NyklDormir1's Journal

NyklDormir1's Journal


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5 entries this month

"A change in the Wandering Winds."

22:58 Apr 08 2008
Times Read: 548

Hello again, my Dear Die-ary,

I know I have been negelcting you by not writing in so long. But I have great news.......I may be getting a literary agent to help me get some of my stories and maybe my book published.

Oh, I can't think of another time when I have been so....so...........anxious.

Well, if anything new pops up, I'll be back very soon. Until then, ta-ta.

Nykl Dormir




A drink of the Gods.

22:58 Apr 08 2008
Times Read: 549

Dear Die-ary,

I am going to school to be a bartender, and by nine o'clock this Thursday, I will be ready to hire as a professional bartender.

And then, on top of that, I haaavve an aaaaggeeeennnnt. Yes, I have a literary agent, aaannnddd, she would like me to send in my manuscript in immediately. So, Yyyyeeeeaa!!!!!!!!!!!

Au wiedersehen, meine kleine.

Nykl Dormir




"A second shadow on the pathway."

22:54 Apr 08 2008
Times Read: 550

Dear Die-ary,

I know that is has been some time since my last entry. For this, I am sorry, but I have been busy with my new companion as I mentioned in my last account. Though I have been busy, enough so that I have been kept away from you for as long as it has been, I have been meaning to return to you and record my thoughts and....emotions, strangely.....

Despite, or rather in spite of, my actions and transgressions against you, I have missed speaking with you. Anyway, about my reason for coming back to you.....I think...I believe..........that I am actually willing to forsake my existence and sacrifice my being for another.......In fact, it is the companion I found that I find myself willingto whom to give everything no matter the cost to me. Is this normal? Am I 'normal'? Could this possibly be love, or is it just some illusion? Some trick of the mind that is making me feel as if I must give my entire being to keep this fallen angel safe from harm and the things that would steal her innocence from her, as well as snatch her from my grasp.

Do you know what has become of me? What power.........entity.......thing....has possessed me with such adamant feelings towards the goddess that I love nothing more than to wake up next to?

I hope.....hope...such a useless word......I hope that I am able to overcome this power that holds me its prisoner and free myself from the overwhelming weight that threatens to crush me beneath the coming tides of what some may call love.

Help me, my sweet. I do not know how much longer I can last against the crashing waves that stagger my thoughts. Goodbye.....

Nykl D.




My Life: Welcome to the Seventh Circle.

22:54 Apr 08 2008
Times Read: 551

Dear Die-ary,

I spent several hours today, attempting to think of a reason NOT to write this , but I feel...obligated to ask you this question of mine. Why do those who consider themselves the mainstream "normal" think of me and others like me as "fucking freaks" as they say to our faces?

They say things like the aforementioned name and other, more deeply harmful, things that no one, not even their "Almighty God", should say to another, despite appearance, despite lifestyle, despite their existence. Why are people like the sterotypical high school jock allowed to continue on with their pitiful excuse of a life when they tread on every other being like the ground they use to walk on? Do they not see people like me?

I have many a time contemplated rash actions that would wipe the smirk they wear as they stomp on my face, that would actually wipe their face off, truthfully. It's not so much a bubbling ball of pure hatred and anger that burns a large hole into my stomach, but more of a heavy weight, like a lead bearing, that sinks lower into my abdomen, beginning to rot and fester as each second passes.

Why, I ask you, must people like myself be subjected to treatment like we are lower than the hard-working ant and our tormentors the child with his magnifying glass? Why must we be the ones who bite the hand that feeds? Are we not the same beings as those who torment us, despite our differences in appearance and nature?

I resign myself from this quest to discover the answers to my questions, in search of something more pleasant and sweet in context. Until next our paths cross...adieu.





Just a walk through the park.

22:53 Apr 08 2008
Times Read: 552

Dear Die-ary,

How are you? I, myself, am not as good as I would hope. I have run into many a snag in the time since my last entry, many of which I am unsure as to list...except one. I believe I have found a new companion with which to stroll through the park that some call the darkening night. She has shown me she is very much like me, one who finds oneself at home in the lonesome dark cavern know as our lives.

Perhaps this is a test, set before me by some cruel deity meaning to cause me strife so they can see how far they can stretch my limits. I do not know. What I do know, is that times and moments like the ones I am being given each day that scamper by, I seem to lose a peice of my once complete soul; all I seem to possess now is a shattered window that once held out the cold. Now it is broken and the blizzard is streaming in through the hole.

I hope I can find solice against the torrent of wintry emotions that seem to be burying me to my neck like a mountain avalanche. Well, my dear, I must retire for the night. Good bye.




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