Now that you retarded twilight fucktards are here due to my clever trickery in making you think I actually like this abomination, I would just like to extend to you a big fuck you.
Because you find the talentless actors hot, the terribly written plot to be "dark", and some strange attraction to anything that involves love and it's pain, you have given birth to pure shit.
It's a living testament to how fucking stupid this world is, when a bad movie like that can rake in millions of dollars.
So, congratulations on raping yet another industry.
Please, go and fornicate a blender right now so you don't risk spreading your seeds of pure stupidity.
Yes, there was a powerman 5000 reference in the title.
Moving the fuck along!
So, waaaaaaaaaay back in the day I'm talking like, 9-10yrs ago, there was a wonderful website called It was one of the first and founding fathers of P2P torrent sites.
I was but a wee lad at the time and the whole piracy scene was very much hush hush and rather horribly underground.
So it was nice and quiet and had a really really good community base. Everyone followed the rule of thumb; If you like it, buy it.
And there was no virus uploading tossers either.
It was great!
Anyway, to the point.
They were one of the first places to tell the RIAA and other money grubbing anti-piracy agents to go and royally fuck them selves.
To which they went through massive court cases and fought tooth and nail.
Sadly, they didn't win after a few long years of that and Suprnova shut down.
To which, hundreds more took its place. Almost poetic. huh?
Anyway, they returned a few years ago as and I was all amounts of happy. Tho I was using and as well, but still. I had my loyalties.
Soooooo, I was informed today... That mininova has given up the fight again and gone completely legal.
It's still running, but it no longer hosts illegal torrents. Only legit ones.
I have to go and mourn the loss of my nerdy rebellious idols now. :(
Fuck you, anti-piracy. Fuck you right in the proverbial eye!
Demonoid. Well, if they ever get it back up and running again.
It weired me out. I had used it a few minutes before it went legal.. came back and that... so I switched to Isohunt. >_>
*mourns with ya*
isohunt isn't too bad, but i liked my mininova.
07:07 Nov 27 2009
sounds to me like self loathing for likeing the movie lol
07:11 Nov 27 2009
Oh, Ayw! I thought you'd know me better then that.
I really DO detest this beyond words. :P
07:12 Nov 27 2009
lol i agree. the book was pretty good, i've read better, but the movie sucked. i'm dreading new moon! and you have really pretty eyes btw. sorry random moment.
08:58 Nov 27 2009
hahah all this talk about it, even the hated one, makes me more curious to see it, but at the moment I have more needful things to spend my money on.
18:15 Nov 27 2009
well you do realize this journal entry ruins poor ole mbk's life which is based around the twilight saga dont you?......meanie! lol
02:25 Nov 29 2009
Nemmy's just trying to hide that he's a closet Twilight fangirl. :P
21:06 Nov 29 2009
You make me so hot when you talk naughty like that o.o