So, I started up a VampireFreaks account a few weeks ago... What a royal fuck-up that was on my part.
I think every single comment was "I love your hair"
or "omgz u r cute(and or hot, and or sexy)"
Fucking mindless retards with nothing interesting or new to say. The same old fucking mundane thing that comes from the filthy fucking minds of a collective conscious of fuck-wits.
Stupid emo girl in panties and a bra, stupid emo boy showing off abs while in disturbingly tight jeans, fucktard who worships ICP and paints their face in hopes to look scary.
Most popular views in pictures and journals are that which contain SOME amount of tits...
Yes. you have dreadfalls and cleavage... I bet mummy is proud.
You're contribution to the human race is fan-fucking-amazing.
They should all go and microwave their genitals and just get the fuck out of the gene pool.
To end on a note worthy of hallmark; Most of you make me want to skull-fuck pandas with chainsaws.
We get it... You have a hateful disposition towards love.
Stop assaulting my brain-cells and just cut the foreplay. Write "WAAAAHHH WAHHH WAHHHH!!!" instead.
You leave me kismet alone! Oh wait, it's not meh this time.
-shifty eyes-
^ Emooooooo pictuuuuuuuuuuuuure!
I don't feel like writing that waaaaaah waaaaaaaaaah waaaaaah thinger.
Fookin' Australians
Booya Bitches.
by the way...I camped outside your house again last night...why wont you see me anymore?
I have a broken heart but can't mend it.
No glue available.
You need more sex! ;P
I guess it's that time again, huh?
So I've been chatting to my now awesome friend "Jackofspades" because his music taste is nothing short of incredible. Much the hi-5's to him!
But anyway, he sent me this link to a site that hosts .mp3's so I could listen to some rare tool songs that never made it onto an album.
While I was there, I notice this little obnoxious side bar of "MOST POPULAR" or some fucking crap, and in it was your typical, talentless music that is currently high in the charts.
Which, kind of got me thinking about something.
If you're on of these people who define good music as what is currently 'popular' in the charts, then you really should go and microwave your genitals... I don't want you spreading your filth anymore.
Bottom line, you're being fucking told what and who to idolize.
You're a fucking demographic being spoon fed music that you think defines you as a person. Rather then actually LISTENING to it and appreciating what good music is.
"Oh, so they're going into this emo phase and pretending to be different, huh?! Alrighty! Get some cliche' fuckers, dress them in black and have them sing about crap... throw in a few words like "empathy" and "emotions" and they'll be set. Let's milk this fucker dry!"
And in the mean time, people who actually know what good rock music is, have to listen to this bastardize bubble-gum pussy rock SHIT!
So fuck you all, and fuck the retarded parent who spewed your dense arse into this world.
Rare Tool songs, eh...?
Listen to this cracka or I will spoon out your eye balls.
(Yes, I have a private stash of music that I share with the worthy. Nemmy has a vote in the process so I suggest you be nice to him or you are fucked)
Unfortunately a lot of people *do* actually enjoy the mainstream music genres, It is not a simple case of being told what to like, but tapping into the psychology of these "mindless" masses, and using this information to market it to them.
I used to think, surely people were being brain washed...but I suspect this is infact not entirely so.
You have to come to grips with the fact, that there *is* a market for crap in this world, and that market is well catered for. I am sorry to have to be the one to break this tragic news to you. =(
Also, as chance and circumstance created you as the individual you are today, this is a topic you will have to try and deal with.
Not everyone is created and shaped as you are.
Again, terribly sad...but shit happens.
I agree whole heartedly.
23:02 Oct 20 2009
OMG are you sick? Do you feel ill? You made an account there? There has to be something wrong!
But I will say this..
"Oh Mi Gawds u R so SexI n Hawt. I'll push out mi bewbs and show u muh clevage!"
heh heh
06:54 Oct 21 2009
Bad Nemmy no vf :(
21:38 Nov 12 2009
LOL! That was harsh...and I'm pretty sure it was all deserved!
Every now and then, you see them crossing into VR to spread their mindless fluff here as well!
(I'd like to see the panda wielding the chainsaw, however)