I gained a lot of levels since I got on earlier tod-...well I guess it would be yesterday...so yeah.
I'm just happy to be giving favor to my coven...slowly but surely.
I've got myself wrapped up in a coven.
It looks like it will be a nice place to gather myself and see what I would like to do from here. I'm not one to leave covens anyway...I ride with the good times and the bad.
So much clicking and rating...
The vr leveling system has always been a grind for me....once I hit 20 I'll slow down...maybe...I hate being such a low level.
Things have been looking up...Yet, I still feel like my world is caving in...
I know I should be on medication for my depression but I can't stand the way I feel when I take it...I feel like a zombie and that I'm not in control...
I'm obviously a new user. I do plan on being active though. So I wouldn't mind getting picked up by a mentorship soon, that would be nice.
My profile will be a WIP until I am able to think of/assemble enough things to fill it up.
I'll try and keep an active journal as well, but that depends on the amount of things I have to talk about at any given time.
'ello :)
Hello, and thank you both for stopping by. :)
Welcome hun