During my journey of awaking I have spoke to many self proclaimed vampyres and many others. Not everyone's symptoms are the same, this I know.
Though I have noticed a lot of people are claiming to feel weak, ill, the feeling of near death when spending the smallest amount inside of the sunlight.
One other even told me she felt like she was beaten with a bag of bricks after spending three minutes in the company of the sun. Even if she is sheltered with an umbrella, she gets the same results.
I see that on vampyre group websites or info sights this symptom is often listed about sunlight.
Sunlight was given as a weakness to the fictional vampire in early writing that is now still passed on today.
Sunlight was the main destruction of the vampire in novels and movies. Much like decapitation, holy water, crosses ect. This is proven.
So if sunlight was given to the novel, folklore, Hollywood vampire as a weakness. Why is it listed in modern day/human vampirism?
I say that I fair well in the sunlight either, but its the cause of something else not my vampirism.
Is it used metaphorically?
Much like when we speak of being a vampyre. Its the only thing that comes close to describe what we are. I have heard people discuss this and half agree that it is one of the symptoms the other half does not.
I have come up with many conclusions on why it could be due to vampirism, but like I said I'm still learning on my own.
Maybe, when the said vampyre feels weak or in need to feed once/if they do travel into the sun it affect them more. Similar to people with sinus or migraine issues who cannot stand bright lights or the sun.
Since they are weak or haven't stable energy they become sensitive to light.
And when one is weak and steps into the sun it does trigger headaches, more weakness, nausea and joint pains. Therefore it gives them the feeling that you have a head cold or flu.
Still learning so for those who know what I'm talking about then you'll understand.
I could never understand why people were so; how should I say, specific on how the word "vampire" or "vampyre" is used in the community to describe modern/human "vampyre"(metaphor) and fictional movie vampire. . I suppose its used as a homonym. Sound the same, two different meanings. Does it even matter how its written anymore when your in group, chat or social media?
Obviously when you are face to face with another vampyre you cannot tell by which wording they use seeing that they both sound the same.
Then again if one speaks of being ten million years old I guess that would give off a clue of which wording they are using ha. Think nothing of this, just speaking my mind at this hour.
I read your page in full, I like your perspective on vampyre. I think a lot of beings on this site are looking and searching for something more; some looking for answers, others are just trying fit in,some to hook up,,,,some wanting the fountain of youth.....and then there is the other....I think you are on track, because you know what works,,,,keep your aura bright
20:37 Nov 19 2017
Like certain animal's there are variants of the humanoid that are more accustomed to the night. Genetically we carry so many traits of our ancestors. Be you vampyre or were, witch or other...those of us experience heightened energy in various levels in various environments and times of the day. My belief is that it is due to our unique mix of ancestry. Both the moon and sun as celestial powerplants offer us energy. Some just absorb one or the other a little better. My 2cents :-).
21:35 Nov 19 2017
I disagree. Vampire weakness to light is purely fictional as stated by the author of the first vampire novel. Hollywood ran with it.
It would be like Therians stating that they had a weakness to sliver. In which the weakness for were animals was sliver as created by their story makers.
Vampirism has nothing to do with sunlight. Those whom state sunlight harms them have an undiagnosed or diagnose disorder that causes there skin to be that sensitive. Sunlight and harming a vampire is only true in movies, myths and stories.
But, thank you for your opinion.
13:35 Nov 20 2017
I agree 100% because I'm very sensitive to light and my skin burns within no time. I turn red peel and turn white again because of my irish white skin and my migraine headaches do make it a nasty feeling for me to be outside in the heat of the day and trust me I miss it very much but it's not like I'm gonna turn to ash if I go out into the sunlight :)