To whom it concerns. I'll see you in my dreams.
Okay this entry marks the six hundred and sixty sixth for this section of my journal that's for my interaction with this site and it's members. Not that I draw any meaning behind it other than the fact it's distinctive because it's associated with biblical prophecy and when it come to the vampire it is definitely outside the exclusive nature of Christianity and thus satanic in nature belonging to the principalities of the air as scriptures express under Lucifer's dominion because of original sin. I don't believe such things but because a lot of people do in our society to some degree then I must put the vampire myth in context with the satanic even though angels of death in some ways resemble vampires too.
It is my understanding the number of the beast has it's origins in the Kabbalah and ascribing number values to certain letters in archaic Hebrew then drawing meaning from how words are put together and especially names when getting into the meaning behind it and having that understanding is a part of the true name of angels and demons that gives one authority when working with them. So it was in prophecy relating to Jewish mysticism and related things that sprang from them. Thus the number values of this figure's name in prophecy related to the antichrist that would deceive many with miraculous signs.
Again I don't believe such but another way to view things in a dichotomy exclusive to patriarchal religions that work with phallic energy that in a hierarchy from a source down forces energy into a linear form. Can be quite powerful as the same principle is used in engineering like hydraulics where water pressure is created by forcing it into a pipe. Unfortunately in the scape of the mind and archetypes this causes repression and many demonic forces are created and suffered by everyone that applies it as reality. Then the power of those minds create all that activity. Also reason it feels so good to identify with it as it's cathartic in nature and releases one from religious oppression that most face because of blood covenants involved in them that empower the rites in those microcosms tied to a legacy from ancient times and still practiced today.
I have been on shamanistic journey to underworld and work with chthonic forces as I am just attuned to such in my experience and nature. So am just drawn to such things in whatever guise they take with gnostic stories that develop in dark and gothic themes.
I love that Iron Maiden song...
666 is also seen as a spiritual number or belief.
Love the song and how it rates to your entry number.
Going strong just like that Toyota.
I go ahead and post the last entry publicly. So I get -8 taken from my honor anonymously with the message "Go go power rangers". Then I go to my last ten to see who has seen my entry. Why no one. Oh it must be one of those that dance around V.R. in the ultimate lurk mode being logged out then reading things (Anonymous users online usually tends to be the highest at any given time especially among those with multiple alternate profiles to level up.). Then logging in to throw their feces like some nut job; Or just a coincidence. It's interesting to note who does get told and do come while logged in as these types tend to relish in such things. It's called their M.O. as behavior tends to happen in noteworthy patterns in certain circles. Oh what fun! True to form I come from institutions in society well groomed in hazing rituals so it's nothing new to me to handle ridicule among peers. But the anonymous that's something else right? Just some chicken shit fucktard buzzing around like a gnat. They tend to travel in swarms which is where they get their courage beyond being hidden. That's pretty much all they are to me. So does their ridicule go anywhere beyond inspiring this follow up public entry? Not really. In the same spirit of being hidden I address the anonymous individual while cautioning those they socialize with to their character seems the best way to deal with them rather than stewing on such things in frustration like some do when it come to dealing with their emotions. Probably why they act the way they do and just have to be patient with them in the hope they mature or if they are beyond hope as just some issues one has to deal with in their personality to get the likeable parts. Everyone's got issues and have to deal with things just hope it doesn't become one of those waxing bad issues some seem to develop going from bad to worse. You be the judge.
I remember when I was young and immature as a teenager and it was common to go around pranking the adults in the neighborhood. You know like throwing corn on their porch or ringing their doorbell and running, soaping their car windows with obscene remarks, prank calling that would make Bart Simpson blush etc.. So now here I am on the internet dealing with the same level of immaturity. It's the anonymity of not dealing with the consequences and laughing together with cohorts that made it fun right. But there is a point that it can be harmless fun that turns into something permanently damaging that requires a more heavy hand to deal with as consequences.
This is what I face on this site. Some have just taken things way too far and need to be dealt with. Well it's over the internet so what exactly am I going to do? Simple, energy manipulation. If you were to meet me in person you would find I'm actually pretty good at this as I'm most comfortable in the security sector of maintaining the peace or have a sense of heightened awareness to guard things. But that's just it right? You don't know because I don't really have a presence here...yet. I'm working on that slowly but surely. So it's the delivery system I have failed to express myself clearly on.
There was a time in my past that I dealt with spirits and trafficked with them often in both evocation and invocation. I don't anymore as my view of reality has changed. As a magician I work with just energy now as I've come to understand the essence of a spirit is awareness within a closed system. But through my grasp of elemental forces and attunement with nature can still reach out to touch spirits. Well it's much better to show you what I mean rather than just talking about it right? This is what I'll be working on more and more in the future here on V.R. especially when it comes to networking.
Too over the top? Yeah I get that and am light hearted too to take things like most do on this site. I pride myself in recognizing those moments as well separating them from the rest. The majority of the site seems to be just normal people attending a masquerade party where they get to indulge their fantasy life a bit as a catharsis and build likewise online friendships. Not taking things too seriously. But there is those problems with those that take things too far with occult matters that still need dealt with that they probably aren't aware of on the same level as others that are attuned to such. It's also a significant point that these same individuals go around empowering others who abuse occult power for the sake of their own ego's vanity. Oh the abuser's just eat that shit up while those that empower them love the attention they get blinded by their own pride. It's a regular orgy or sucking thing in the words of Buffy like in the video clip. So just need to address those who are attuned and can feel the energy while keeping things relatively light so as not to disturb the mood of the regular folk. Then also deal with those that should know better than empowering certain individuals and make them aware of it so they can watch their P's and Q's or have to deal with similar consequences to their ego. Those are the real problems I've found on this site. Those who can't deal with their ego's and need to save face then brush others off to hide their faults.
Drama. I hear this word thrown around a lot on this site. I often wonder if we are on the same page when defining what it is in context of this site. I like the Urban dictionary definition Drama: A way of relating to the world in which a person consistently overreacts to or greatly exaggerates the importance of benign events.
Typically "drama" is used by people who are chronically bored or those who seek attention.
People who engage in "drama" will usually attempt to drag other people into their dramatic state, as a way of gaining attention or making their own lives more exciting.
If that definition was a glass slipper I think there'd be many on this site that it would fit perfectly.
Now apart from this there is another side to it because there are those that are quite good at provoking people like a tank in an RPG game. They got that shit down and can do it in secret not being noticed in the shadows. You got a few of those here too that do it for no other reason than to play head games with others and often ruins relationships all for their sadistic amusement and profit. You're not has hidden as you think and there will be a price to pay for it. Can't you just hear the mockery among the gossipmongers who are so bold around others. Attention seekers indeed. What about those that empower them all for the sake of their own selfish delight to gain favor.
This scene from the movie "The Craft" just seems to be a very good warning for many members of V.R. to me. Tempers will flare and moods will swing but when it comes to the will that overrides them all what is left? It's been my experience with magick that most cancel out their own will.
Just woke up from one of those dreams where I know I was in a really good place and when I awoke was racking my brain to try and hold onto it but reality just dispelled all traces of it. Well at least it did give me a mood that inspires me to work my creativity.
Tomorrow's payday for me. Been wanting a lot of different things but one of them requires some saving up for. That's a computer. Can't run the software I want on the cheap one I use now. Going to try to save for it which will make for a couple months of roughing it. It is the nature of sacrifice to which is the source of all things from my vantage.
Resident Evil on V.R.. Hmm....Well yes there is a certain spirit above others that I seem to have to deal with. It is empowered by individual pride. It is that ego and pride that seems to empower so much personal magick and then it also blinds them and then they don't see well beyond it. It's that feeling of humiliation they just can't take. Since I am so adamant about seeking truth with my hypersensitive personality and spiritual training I am constantly aware of such things but others just can't take it. Especially when they are vested with so much by others' opinions in a social environment. Yes by far if there is any corruptive power and emotion others crave it is the vanity of pride. Been dealing with some members shit on V.R. for some time now who deliver their power here in their actions. It's not for me to change them but something needs to be done to curb it a bit. I can think of only one thing for it. It tends to sober everyone up real quick. When it comes to energy manipulation backed with a clear will I think there is a great need for it here.
11:37 Sep 01 2022
Also there are those who lie to themselves and know it. There are those who lie to themselves and aren't even aware of it. This is sad to me.
15:45 Sep 01 2022
I like to be checked on it. I know there's only so much you can reveal in a text field and is a problem. So you ever feel I'm blinded about something go ahead and let me know as truth is too important to me. Just try to do it tactfully. ;)