I'll start...
You're threads are fucking stupid as hell and you're killing my brain-cells, go fuck your self.
So as you can tell, I just checked the sand-box forums.
In the entire list, I think I saw 1 person author about 7-8 threads. And all being "words ending in ___"
The purpose for these threads are as transparent as fucking hell.
Stop parading around fucking euphemisms and just call the thread what it is; "Come here to rack up your forums posts by saying a single word over and over again"
You stupid fucking twats.
Seriously, if you want to rush level something, go play an MMORPG.
You're a on a social networking site for fuck sake.
Stop being retarded and making this place like the other. (myspace and so on)
This just royally fucks me off...
Found my self on the front page of NineMSN just now to see this.
So here we have a head line stating poor lil' miss Mischa Barton has gone all "suicidal" due to "money and love problems"
And yet, in the picture they show her wearing rings that would no doubt be worth more then my fucking house... Yes. Such money problems you have.
I find this absolutely fucking retarded that something this fucking trivial can take spot-light over an entire family being offed in a robbery.
Or even further back into the "shit we don't make huge amounts of money from" headlines, we have talk of an Australian soldier who died today.
To be perfectly honest, none of that stuff effects me. I don't go "Oh GOD! I'm hurt and destroyed about a family I know nothing of!"
I mean, I have no personal connections with them.
I think anyone who does do that has no grasp on reality or they're being pushed to believe that's how they're meant to feel.
But regardless of my views on that matter.
The point of this rant still remains the same.
She should do the world a favor and fucking off her self.
And it's the general public who's to blame for this shit too.
So fucking hung up on the lives of "stars" that you find it important what troubles they're having. Even if said problems are bullshit, whiney, pathetic fucking things that could be solved if they weren't fucking mentally retarded.
I friggen agree.
Obviously someone that might die because of her own stupidity is far more important the the actual death of entire families.
As Dylan said in a an early entry, I love it when you rant. :p
Ohh boo who. No one loves me, I can't afford to go buy that fifth benz that matches my shoes and I can't buy lil fluffykins that Prada puppy sweater!
Jeebus. Some people just shouldn't have an abundance of cash. It turns them retarded.
Ageed... I guess it was a sad day when Michael Jacksn died; trivial - in my humble opinion - to the news of the street riots in Iran.
The year is 1992, and piracy of video games back then was copy/paste onto a floppy disk.
So out comes the informative advertisement to discourage kids from a "life of crime" as it were.
If you got a spare 10mins, give it a watch. It's well funny.
I've not ranted in a while, probably because I just haven't been arsed.
You know, the whole feeling of "Oh god, you enrage me so much I just want to fucking rip out your... ah fuck it, I'm going to sleep in this corner for a bit..."
Mayhaps it's the broken sleep pattern of late.
Who knows. Could be aliens, smart primates or dolphins.
Never did trust those fuckers...
Anyway, was sitting out having a smoke just now curled up trying to avoid the sunlight, bastard burns my poor nerdy complexion AND reduces my monitors visibility... What a selfish prick...
But anyway, and it was there I had a bit of an angry moment at the major MAJOR majority of pictures on this site.
I am of course referring to user created.
Most of them are bad pictures pulled from google, or, evidently, DeviantART.
And then they just put some bad transitioned text over top, usually completely off the core color charts of the picture, so they look amateur and dicky as hell and it pisses me the fuck off.
But hey, that's fine...
I can semi-deal with that.
What I can't stand is the fact 99% of the pictures here are all the fucking same!
Some little cum-quaffing fuck-bag who should have been drowned in his or her own placenta at birth, gets a stock image of a girl dressed in some "goth" clothes, throws it into photoshop, uses some fucking "wing brush sets" and all out rapes it with stupidity.
It's gotten to the point (thankfully) that I don't even see them anymore. My brain completely shuts the hollow, meaningless, crap as fuck pictures out entirely.
This of course covers everything really. General pictures, coven pride fuckers, protection stamps, rate stamps... All of it!
Just because you CAN, doesn't mean you should.
Remember that, kids.
Now it's time for me to get off my pretentious high horse (his name is puddles) and leave you all to convulse in the corner and immediately induce vomiting after wasting a few minutes of your life reading this crap.
Hah hah haaaaaaah! I laugh at you.
Alright, I'm done...
01:35 Jul 23 2009
LMAO...Can't really comment this one, cause I like to play those, not because of the forum posts, but because I LOVE word games.
02:27 Jul 23 2009
Agreed with you.
BUT IT IS YOUR! Not you're. >( God damnit, boy! :)