This morning .. I was being tested on how many words a min. I can type, incidentally outta 6,000 character's that I typed I average approx 85 words a min. I figure'd it'd be more *shrugs* and in grand total I had 16 errors that I fixed ON SPOT which the test advised against becuz it does lower your average!
I was also tested on alpha and numeric data entry .. which I scored 100% accuracy. Go Me :D either way it's another step towards a new job :/ tho I don't wanna be in this shitty town :D
I can remember back when I first started my maturnity leave! I Wonder'd ...ohh geeze HOW am I gonna get through until September? (earliest time I decided to go back) Well somehow I managed to NOT miss work after the first week of being a shut in becuz of to much snow! Either way I started back to work yesterday it's been dreadful!
First off I was intitled to a certian amount of hours ... BUT the fukkers found a loophole .. BECUZ I didnt submit that I was coming back 4 weekd in advance in writing .. they're not obligated to abide by there rule! :| SO I ended up getting half the hours I usually had :/ fukkers : either way I picked up a totally new shift and I've made up the lsot hours .. but now I'm stuck with sevre split shifts from monday - friday damnit ... so I ahveta hurry up and finish up my refresher corses and get my ass in gear for my time slot fill ups! This weeks all fucked up becuz programs aren't running at one branch so I only have half my shifts!
I'm not to happy with the company I work for becuz of an advertising issue that had to do with me!!!! ... I'm a LAZY GIT have been since 1 month before I got pregnant .. there is NO WAY just ANYONE can have a baby and get there body back easily!!! Me on the other hand I'm just lucky I guess .. I lost an extra 20lbs ontop of my pre-pregnancy weight *shrugs* either way .... my Personal Training sessions have fricken Doubled :| and the age group is 18-30 and there 99% males ... not impressed to say the least!!!!
I hope this week gets over with and next week is nicer to me :)
K I can't say I miss it!!!!! Today felt like I was just visiting alllll damn day!
I felt horrible when I woke up .. I hate alarms *grumbles* (guess it doesnt help getting in bed at 2:30am and waking at 6am either but hey it works for me)I didnt have my usual hour to wake :/ but I headed off anyways and went and picked a coffee up and endured the 7am traffic ..... I got to work only top realize program wasnt in the main building but the one next door so I putter'd and took my time getting over there for 7:20 ... when the kids started piling in I was knocked over with welcome backs ... (seeing as I've been off on maturnity since just before christmas) So I pulled through that short shift just fine ... took my co-worker home with me to find the unemployment number to recall again to let em know I'm back to work part time ... no dice .. So I played with my baby for a bit and printed off some stuff off my computer I needed for work then we hit a dollar store to pick up some markers and things for the kids cuz we were given virtually no supplys as usual :| then took off downtown to the government office to talk with a rep and let em know I'm back to work part time... so now I haveta fone in every 2 weeks with my figured gross earnings :/ .. went and had something quick forlunch then my coworker Amber decided to stick around and volunteer while I was working my shift at the centre branch Y *shrugs* her choice .. I wouldnt volunteer thats for sure lol!! so a 3 hour shift drrrrrrrrrrraggggggggggggeeeeedddd on for ages *sighs* at 3 we took off and went back accross town to start the final Program .. in which I got pounced again by children who missed me ... program went well all the parents are happy I'm back .. no more slacking in childrens activities, Homework gets done , well behaved children, happy, and very sleepy children went home from the program tonite as my usual ;)
And I'm sick and TIRED of everyone asking about my daughter ... I think I explaned 20 some odd times today thats yes shes only 5months ... she's huge in length and weight ect.
*Sighs* So now I get all comfy to enjoy a quiet evening and I get told my aunt bernice and her daughter are staying over now becuz they canceled there stay at the hospital ronald mcdonald house :/ (my cousins son is in hip surgery he's 12) *grumbles* I loath this woman .. she talks NON STOP!!!!!! Gahh I think Family is worse then work somedays!