Nimtae's Journal


Honor: 0    [ Give / Take ]


18 entries this month

Dialouge: Shhh

00:56 Sep 30 2011
Times Read: 415


'What is it now?'


'what is it?'

'Grace me with strength! It's gone!'

'What is?'

'That sound I just heard.'

'I didn't hear a sound. All I heard was you shushing me.'

'You failed to obey the shushing.'

'Anyway. What was the sound you heard?'

'What was it or where did it originate from or what sound did the sound actually make?'

'Can you mimic the sound you heard?'

'You're getting better at this.'


'There it is again! Do you not hear it?!'

'Here what!?'

'THAT just then!'

'I only heard your exclamations.'

'Just shush and you might be able to hear it.'

Some time later...

'Did you hear it?'

'I only heard silence.'

'It's great isn't it?'




01:33 Sep 30 2011

silence is golden... and duct tape is silver ; )

01:53 Sep 30 2011

I like it. :)


Dialogue: Hey!

16:42 Sep 27 2011
Times Read: 428



"What you doing?"



"Yes, that's right."

"Why are you doing nothing?"

"Because, I am talking to you."

"Are you implying that I am nothing?"

"No. You have already implied that."


"By saying what you just said."

"By asking, 'How'?"


"Well, then I ask again, How?"

"..... I have no words."

"You lie!"


"You just had words!"

"Yes, words of nothingness."

"Argh! :/"




Dialogue: Pissy Cereal

16:41 Sep 27 2011
Times Read: 429

" I see you have been at it again. I thought you would have stopped your utterly stupid gestures of moronic delusions. Do you really think that you actually contribute anything to society? I mean, the best combo that you could ever come up with is plunging into a bathtub of water and dropping a plugged in toaster afterwards. But, I'm sure you would manage to bung that up as well. "

" Who pissed in your Captain Crunch this morning?"

"I should have pissed in my cereal, seeing as there was no milk!"

"That is not my fault."

"And why is that?"

"I gave you the money to buy milk, but you did not buy it."

"Oh, yeah, I bought a toaster instead."

"Oh god.




Dialogue: Recalcitrant Ache

16:40 Sep 27 2011
Times Read: 430

"How are you?"

"Things have been better."

"Something wrong?"

"Considering that I said things have been better, yes."

"What is the matter?"

"I ache."



"Is there something I can do to help?"

"There is nothing you can do."

"I can try."

"I know, but I would prefer if you did not."


"Do not question me."

"But, I want to help."

"You can not."

"Only because you won't let me."

"Only because I know that you are unable too."

"Because you prevent me."

"You prevent yourself, by failing to realise."

"Are you saying that my help is not good enough?"

"If I were to accept your help, then I would be debted to you."

"You say that like it's a bad thing."

"It is."


"I do not like repaying people."

"I would not expect repayment."

"Yes, you would."


"If you were to help me, then I would have to relay back to you how your help was or was not being of use."

"Not really. I don't mind what you choose to do with my help."

"Yes, you do."

"I do?"

"Yes, otherwise you would not have offered to help in the first place. Just by you offering shows that you are indeed interested to know the outcome of said help."

"If you reckon that much, then surely you also know that my intentions are good."

"As well as your intentions might be good, I still must decline."

"If you were to allow my help, then you would be helping me as well."

"Think about what you just said."


"Good vassal."

"Why can't you give me a try?"

"You would consume me, if I were to touch you."

"You don't have to touch me."

“Yes, that is right, I do not have to touch you.”

“I can feel you from a over a thousand miles.”

“And I can feel you affecting me.”

“Then accept my All.”

“That is what I crave.”

"Then devour me!"

"I would not want to stop."

"I wouldn't want you to stop."

"I know. That is what I fear."

"There is nothing to fear in me."

"Aye, but there is."


"I fear that what I see in you is what I see in myself forever."

"So, you do know what I hold for you."

"I always have, for I've known it also in myself, for just as long."

"Why do you not allow yourself to give into it?"

"It would only make me want you more."

"Is that possible?"

"I would like to find out."

"Then let's find out!"

"But, I also enjoy resisting you."

"Your resistance creates an ache deep inside me."

"I know and I enjoy it."

"I like it when you enjoy me. I revel in aching for you."

"I want to make you ache more."

"And I want to take all of your ache."

"I can not allow that."

"Is it because you care?"

"Again, do not question me."

"I'm sorry"

"So you should be."

"It's just that...."

"Go on..."

"...I am sure that if we surrendered ourselves to each other, then we would embark on Divinity."

"How sure of that are you?"





Dialogue: Letter

16:36 Sep 27 2011
Times Read: 431

“Did you get my letter?”

“What letter?”

“I sent you a letter.”

“You did?”


“When did you send it?”

“Whilst you were away.”

“I have not checked my post yet.”

“Oh. I see. Guess I ruined that surprise then.”

“You sending me a letter is a surprise?”

“Yes, don’t you think so?”

“No. It’s only a letter.”

“You don’t even know what is written in the letter. How can you think it holds no importance?”

“I think that because you wrote it.”

“So, you think my words aren’t important?”

“On rare occasions they are.”

“What is a rare occasion?”

“When you say, ‘I agree with you.”




Dialogue: One Word.

16:34 Sep 27 2011
Times Read: 432

"Come see me."





























(This is a total display of me... playing with myself, mentally speaking of course!)




Dialogue: Commit Yourself.

16:32 Sep 27 2011
Times Read: 433

"I've been thinking..."

"Oh no, please, not this again."

"But, I really have been thinking, just like you told me too."

"You actually did what I have suggested?"

"Yes, now hush up, so I can think to you."

"You scare me."

"I've been thinking that maybe not everyone thinks the same."


"What I mean is that I have thought that everyone thinks that everyone else knows that any of them actually thinks that much differently, but in that respect, they are thinking the same... everyone does it."

"You petrify me."

"So, you see, that is why everyone thinks, because everyone else thinks the same, but in different ways."

"If you do not leave my sight right this instant, I will be forced to call the philosophy society."

"Did you want to use my mobile?"

"Alright, can I use it to Happy Slap you too?"

"You'll send me the vidtxt yes?"

"You just offered me your mobile..."

"I did?"

"'Hello, I would like to commit someone to your mental institution, please.'"

(Even though I wrote this some years ago now, it still makes me chuckle).




Dialogues: Natural

16:30 Sep 27 2011
Times Read: 434

“Have you… ever?”

“No reason to.”

“Of course there is ‘reason’.”

“There is?”

“Yes. It’s a natural thing! Everyone does it!”

“But, maybe that is not the right reason for me?”

“Everyone’s reason is the same along those kind of lines.”

“Why? Because, it is a ‘natural’ thing to do?”

“Well, yes, why shouldn’t that reason be a good enough reason?”

“I did not say it was not a good enough reason; I had only questioned if everyone’s reasons were only because it is a ‘natural’ thing to do.”

“Isn’t that the ‘natural’ thing to do, to say that it is the natural thing to do?”

“Doing the natural thing and only saying it is the natural thing are two different things.”

“But, they are one in the same, one can say that it is also the ‘natural’ thing to deny the natural urges we have, like what you are doing now.”

“I am not in denial.”

“You aren’t?”


“So, have I persuaded you into ‘doing it’?”

“Doing what?”

“You know, what you said you had no reason to do. It is only natural after all…”

“I am still trying to figure out what is the right reason for me. I can not do things on the basis that it is only ‘natural’ for everyone else…”

“There is nothing in which to figure out. Nature will urge you, tempt you and there will be no stopping it. You are not immune.”

“But, if it is against my Will, then my Will shall not allow it.”

“How well do you know your own Will?”

“Pretty well.”



“Just the simple fact that you are denying yourself something that is so ‘natural’ is against your Will. Your Will wants it, but your mind just can not accept it. Your ‘Will’ is the most natural thing.”

“But, is that not only ‘natural’ to say that one’s Will is the most natural thing?”


“Why not?”

“Most mortals do not even consider their Will. They only concern themselves with how society perceives them. So, they worry about the thought of other’s Wills towards them.”

“I can not believe you have extracted these thoughts based on the subject of me not having any reason to ‘do it’.”

“What can I say, sex is natural!”

“I was not meaning ‘sex’.”





(This piece has always brought a smile to my face. Not only was it entertaining to know both sides of the personas, but satisfying. Bantering back and forth in one's mind surely does open many many doors.)




Dialogues: The Darkside of Sliced Bread

16:27 Sep 27 2011
Times Read: 435

“I am the greatest thing since sliced bread!”

“How do you figure that?”

“Well, sliced bread is great. People always associate it with goodness.”

“Is there a darkside to sliced bread?”


“There is?”

“The Death Mold.”

“Why do I let myself continue to speak with you?”

“Because, you can’t resist me.”

“No, it’s not that.”

“Then what do you think the reason is?”

“It is because you resist me.”

“I do?”


“How’s that?”

“By letting the ‘friendship’ of our ‘bread’ get stale.”

“So, The Death Mold hasn’t gotten hold of it yet?”

“Not yet.”

“Did you want to prevent that from happening?”

“Not sure.”

“Why aren’t you sure?”

“I know how pointless it would be either way.”

“What do you mean?”

“Even if I wanted to prevent our bread from being taken over by Death Mold, I am not sure how many pieces I would be able to save. ”

“How many pieces did you want to save?”

“A full loaf.”

“Even the end bits?”

“All or nothing.”

“White bread or wheat bread?”

“It does not matter.”

“Why not?”

“My toaster is broken anyway."




Dialogues: Email and Instant Messages

16:24 Sep 27 2011
Times Read: 436

(I got to thinking how the Internet does have it's bad points. While it can be great for communications, it can also be notorious for breaking down the same relationships that were formed over the Internet or keeping irl relationships intact through the Internet. So, the following dialogue is an example of that. Yes, I'm using fictional dialogue again in order to get a point across. And if it's relevant to you, then just read it and move on -- this isn't a flame board.)

"How long have you known me?"


"So, why can you not email me to see how I am doing?"

"Well, I see you online on Instant Messenger"

"OK. Why do you not you IM me?"

"Why don't you IM me?"



"So, the way I see this situation, is that even though we've known each other for years, you can not be bothered to email or IM me, but you do not care enough to bring the matter in question up to me?"

"Why are you making a big deal out of this?"

"Because, it is a big deal to me."

"Everything is a big deal to you."

"Given that you think that about me, how come you can not think enough 'OF' me to be more considerate in regards to knowing that everything being a 'big deal' to me?"

"I just figure that you will eventually just 'deal' with it and move on."

"But, how can I just 'deal' with it and move on... I mean.. everything is such a BIG 'deal' to me that it's often too heavy a load for me to carry."

"Why do you always make things more complicated than they are? All this because I havn't emailed you or IM'd you?"

"You say that as if you are surprised...and to think that it was you that said, 'Everything is a big deal to me'. Did you not know this was coming?"

"I wasn't expecting to hear from you at all."

"Why is that?"

"Because you never email me or IM me to see how I am doing"

"Well, at least we agree on something."

"It would seem."

"So, answer me this... If we hardly speak, then how come we have known each other for years?"


"So, that is all I am to you? Habit?"

"Trying to quit you is like trying to quit smoking."

"How is that?"

"Normally, one always has a puff or two whilst trying to quit and then they slowly get back into the habit."

"You know, after having this conversation, maybe we both need to get a 'patch'."

"Mmm, you know, after having this conversation, I'm gonna have a ciggeratte."

"You should stop smoking. I have."





Dialogue: Round-a-bout

16:18 Sep 27 2011
Times Read: 437

“I thought about you today.”



“In what way?”

“In a roundabout way.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, you know what a roundabout is, yes?”

“Yes, it’s a traffic circle.”

“That’s right. Where people go around a circle to get to the other side.”

“So, how did you think about me in a roundabout way then?”

“I was driving over one and thought how I have to talk in circles in order to get to the other side of you.”

“Would you prefer a four-way intersection?”

“I would prefer a direct link.”

“That offers an express service?”

“That offers you bound and gagged in one of the carriages.”

“Am I on one of the carts they use in which to offer refreshments?”

“You would be chained to it.”

“Would it gleam a wonderful metal glint?”

“It would radiate your beauty.”

“You’d catch me from rolling down the aisle going up a steep hill, wouldn’t you?”

“Why, you do not know?”

“Know what?”

“I my dear, have already ‘caught’ you.”

“Oh, I say…”





Dialogue: Darkend Submission

16:14 Sep 27 2011
Times Read: 438

'Don't lock me up in silence.'

'I perfer you that way.'

'Don't take away the keys.'

'You will not be needing them.'

'How can you do this to me?'

'There is no how, as I already did.'

'But, it's dark...'

'The darkness will allow you to find yourself.'

'I don't want to be found.'

'I know where you are.'

'Then why lock me up in silence?'

'I pefer to watch your actions, than to hear your words.'

'If it is dark, then how can you watch me?'

'Your movements are hard to miss.'

'They are?'

'The way your feet shuffle, the sounds of your heavy breathing as it penatrates the air and the endearing way your chains clink against the bars.'

'You can see all that in the dark?'

'The radiance of your submission is very reflective. The darkness enhances that submission.'

'Light would enhance submission more, yes?'

'It would enhance it to those that are not able to see that submission in the dark.'

'You want me all to yourself.'

'Of course.'

'I'm lonely here.'

'You are not lonely, as I am right here with you.'

'But, you are on the other side of these cold steel bars. My hands behind my back. My flesh tingling with an urge that you are not near enough to fullfill.'

'But, I am right here with you.'

'You aren't close enough.'

'But, I am the closest I have ever been to you.'

'And this is the deepest submission that I have ever given you.'

'Are you sure about that?'


'You do not remember?'


'Look at me.'


'...Now, do you remember?'


'Good my vassal.'




Dialogue: Trust me

16:11 Sep 27 2011
Times Read: 439

'...you should stay...'

'Why? I'm fine.'

'No, you are not fine.'

'Trust me, I'm fine.'

'No, Trust me, I have a bad feeling that you are not fine.'

'I am telling you that I am fine. Are you now telling me that you do not trust me enough to believe what I feel?'

'OK. Now, I really do know that you are not fine.'

'Trust me, I am fine!'

'Well... can you trust me to know, that I still have a bad feeling that you are not fine?'

'How about we just trust each other on this one?'

'mmm, well if you are sure.'

'Tru..wait.. yes, I'm sure.'

'Anyway, you should still stay.'


'I just think that you need to stay.'


'Because, it's nice here.'

'And where I need to be is nice too.'


'But... what?'

'I still think that you just need to stay.'

'Would me staying solve anything?'

'How would we find out, if you do not stay *to* find out?'

'Listen, I don't need to stay.'

'Why not?'

'I just think that I don't need to stay here.'


'Because, the longer I stay here, then the longer I'll have to miss you when I go away.'

'But, if you *just* stay here, then you will not have to miss me at all.'

'Trust me, it's best I leave.'

'Trust you?'

'Oh, not this again...'





Dialogue: Worry. Something. Nothing or Nothing Something?

16:10 Sep 27 2011
Times Read: 440

(Dialogues are what I use in format as a way to inspire certain forms of thinking. I take two personas and let them speak as they normally would and then study how the two have interacted. This is also a good method for many things, not just developing characters, well not only in this life mind you.)



'Do you ever have little things that bother you?'

'Do you really want me to answer that?'

'Oh! Not me, silly!'


'You know, little things that bother you, like worrying over nothing over something.'

'Maybe you actually mean, worrying something over nothing.'

'Well, no, that isn't what I mean, but I suppose the something worrying over can be nothing.'

'No. That does not make sense.'

'Why not?'

'If one is worrying over something is nothing, then what is the acutal thing that is being worried over, the something, the nothing or the fact that the worrying itself is nothing?'

'Well, do you think that worrying itself is nothing?'

'Worrying is not acutally *anything* it is merely an act, a release of pending concern.'

'So, it *is* something then.'

'Depends if it is being done over something and that something is not a nothing.'


'Stop it.'

'So, you never did answer my question: Do you ever have little things that bother you?'

'We all do.'

'Well, I am asking you.'

'Hmmm, and I can not say *you*, right?'






The Volkharian: Death is Near

15:51 Sep 27 2011
Times Read: 442

“You turn your head quick, Anguis or is that your heart sinking back to its mortal depth?” Caldo says with a snicker.

Anguis slowly turns his gaze to the snickering red dragon and replies, ‘You not know of my heart.’

“What hold does this creature have over you? She would have made a fine feast, had it not been for your interference!”

The red dragon stretches his grey wings upward and out, his talons planted firmly on the ground and sulks closer to the girl. Anguis quickly reaches out his arm, his claws skipping over the leather straps that bind the girl’s body, slashing the straps, and cutting the rope that allows the freedom of her arms. Sliding his arms under the weak girl, he picks her up and cradles her turning to Caldo and spits out, ‘Regard this as my payment for killing your Elder.’

Caldo widens his dark green beady eyes, raising his head to several feet above Anguis’ mere seven foot height and rumbles out, ‘Fortunate for you, mortal lover, I behold Honour above feeding.’ Caldo retracts his large wingspan, watching carefully as Anguis tenderly loosens the blindfold, causing the thorns to fall from the girl’s face.

Anguis hoists the girl’s limp body over his left shoulder, turning frontal to the red dragon and says, ‘Fortune is bountiful with you, for your Honour has finally shown through, my friend.’

Caldo lids his eyes over the pair and retorts, ‘I am positive that a bounty of that creature in my belly would have also been fortunate.’

Anguis smiles warmly and turns his back to the red dragon, taking a couple of steps forward towards the edge of the forest and says over his right shoulder, ‘It’s time.’

Caldo sighs softly, a look of distaste on his sunken scarred face and gathers his wings and follows the shape-shifter into the forest, ‘Can I eat the next mortal?’

Anguis chuckles softly and replies, ‘If they anger me.’

Caldo growls low before letting out a huff of annoyance and exclaims, ‘If that is so the case, then I shall never get to eat!’

They walk deeper into the forest, Anguis narrows his eyes and whispers, ‘You will eat, trust me, in time, you will eat.’ Anguis caresses the girl’s ankles, noticing the whelp marks, ‘And the time will be soon.’

Caldo walks behind Anguis, eyeing up the girl noticing her blood stained face, her arms dangling down Anguis’ back, suddenly he feels more alert to their surroundings. He thinks to himself, ‘There is something about this creature that awakens a different calling to me than hunger.’ Caldo continues to stride behind, moving peering eyes side to side, his senses perked.

At mid-moon the pair decided that it would be a good time to rest, for they were almost through the forest. Caldo jumped into an overhanging thick tree branch and rested his back up against the trunk, looking down at Anguis, watching him prop the girl against the bottom trunk of the great Orpis tree. Anguis reaches his hand into his pouch and pulls out a glass bottle of a greenish liquid, placing it to the girl’s lips. He brushes the hair off her forehead and urges with the tip of the bottle to her mouth. She flutters her eyes open, looking woefully up at him and whispers, ‘Thank you.’ She gently places her lips on tip of the bottle, letting her swollen fingers move across his as she takes the bottle in full, gulping the sweet liquid down.

Caldo hears the girl’s soft voice and remarks, ‘I have never heard those words from the mouth of a mortal before.’

Anguis carefully watches the girl, as she holds the glass bottle carefully in her small hands, ‘I have. Long ago, I heard those words.’

The moon rays beamed down through the leaves of the budding orpis trees. Yellow kaliana flowers blossomed their sweet apple like fragrance mixing with the gentle breeze from the north. The girl closes her eyes, resting her head against the tree, her breathing slow and relaxed as her hold on the bottle begins to loosen, allowing it to tumble towards the ground. Anguis quickly reaches a long arm out, catching the bottle before placing it back into his purple silk pouch.

Caldo snickers softly and says, ‘Good to see you haven’t lost your reflexes, shape-shifter.’

Anguis curls his lips into a wide grin, ‘Unlike your sense of humour, dragon.’

‘I have plenty of humour, you just fail to see it most of the time.’

‘I believe the truth is that you fail to produce it most of the time.’

‘I’m over 98 yarns old. Humour makes my bones rattle.’

‘Yes, and that rattling is called ‘laughing’, my friend.’

Caldo glances his eyes upward to the sky, letting out a small huff as he tries not to let Anguis see his grin.

Anguis chuckles upward to his dragon friend. ‘When shall we make headway?’ Anguis gently eases his hand on top of the girl’s head, stroking her hair softly, as he squats down beside her he takes his other hand and lifts up her hands, examining them.

‘ The bones in her hands are broken. Her fingers are swollen. She has whelp marks on her legs and her face is scratched with dried blood. Her hair looks as though it has been ripped from her scalp, strands are missing.’ Anguis looks up to the red dragon and narrows his eyes as he continues, ‘We have to replenish her health; we need to summon a healer.’

Caldo peers down at his friend and says in a soothing manner, ‘Anguis, this is most unlike you, to have such strong emotion so quickly over a mortal.’

Caldo swoops down from the top trunk, landing perfectly on his talons, gathering his wings to be able to get close enough to the girl to inspect her further. He sniffs her, smelling the blood on her, ‘She hasn’t lost much blood, only what is remaining on her face.’ Caldo gently places a thin claw on the girl’s throat, tracing to her jugular vein, feeling the slow thump-thump getting slower.

Anguis asks softly, ‘Will the teala drink have helped?’

Caldo looks to his friend, ‘If she is human, it should have helped her to keep conscience by now.’

Anguis quickly turns around, ‘What do you mean, ‘if she is human’?’

Caldo shakes his dark head, ‘She is not human, for the teala hasn’t improved her condition.’

Anguis turns to his friend, clenching his fists tightly at his sides, ‘Explain. Now.’

Caldo downcasts his sunken eyes, carefully wrapping his claws around the girl’s small wrists encasing them with his claws as he slowly moves upwards, examining more of her bone structure.

“Teala is extracted from mortal genes and once it is digested by a mortal then the healing affects of the mutated DNA increases the oxygen in the mortal blood that increases the immune system which is then able to fight off infection at a quicken rate.” Caldo continues to move his claws over the girl’s shoulders before replacing them on her thighs, gently using the curve of the underside of his claws as he glides across her skin.

‘If she is not full mortal, then what is she?’ Anguis gives his friend a concern look.

“She will be dead soon that is certain.”

“Caldo, we can not let her die! Summon a healer, now!”

Caldo tenderly moves his arms over the girl, picking her up and holding her close to his feathery chest, ‘The summoning would take time. I shall fly to the healer, which will not take as much time.’ He stands to his full height, spanning his wings to and jumps into the air, his bellowing wings blocking the moon rays, ‘You want her to live, then I must fly.’

Anguis waves his hand and exclaims, ‘Be gone!’

Caldo begins to slowly flap his wings, soaring higher into the air. The girl’s head supported by his strong chest, her legs dangling over his arm.

Anguis peers upward as they fly off into the distance, getting a sudden pang in his chest and whispers out loud, ‘Your reward will be a feast, my friend’

He gathers himself and begins to run through the rest of the forest. His strong legs picking up a quicker pace, as he exits the forest, looking straight head, a determined strength pumping his thick thighs. The moon begins to settle behind the horizon, knowing his time is short, he engages his cloaking device and disappears into the air.




Unexpecting Trust

15:45 Sep 27 2011
Times Read: 443

The trees towered over her, as she walked through the forest. Leaves crunched softly under her feet, as she inhaled the sweet smell of Autumn. She knew the forest well, every grassy path and woodland creature. Everyday, she would stroll through, greeting the trees, knowing that they would always be there. She was so confident of this that she would on occasion blindfold herself, which caused her great excitement, feeling the forest, without the added distraction of admiring the scenic views.

One afternoon, while she was on a blindfolded stroll; she sensed something different. She shrugged it off and thought to herself that maybe the woodland creatures were taking time off and sleeping. Reaching out her hands, she felt the rough bark of her favourite tree and wrapped her arms around tightly, enjoying the earthy feel of natural strength.

The forest was still, only the sound of her relaxed breathing filled the air around her. As she embraced the tree, she leaned her head against the trunk. She thought of all the times she had been at the tree; it's beauty awe-inspiring, it's height overwhelming. She enjoyed feeling so small compared to such a wonderment of nature, as it's reaching branches protected her from the wild winds.

She continued to get lost in her own thoughts, not realizing that she was being watched a few feet away.

He had also enjoyed the forest. But he normally visited at night. He loved the night air as it rustled the leaves, loosening them just enough from the branches, that come the morning breeze, they would float sideways down upon the forest floor. He would watch the nocturnal creatures, as they sulked from their holes. He liked watching them as they scavaged amongst the decay and ugly things rotting in buried places.

He had seen her come into the forest once before. She was passing through, just as he was coming in for his nightly fix. He was taken aback by the amount of trust she held in the Forest. He also knew the Forest well and enjoyed watching her, as the breeze gently kicked up her hair, making it sway, tumbling down her back. He noticed her smooth skin, as her hands petted the shrubs in which he hid behind. He was so close, close enough to reach out and grab her, but he knew there would be another time.

He carefully crept behind her, moving his feet swiftly and quietly.

She had no idea what was coming towards her. No idea that an admirer from afar was about to strike her and take her right then.

Even though she trusted the forest; she couldn't trust the things that entered and exited just as freely as her.


Can you spot the 'point'?





15:02 Sep 27 2011
Times Read: 444



Extracting Chaos with intended Will

00:07 Sep 27 2011
Times Read: 445

“I have nothing left to give you! I’ve told you time and time again that there is nothing I can do for you now.”

“My sweet, there is something that you possess that I want and I shan’t leave here, till I am in possession of it.”

She looks up at him, narrowing her eyes, clenching her fists behind her back, twitching her shoulders at an increased rate, struggling to loosen the ropes that bind her.

“I have nothing left in which to possess. You have tainted my innocence. You have dismantled my ideas. You have tarnished my virtues. You have eradicated my dreams. You have slashed away at every moral fibre and now I am bound before you without Honour, pride or dignity. I am before you naked in morality, stripped of all mortal concern and bruised by wicked intentions.”

He slowly stands up, walking around her, inspecting her, as if she was some item left on a shop shelf. But, it’s widely known that he has already had this particular item and has returned it many times before.

But, no one knew why he kept returning it.

“You speak of me as if I am dark monster, when all I have done is to protect you.”

“Protect me?” She raises her brow, her soft grey eyes darkening as she lets out a soft growl.

He chuckles low to himself before replying, “Why, little one, why is it that you growl? Do you sense danger near?”

“The danger is you.” she told him through clenched teeth.

He takes the tip of his index finger and traces the outline of her jaw, bending low towards her ear he whispers, “I am only what you have allowed me to become. You created me. You summoned me from the depths of my internal sleep to come and aid you and that I have. Now, I only want what continues to keep me here.”

She jerks her head away, her hair falling over her shoulders, covering her bare breasts. “You did not have to answer the summon.”

“Yes, this is true; however, I did, so talking about what could have or not could have been is rather pointless now, my sweet.” He grins wryly as he floats his hand to the top of her head, taking a strand of her raven hair between his fingers and letting it slowly slip through.

She lowers her head, as she feels her heartbeat begin to race, her chest heaving she softly says, “After all the emotional torment that I suffered within this poor bruised body, you still have some sort of power over me, and still, I can not find the strength in order to resist you.”

He stands behind her, continuing to lift the soft strands of hair, letting them slip through his fingers, taking his free hand, he gently places it at the base of her neck, letting his claws rest lightly on her jugular vein and sternly says, “The moment you murmured my name aloud, I was already here. The moment you thought of my name, I knew you had no fear of me, so why fear now?”

She casts her eyes downward, eying the position of his hand on her neck and softly whispers, “I fear what I see now. I did not fear what was seen then.”

He tightens his grip around her neck, his claw pressing harder against her jugular vein, his voice sounding low and deep, “And that is why I am here to protect you, because you have that fear. Don’t fool yourself in thinking that you had no fear before, for that was the basis on why you summoned me to begin with.”

She reaches out her neck, straining against his grasp, she lets out a weak whimper. Her arms numb from her tight bindings, she struggles again, risking the fate of her life, as his claw sinks deeper into her flesh with each attempted struggle.

“If there is something that I still possess and you wish to have it, then I shall endeavour to make sure that you do not take it whilst I am still alive.” Her chest expands suddenly as she twists her body from side to side, in a poor attempt at trying to loosen the ropes with her quick movements.

He lessens his grip, as not to allow his sharp claw to puncture her vein. He continues to hold her neck, feeling her writhe within his grasp, he smirks as he feels a rapid flow of emotional energies swell up into him, casting away the present moment into a soft lull of silent chaos, filling him with an increased passion, a yearning to possess the only thing she has left.

As she continues to struggle, she notices that he has removed his claw and realises that he doesn’t want her death after all….

She becomes still, raising her head and straightening her back against the studded steel pole and says, “My Chaos that is what you want. You want to feel my chaos, because it sensates you."

He looks down at her, letting his hand creep onto her shoulder, as he continues to stroke the delicate strands of her hair, “The chaotic nature of your Will, is what I am precisely after, my sweet.”

A loud gasp is heard from her partly open mouth as her movements cease, almost as much as her breathing.

“Do What Thy Wilt Shall be the Whole of the Law.”


I must say, I get a great sense of accomplishment when I can composes pieces based on actual experiences. Quite euphoric!



01:39 Sep 30 2011

I loved this (=

10:42 Sep 30 2011

I'm glad to see that my uh... experience... was able to be transformed into words that brought you pleasure.

The things we can achieve as we struggle to recoup!


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