So, after much farming and pissing off my druid friend who I needed to summon Anzu for me, I finally got the mount drop.
Took over 4 weeks of farming it every single day.
Quite some time ago, a little game company called Crytek released a game called Crysis.
Anyone who has even remotely into the gaming world will know about this one.
but anyway, back when they released this fucker, they designed it to... well... run on technology that isn't in your standard house-hold. the system requirements were fucking mammoth to say the least.
After a couple of years have passed, the technology that was once mind blowing, is now streaming into the norm.
I mean, back then dual core processors were out of reach of the common house hold budget.
So now that I have over what was recommended, I decided to reinstall it and see how I went.
Running an Intel Quad Core 2.8g CPU, 6g of DDR2 800mhz FSB with a Nvidia Geforce GTX285.
I'm able to run the game in full ultra high. Which, made me squeal with glee a little.
The game it self is quite shit when you think about what a game should be.
It's pretty much FarCry on crack.
I think Crytek just wanted to be all "HEY! Look what we can fucking do! Awesome, no?!"
Not sure why posted this.
Honestly just felt like writing something, and at the time, this is what I was doing.
Toodle-pips, kids.
Silly little nerd boy. :P
LOL! Well at least you are able to enjoy it at it's full capacity:)
Am I wrong to assume that there are few things other than video games that make you squeal with glee?