- I've been really getting into Evil lately. I kind of like it. Find myself just like some professional in a field that criticizes it too. Like veterans in the military can tell you concerning plastic explosives and how they look when exploding it's nothing like most "Hollywood" explosions that use plenty of gasoline for the dramatic effect. So while watching this show Evil season 3 that just started playing on Netflix-though season 4 is out on Premium channel Paramount+, I'm like, that's not how real demons are. But its the dramatic effect in a safe media for the catharsis it gives to people in society that live out boring lives and need some excitement and a taste for the supernatural.
Not that I think demons are real other than creations of repression and if one were to believe in a dichotomy like many do in society then these creations are the result. I know better so am not fooled by them. But most don't know better and are subject to them.
Also unlike most in society I have constant interaction with the supernatural. Unfortunately, we who live it can't put it down like a book or turn off like a T.V.. It is something we have to deal with constantly and is no joke. But I think one should still be able to joke about things like the mundane people do. Though it may seem like we are uncouth. I get that as I tend to have a dark humor others look at me with disdain. Like how I started this journal in making it seem like I was talking about liking real evil. That's for the benefit of the admin pets on this site that got tongues embedded so far up their bung hole's you'd think they were siamese twins. Yeah, I get the BDSM background people enact on this site in an online capacity to those in authority in a hierarchy gothic society but damn sometimes it seems to be taken too far. I myself have to indulge in it a bit as a vampire. It is the act of offering up ones body to be a donor to their master. A powerful thing is the actual bite or blood covenant that I get power from rather than the blood itself.
Well it's getting to be that time in the game where I must choose a wife in Skyrim. Hmm... Since it's a part of the vampire questline to convert your wife to a vampire if you have one that can't be a companion. I've played this game through different characters. My character now is a male Nord so going to just stick with that redhead from Whiterun. She looks hot to me with red glowing eyes and her attitude is the one of the best. She's an enterprising drug dealer and can also take over as an inn keeper at the Bannered mare if the present one meets with an untimely demise for some strange reason. I like swapping out (pick picketing) her clothes with some real slutty attire like the tavern dress. Well I can show you better than telling with some screen shots in the future. But I've had many partners in this game with different playthroughs. I even had a gay Argonian whose name was "Lifts-His-Tail". You'd have to know Elder scrolls lore to understand that joke as one of the best porn books in that game was "The Lusty Argonian Maid". Fuck the furries it's best to be a scally in my opinion to get your freak on in this game. I don't like marrying the ones you can take with you-too much of a good thing goes bad in every sense in my experience.
Also going to need to get a house and my first one tends to be the one in Riften. Being able to get into the city through the docks and your house is a big thing for shady characters like me. Plus Riften just has the most merchants especially after the Thief guild quests. So I make that my base of operations.
Then comes getting children too. I favor the orphans that work. So it's the girl that sells flowers and the boy running errands for the miners. Well first things first get a wife and house.
Okay got Honeyside house in Riften and tied the knot with Ysolda. Then got the quest first thing to embrace her as vampire. Not a good idea to level up pick pocketing till after some combat skills in this game as the monsters level up with you so going to power level enchanting then create gear towards that skill and sneak first so I can switch out her gear to something more to my taste. That might take some time. I just started the Soul Cairn quest so will keep filling soul gems to amass enough to reach max level for enchanting. Plenty of soul gems in this place plus can get a mount you can summon. Still my favorite mount is Shadowmere and I see you can get armor for them in this edition. cool looking forward to seeing that new addition.
My content for upgrading profiles is on hold till I can buy more images. Need to get some metallic frames. Sticking with silver for Neowise2020 and going to change OccultRanger profile to Classic Red skin which has gold in it's logo to match it out. Found a nice gothic frame done by AI art which I'm thinking of using to create a GIF with. I know what I want but getting it can be a problem. That's like creating image maps which is hard to do on this site. I'm just not trained as a coder or graphic artist to do some of the work. Now just like how I solved Rubiks cube by taking it apart and reassmbling it right I can do a cheat here using snippets if the fields are rectangular which I might do rather than slowly creating one from GIMP software.
Still spending most of my time in meditation and occult work as the elemental forces are hard to resist. It is through it though everything else hinges for me now including what want to accomplish as a vampire in this life.
Well I'm a werewolf now. Not a real one but in Skyrim. Haven't played games in a long time and figured it was time to have a playthrough as a vampire but needed to unlock the companion questline so have been holding off on the vampire questline till then. Now it's time to start the with the vampires. Then I'll do all the other quests (guild, side, main and Daedric) as a vampire lord. Then take screen shots when I master each one for a collage for my profile. Haven't played the Anniversary edition until now so going to make it last. No cheating with exploits for me as I savor challenges. But I will concentrate on doing the vampire questline first to get the bow that can eclipse the sun. A weakness I hate in the game is the daylight as a vampire.
Been mainly working on my other profile Neowise2020 today to get it up to par with my standards. It's starting to take shape as I'm integrating metallic colors that I favor being a retired foreman in the steel industry. But also making it like a tombstone. I plan to haunt this site long after I'm gone. lol
Okay well I'm a vampire lord now. Lord Harkon said his blood would cleanse me of the werewolf filth. Ha, ha; Honestly, I don't see it that way as most of the real legends to me just like those of real vampires are just hyped up nonsense by ignorant superstitious people that don't know any better so all kinds of bullshit is conceived. The astral plane is filled with such and is reason it is called Maya (the pane of illusion). Wolves were demonized because they were a nuisance to pastoral peoples of Europe in the nights of yore and fit right in with the devil in a dichotomized hierarchal religious view. Wolf packs could take down humans or adopt them into their packs on rare occasions. Their pack dynamics are close to human ones and get along quite well which is why there is so many domesticated breeds of dogs I'd think.
WE have a lot of dog people here in the Bay Area. One of the biggest hazards walking the sidewalks is stepping in dog shit. I don't see too many cats around though. I'm not one for pets in urban environments as I think it's cruel to them where they should have plenty of land to be free to be themselves rather than leashed or kept indoors. Fish in an aquarium or plants is all I can tolerate. But to each their own. Different strokes for different folks.
Anyway when it comes to werewolves I'm of the mind like Bram Stoker's Dracula where he shifted to wolf form, bat form and mist. This concept of a hierarchy between the vampire and werewolf was some later evolution in the imagination of humans. Just like the devil and demons seemed to take on many tangents of Gnostic lore apart from their source. I think there are those that develop their astral forms as those of certain animals and wolves are one. My astral form is just an invisible presence though I do have plenty of substance from lower astral and tantric energies being involved with Element of Earth. I don't have wings but I sure can fly. When I was younger studying Celtic shamanism I made a journey to the underworld and this awe inspiring Cthonic being there asked how my wings felt. Ever since then I tended to see astral travel as like winged beings in legends. I've also been attacked by different beings and people via the astral. Even here on vampire rave but they were mere irritations compared to some of the attacks I've been through. I think some here think they're the shit. I must say you are not in my experience. I don't care who the fuck you think you are or the people you choose to surround yourself with in relativity.