it's the server farms information is stored on. The dungeons of the future...
These price hikes in fast food places here in California sure have caused some turmoil. No more Happy Meals for some it's only sad meals from now on that would put any emo goth to shame. ;(
I wonder why there's little talk of the Canadian border when it comes to building a wall.
When I lived in Michigan I was amazed at how many people went to McDonald's every single day. I wonder how long those lines are now?
It'll probably usher in completely machine operated kiosks here to compete with those not affected by it. Fast food was a staple for many a family to some point not to mention college kids and employee lunches.