A moonless night tonight around the globe. Here where I live in the Pacific Time zone of northern California there is no moon as its below the horizon for us and wont rise til tomorrow at 7:43 AM. For other time zones around the globe tonight is the new moon being its darkest in illumination. Here where I live this reaches its peak at 4:30 AM but again that's when its still below the horizon. I personally am attuned to the four elements so find their correspondences in everything. New moon equates with the element of earth. Sometimes it can get a little confusing because all four elements are present in any one thing as they are the building blocks to every facet of the cosmos. They permeate everything. But still at this time earth has dominance rather than the other elements.
I really haven't been spending much time and energy on this profile now favoring my Neowise2020 one that is my backup so I can level it out of the prison coven its in. I get it I'm no social butterfly and find myself in these predicaments for lack of tact. But its okay I have things in my life others don't that have good charisma and mesh well with society. I'd much rather have the former but still make the best with what I have. Plus I have a strong ethereal connection as a result of this and built up quite a relationship with it. It has its own rewards.
I'm usually in the habit of sharing some music at the start of a journal entry but today am just going with silence. But I do have plenty file storage for images I've uploaded. So here we go starting with a colony of bats. Seems fitting after visiting a certain journal I've commented on. To me its a part of nature to draw strength from community and you have that sense in vampire bat colonies. Especially among the females. Unless they are youngsters and don't know any better the male ones tend to stay off to themselves. I personally don't draw much strength from others because I have found most of it to be bullshit anyways so when I have to deal with many people and their opinions it likewise doesn't effect me much. I also have a constant spiritual presence to draw from and am never alone where others don't and depend on others weather it's honest or not. Plus I do have my own little social niche in real life when it's needed to fall back on.
When I first came to this site around 2010 I was looking for other vampires. I knew there were many here but was working full time and didn't need the added stress to put up with the bullshit that came with it. So I left but came back when I took an early retirement around 2015. Then I got in with a certain crowd I would consider kindred in the real vampire community through this site. It didn't work out as I wanted but learned a lot about others in the vampire community as well as myself.
Since then I've determined if I want anything more I have to create it myself. But this is no easy task. First any endeavor I get into it has to pass my number one donor which is an incorporeal elemental being. It is quite jealous of others that take up my time and energy. I have been wanting to do some things on this site for quite some time as a vampire but am held in check by it. If I don't do it in the right spirit then I won't appreciate it or act responsibly concerning it so have been growing in this department. I'm getting there. I don't do my hunting here sticking to the astral plane usually but as a resource vampire rave to me is just a place to be around other kindred and express as much. They are here and usually hidden amongst the shadows of many sympathetic vampires that are quite numerous on this site and some have admin duties. Many of them wear skirts-need I express more about those whose character reflect as much that hide behind them? You know who you are.
If I want something I just get it and or build it myself as I'm quite independent. That's where I'm at now on this site working to create my own thing by strengthening my own ties now and through them building others. Been working on my own website creation in an online capacity for banner placement. That's not an easy task for me so is taking some time.
Why is there not many banners out there on other sites? Most of the easy website builders don't give you that option number one. Its like getting the basic cable option of what they allow you to get by popular consent leaving the rest as premiums you have to pay extra for. It's an easy thing for a reason like shopping for sizes where the special ones are hard to find. Beyond that when it comes to links on other sites unless you are some popular influencer then people aren't in the habit of pushing links especially in modern society where so many scams are activated by such. So in the vampire community who tend to be loners and hunt in the shadows from a position of stealth this is a rare thing. Then why would anyone share such valuable resources on this site if they do have them? Still though I'm determined to do it. Only once I have my own site to place a banner on will I work on creating a society here. Otherwise it just doesn't seem right to me.
So I've been listening to an audiobook reading this classic story of Carmilla by J. Sheridan Le Fanu. I like it though I have had some disturbing dreams. I wonder as this preceded the story of Dracula by Bram Stoker seeing so many similarities why they didn't get sued like the film Nosferatu did for its similarities to Dracula.
loved the old film of Carmilla, maybe I need to dig that back out
There certainly has been a lot of films and series based on the book. Its seems basic vampire legend as told via an author's perspective. I especially like the lines: "...love needs it's sacrifices...there can be no sacrifice without blood." The latter being the last lyric sung by TDV that uses old stories for many of their songs for inspiration.
Worked a bit on upgrading this profile today. As usual not happy with the outcome. Changed the subheadings to match those of others that come with classic V.R. layout which looks decent but when it comes to adding the gold plating behind the graphics the gold seems to overpower the black marble. *sighs* Going to have to redo it. The rivets are too big thus centering an image doesn't seem to fit it. Though looking at it on Neowise2020 that has a white marble background it looks decent. May have to either photograph my own work and upload it or do without the rivets on plates I have on software I use for graphics.
This not being happy with things is a common denominator in this life. Its like there aren't words to express what I want. Because of this I can't express what I want accurately and end up compromising and then it doesn't fit well with writing. The etymology of things are built on different concepts then what I have after years of meditation with everything adjusted with my elemental donor empowering things. Just doesn't seem to be my time to get things right in this life. It's part of the sadness I feel as a vampire to perceive as much as I do of the cosmos and eternity and not be able to express it clearly. *SMH*
There we go. I finally remembered the hex color number for this font color of red. So today I changed the profile layout in CSS to Classic red. The first stage in updating this profile. Now I have to change all the subheadings like the Black/red/gold to match the rest. Then add some gold metallic colors to the graphics to offset their contrast with the background. It's a chain reaction or a can of worms I just opened. Then update the written content with some editing out and addition of some new stuff that reflects my character in the present. I'm not like others to hide behind discretion letting others draw their own conclusions but rather just being me and being obvious. Yeah it tends to make me unpopular but who wants that anyway? I'd rather go for the hard sell and be myself than some hypocrite trying to be someone they are not. I can afford to be this way because I constantly have supernatural friends that I commune with already. Perhaps some out there are reasoning that they are hallucinations that are just part of a schizophrenic's delusion. Yeah I get that by the way people act around me. But I've been around those crazy people before and can spot the ones that are hallucinations of a broken mind and those that are quite special that have spiritual presence. Anyway, going for this new look on this profile with color coordination. Going to go for the spiritual significance of the colors. In Celtic lore red and black go together much like the red light districts at night. ;)
Once my website goes active I'll create a coven here for this sired profile with same name for my site's domain name that has banner link to here. It's been a long road and many years in the building but I'm finally getting there. The site itself is hard too as the more popular website builders don't give you the freedom to do what you want. It reminds me of a line from a Pink Floyd song-thirteen channels of shit to choose from. When you want it done right you have to do it yourself is just so true but it can take a while. Being hypersensitive I pick up a lot of details others don't as well occult forces others aren't conscious of and have to deal with them. Takes a lot patience. So it is with my vampire and this site. I just can't do what others do with my perception or face my own judgement. It has given me a darker view of things. Others seem to have that ignorance is bliss thing going for them where they don't see the shit they do or care as its outside their and most people's purview. To each their own.
What the hell is going on here? Been feeling a disturbance in the force and its darkside. I'm talking about V.R. here. Anyone who has put time and energy on this site and has some sensitivity knows what I mean. There is f**kery afoot I can feel it. For me it all happens in cycles so I just bide my time and when harvest season comes...
What is it it says at the beginning of the Vampire rave Home page? Ah yes..."
Vampire Rave is the social networking website for vampires and goths. We are a home for real vampires around the globe. If you're looking for a darker gothic or vampire social network, you've found it.
Vampire Rave was designed as an online resource for the vampire community". Kind of bold to express something like that in the world wide web in my opinion so what exactly is it that people expect from real vampires? I especially like how that word the is italicized as THE social networking website for vampires.
Yeah somethings brewing, I have felt it for some time