Been amused for more then a day a week a month ... it's been well over a year and I never get tired of it!!!!
VampBox has it's uses some mornings lol
i have reached unlcean spirit YAY
It would have been called clean spirit, but spirits are dry clean only, and Cancer was too cheep to foot the bill for the cleaners.
Sorry bout that was too busy last night to write this and I have 5min's this morning :)
So yesterday one of my Bosses came into my work (to xplane I work at the YMCA I have 3+ positions there and work between 2 main branches mostly) So anyways my early morning program Boss came in .. and decided to tell me her life story again of being sick and having to hire new staff and blah blah .. and that me taking m ine and Ambers pay sheets to the downtown branch wasnt a good idea she was mad ... so I told her if she had given me a courtosy call like I gave her to let her know I was taking them down there then we wouldnt have had that problem!!!
crap ok backtrack a little the Y is switchin over uniforms and I order'd mine yesterday morning ... first one to do so actually .,.. front desk supervisor asked me if my morning and afterschool program hasta change there uniforms also I said I dunno were part of the camping division and we just changed uniforms in september!!
ok back on track
SO I told her I had them in my car I'll be right back .. I went to my car and grabbed the pay sheets .. when I got back my Director the front desk staff and my supervisor were looking through the catalog ... I handed her the paysheets and waited to see if she was gonna say anything else ... she then turned to me and said SOMEONE was missinformed .. I kinda just cocked an eyebrow at her seeing as I just walked into the conversation missing everything else!! She also proceeded to tell me in a snotty tone infront of the other 2 that when she knows we'll all know ... so I simply asked .. soo then maybe we are switching uniforms again too? and she said more sternly and glaring over her glasses at me .. When I find out I'll pass that information on to you ... my director gave me a quizicale look and the front desk staff had a look of why's she being so rude on her face .. so I shurged and walked away .. I was going through the double doors back to my program when she said to me in another snotty tone ohh and Thanks for finally getting me the pay sheets ... as I was going through the doors I said in my Normal Voice SCREW YOU .. my new programs boss was standing in the doorway waiting for me to come back .. he heard me loud and clear!!
I seriously contemplated turning around in that doorway and telling her I wasnt going to be at the afterschool program nor the morning or there after ... but then I thought about Amber ... she'd haveta do program with that supervisor or she'd be stuck alone with that damned autistic kid that drives us up the wall!!
So On Monday .. Amber and I are going to take to our supoervisors boss .. let her know of the RUDENESS issues we've been dealing with again .. and if it doesnt stop were both quiting.
See Amber and I both don't see a problem with quiting at the same time ... 7am -6pm is a shitty work day!!!!!!!
Anyways I'll rant again later I'm off to work!
so I got a new keyboard an mouse ... all wireless ... this baby has EVERYTHING ... now if only I could find the button for it to change the baby's diaper >=]
So today I went and got my hair cut :D very very drastic ... I couldnt get what I initially wanted done becuz my hair has the possibility to go frizzy mehh ... so I went with something longer ... pics to come soon!!
pics be here :D
the back
I know I look like a tool
I hate taking photos of myself can ya tell
So my co-worker Amber paid for my hair to be done .. then she was like ooOooOOOoo I have some products at home for ya ... so I drove her home when we were done work and she was telling me about her brother coming down this weekend blahblah ... we get to her house and her brother IS THERE ... she got all excited and gave him a hug and said Michael this is my Co-Worker ... and Michael and I both at the same time said yeah we know each other ...we used to Date!! (now mind ya this was like 14 years ago for me lol) Amber got the BEST face of horror on and said DIRTY DIRTY .... she dragged me into her room and kept saying dirty dirty dirty lol ... it's been amusing the whole evening so far ... she had to call her dad and everything lmao
Toooooo Amusing indeed ;)
I don't like it when babies don't sleep well *pouts*
Tomorrow is gonna be amusing ... I'm gonna go get my hair cut :D all this bitching and complaining for the past few months has paid off YAY
Imma go to sleep and have all kinds of scary visions of Aeon Flux lmao
I'll post pics tomorrow or this weekend sometyme!!
*rubs eyes*I know I am not completely alone on this .... my Daughter Emelia has taken a liking to waking during the night ... coming from a baby who likes to sleep 11hours straight through the night for me (yeah I know good baby shut it) Anyways recently over the past 2 weeks shes been getting up to play all night long as if her bed time routine was done just for fun :/ either way I eneded up figuring out that she needed to get out more and she now sleeps during the night YAY ME ... anyways Last night not so good :( I hopped offline at what around 11:30 lets say .. and I was asleep by qarter to 12 at the latest I think (I was THAT Tired) well by 12:20 she was up .. out of the cover's, on her belly and in serch of her soother all the while screaming .... so here I think mehh it's been 4 hours since she last ate I'll make her a bottle ... nope she didnt want that just the soother and to curl up and go back to sleep ... no problems there ... Then by 2am I was up again (which I barely had just gotten back to sleep .. its hard for me to fall asleep and stay asleep) so at 2am my brain didnt think bottle .. so I just gave her a soother she rolled over and started to go back to sleep ... 5min later shes screaming again ... so I went in and rubbe dher back .... 10min later more screaming O.o I'm starting to think by now I'm gonna need a new bed becuz I flop down on it and kick and fight to get outta it lol ... anyways I catch on and go make a bottle ... she devours that in less tyme then normal .. and falls asleep on me while I'm rubbin her back to get the gasses out :/ If ya dont have kids then ya might not know it's next to impossible to get a baby to burp once they've fallen into a deep sleep ... anyways so I put her to bed on her side figureing it'll come out eventually anyways .. and I go back to bed .... in 30 min shes up and screaming that bubble is hurting ... so I pick her back up and keep going at it till 4am I played this game o.O I now have a massive head ache!!
I was wide awake and decided more sleep would be good ... I didnt fall asleep till 5am and my alarm goes off at 5:45 :/
Now I get to go to work for 7:20am YAY ME .... I think I better bring Amber a Juice I'm not to happy to haveta go back to normal work schedual and I KNOW Amber is gonna wanna talk my ear off about her weekend events!! *cringes as her brain creaks to the left and feels like it's fallen over*