The profiles at the Rave I find fascinating.
There are many very talented people about.
Some show original drawings, sketches or photos.
Some do amazing coding.
I recall when I started how I didn't have a clue...
I have a little more of a clue these days how to
Make a stamp, or set up a profile,
Wish I could learn how to code better lol
00:41 May 16 2014
Trial and error and great amounts of patience. I never start into a coding project if I am pressed for time.
04:09 May 16 2014
I've learned a lot as well, yet I'm still a computard.
05:21 May 18 2014
I learn everyday something new.
06:05 May 18 2014
Knowing you I am sure you will master it sooner than you think.
13:09 Oct 17 2014
i dont think its about coding but originality
22:51 Dec 16 2014
It's more....decoding, then copy/paste ;) Trust me, not as difficult as you may think, but keep the Tylenol handy!