1. (You are as you are) Reverse 3 of Cups-Lord of Abundance[Independence, alone time, partying, "3 is a crowd"]
Signifies need of alone time and regrouping. If stressed this card asks that you take time off to recuperate. Reconnect with loved ones, let your hair down, and have a good time.
2. (Are you on the correct path?)Princess of Pentacles[manifestation, financial opportunity, skill development]
You are focused on manifesting a goal or dream and welcoming new opportunities. This card encourages learning something new or acquiring new skills.
3. (What is the main obstacle?) Four of Swords: Lord of Rest from Strife [Contemplation, recuperation, passivity, relaxation, rest] Now is time to rest after a crisis and before a new challenge..This card tells us now is time to reevaluate life and gather our mental strength. Reflect and relax.
4. (What is helping me?)Two of Cups: Lord of Love[unified love, partnership, mutual attraction] Represents synergy between yourself and another(others).
5. (What progress can be made?)Nine of Pentacles: Lord of Material Gain [Abundance, luxury, self-sufficiency, financial independence] This card indicates I have worked hard to achieve what I have in life and that I should enjoy the fruits of my labor. Re-energize before the final phase of tasks at hand.
Also symbolizes a harmony with nature.