Welcome, boys, girls and other species of unknown origins.
Much like EVERYTHING in this journal, there is no real point to what is about to be written here.
But! It's 5:40am in the morning, I'm sleep deprived and easily agitated.
So in the spirit of all things hate fueled, I'm going to vent!
And I may even paint a little picture after and have a nap. I'll see how I go for time.
Anyway! Moving right the fuck along...
It seems tonight, everywhere I've turned (in the way of profiles) has been exactly the same thing.
Stupid twats self proclaiming to be these evil, cold, heartless bastards/bitches.
One in particular cracked me up... Then made me violently angry.
But they had this little blurb saying "I'm a dark person. I hate everything, people call me evil and are scared of me. I listen to heavy metal and rock and wear nothing but black... Black and red are my favourite colors..."
And then immediately after that, they have a picture of them self unwrapping christmas gifts in a tutu holding up a Hannah Montana DVD...
Face palming ensued...
In the end, I get a little curious as to why this kind of stupidity enrages me.
Mayhaps it's a superiority complex... Tho, I never EVER claim to be 'superior'.
I just can't help point out that other people are stupid.
Anywho, if this was a Disney cartoon, there would be some kind of moral at the end of this story.
You know, don't be mean, it'll bite you on the arse. Killing deers is funny... That kind of thing.
All I can really think of is.
If you're anything that has been mentioned above.
You should go into a life of hard drugs and strange sexual fetishes involving sharp pointy objects in hopes you become sterile.
...I'm submitting that to Hallmark.
Okay, you can all go away now.
21:26 Sep 05 2009
Black is not a color, it's a shade. Dumb asses!
08:54 Sep 06 2009
05:31 Sep 12 2009
come help me move.