Nightgame's Journal

Nightgame's Journal


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11 entries this month

Reeling off from my brain

02:00 Oct 26 2007
Times Read: 984

I have been a bit quiet of late and that's just due to me and the mood I'm in. A bit depressed and a lot of blah. But tonight's news blew me up well and good. President Bush visited the California disaster area from the fires today with their Govenor. He was quick to point out the differences between the responses in CA and in New Orleans, LA and attributed it to the Republican leadership there.

What a piece of shit thing to say. I'm sorry but the folks in CA are a lot more used to the fires there than NO was prepared for their levees to break. You know the ones the Federal Government was supposed to maintain but kept putting it off. CA on the other hand has had years of fighting these fires (bless them) along with the equipment and training for their people to use it.

Then there is the fact that the houses in CA are big expensive ones owned by wealthy taxpayers that give to presidential campaigns. While NOLA was filled with a poorer group of folks that were working class or lower class. Their money was tied up scratching for a living and not so available to give to the campaigns of politicians. Hospitals and Nursing homes filled with indigent or elderly people that were left to die.

In my opinion the great deceiver went over the line today. He may think most Americans have forgotten the lousy response from his appointed responders in the wake of Katrina, but I don't think he's right. I still hold him and the state and local government leaders fully responsible. But when it gets right down to it we are supposed to be able to depend on our Federal responders when the state and local's fail. Well in the Katrina debaucle they sure failed the test. Problem is good, poor, innocent people died while the posturing went on.

I honestly try to avoid news involving that jerk (yes he's the leader of my country but thank ever service man or woman that ever was, I have the right to speak my piece) but sometimes I can't avoid it and it never fails to either anger or sicken me unless of course I can't stop laughing at their idiocy.




A lovely gift

17:22 Oct 20 2007
Times Read: 1,000

This is a beautiful gift from a friend

The cat....Nightgame

The cat represents agility in body and spirit and can teach one to develop clearer perceptions. This animal totem is resourceful, strong and fearless. Use it to increase courage and confidence.

Cat: symbol of agility, magic, mystery

Thank you Jayme




No way to get rid of a headache

02:26 Oct 19 2007
Times Read: 1,011

I cleared off early last night due to a wicked headache (migraine) took some medicine and turned everything off to try and sleep it off.

That sure didn't work, 2:30AM a bunch of weird beeps ring through the house and my Mom yells that something's wrong with her concentrator. She's on Oxygen all the time due to emphysema so this is serious. I'm up trying to fix the machine in the few things they showed me when they brought it to the house. I got it to work for 2 or 3 minutes then it would quit again. So I have to fill up her portable tank and put her on it. Then get up every 3 hours to refill it only I don't make it the first 3 hours.

Just before 5am she yells that she's burning up so I get up again thinking she's running a fever only to get into her room to find she's sweating and hot. I check the airconditioner and it's dead. Oh goodie something else for me to get to take care of tomorrow.

Can we say my headache is still with me and I'm going to surrender to it very soon. I got the concentrator replaced today but the air conditioner repairman didn't make it here so I'll be back on the phone tomorrow. You'd think we don't need the air any more but it's still getting up into the 80's F here and with her illness she can't handle the heat at all. So goodnight and cross your fingers for me that tonight is longer than 2 hours at a time.




Funny and yet true

17:15 Oct 18 2007
Times Read: 1,019

Kentucky Ten Commandments

Some people in Kentucky have trouble with all those "shalls"

and "shall nots" in the Ten Commandments. Folks just aren't

used to talking in those terms. So, some folks in

Southeastern Kentucky got together and translated the "King

James" into "Harlan County" language.... no joke, read on...

The Hillbilly's Ten Commandments (posted on the wall at

Cross Trails Church in Harlan, Ky.)

(1) Just one God

(2) Honor yer Ma &Pa

(3) No tellin' tales or gossipin'

(4) Git yourself to Sunday meetin'

(5) Put nothin' before God

(6) No foolin' around with another fellow's gal

(7) No killin'

(8) Watch yer mouth

(9) Don't take what ain't yers

(10) Don't be hankerin' for yer buddy's stuff

Now that's kinda plain an' simple, don't ya think? Y'all

have a nice day.




Too good to resist

00:06 Oct 18 2007
Times Read: 1,024

A fiftyish woman was at home happily jumping on

her bed and squealing with delight. Her husband

watches her for a while and asks, "Do you have any

idea how ridiculous you look? What's the matter

with you?"

The woman continues to bounce on the bed and says,

"I don't care. I just came from having a mammogram

and the doctor says I have the breasts of an 18


The husband said, "What did he say about your 56

year old ass?"

"Your name never came up," she replied.




I love this woman's voice

21:32 Oct 16 2007
Times Read: 1,034

The words of this song are so real that I cannot put it away. Add that she sounds as good acoustic as with backup and I'm blown away. I hate singers that cannot get even close to their recorded sound when heard live. Thank goodness she can. Enjoy Anna Nalick





01:03 Oct 10 2007
Times Read: 1,062

For a couple of weeks now I've been wondering at the large number of visitors to my profile that were not returning a rate or leaving one at all. Then I had a thought and sure enough upon checking I found that a large number of them corresponded with their having rated the article I wrote for the members articles. lol

I'm not sure why they wanted to see who wrote it or maybe they just wondered if it was a real member but yep it was me. I stumbled upon that site while surfing the web via Dogpile.com one night. I love that search engine, it combines all of the very best at once. But it took me to a news article about the tour which led me to the site and I talked to my friend VW39 who has written many articles for the site and encouraged me to write one so I did.

Apparently folks are enjoying it and that is owed to her and the good folks at the coven of Oppressed Debauchery who lent my alter ego help in editing it. Yes I'm admiting out loud I have a second account. She's a quiet little mouse over in that coven and that's exactly what she was created to try and do. I was so tickled when my work was judged good enough to make it into that coven. Then even though I told them I was editing it for another account they helped me out with it. But I had begun writing it for Nightgame and felt it should stay that way. Now I'm wondering what I can write about next. I have another travel type thing but hesitate to do the same thing in a row.




I just couldn't resist.

23:41 Oct 09 2007
Times Read: 1,063


Last year I replaced all the windows in my house with that expensive

double-pane energy efficient kind, and today, I got a call from the

contractor who installed them. He was complaining that the work had been

completed a whole year ago and I still hadn't paid for them.

Hellloooo,...........just because I'm blonde doesn't mean that I am

automatically stupid.

So, I told him just what his fast talking sales guy had told me last year,

that in ONE YEAR these windows would pay for themselves!

Helllooooo? It's been a year! I told him .

There was only silence at the other end of the line, so I finally just

hung up.

He never called back. Guess I won that stupid argument.

I bet he felt like an idiot.




Go On- you know you want to hear it! lol

22:39 Oct 07 2007
Times Read: 1,085

This is how I feel about the rave some days. Especially those days when the drama queens are at their best.




The newest additions to the zoo :)

02:37 Oct 05 2007
Times Read: 1,100

Create Your Own




Broke me up!

00:02 Oct 01 2007
Times Read: 987

Just when I think there’s nothing funny in the main forums, I run across an entry that has me spitting tea all over my computer screen. I can just picture Stabb saying this with a straight face to this fellow. Click here Okay now I gotta clean up the computer but damn it was worth it.



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