Tomorrow cannot come fast enough for me! Get to RP with my best friends and forget the real world for a few hours. There is nothing like it for having fun then sleeping like a baby. My family thinks I'm a bit crazy but hey I always have been and I'm comfortable there.
In the meantime, we've been getting out the fall decorations and putting up the summer stuff. A tiny bit of Halloween is sneaking in too but most of it will be out next month. It's fun to celebrate and watch the cat go crazy trying to get to it all. lol
In bad news I tried to use my Rainbow vacuum could not get the carpet sweeper part to run so I guess it's find a repairman to take a look at it and pray it's repairable. Nearly 6 grand for that thing and all the attachments and it's only been 4 years but I suspect my niece who hates using it got pissed and might have kicked it a time or two. Here's hoping it's just a minor thing but the brush won't turn and the belt is still good and in place. Seems there's always something to be fixed in this household.
Went to church this morning and it all started off nutty! The kids are ready to kill each other before the car doors are even shut then sitting in the line for their breakfast my sister finds she's left her phone so get the food then back home then get behind every slow poking Sunday driver. Are we all running late to church now? But apparently the church's clock was as off as my own because we were 1 minute to spare after I dropped them off at the door then parked and came in myself. The service itself was good, talking about controlling our own tongues and not speaking bad about or to other folks. A lot of prayer for upcoming missions especially those going over near the war zone in Europe. Afterwards we had Sunday school class and it beginning with Mark and it's interesting as it's considered the first book of the gospel to be written.
After the services were over we got home where I had put some side dishes on to cook while we were at church. Then to the funeral home where a friend was having the funeral for her 44 year old son who died suddenly this week from a stroke A healthy family man then bam dead. Yes he was saved and that is a true gift for his family to know that but it doesn't keep you from grieving. We just spent a few minutes there with our friend then headed out to another local church that was hosting the family and friends for a meal. We brought in our stuff as well as helped others to unload their food and supplies then we helped set it all up and make coffee before clearing out before the guests started getting there.
So a long day and pretty sad in so many ways.
23:14 Sep 08 2023
:) Let's kill everything!!! lol
04:20 Sep 09 2023