My son is active in his mom's Southern Baptist church (his mom and church, what a facking joke) and decided he wanted to baptized, wich happened to fall on a night when I have him. I don't have a problem with church or many of its teachings, its the hypocrits that flock to it that get to me.
So I decided to be the good suportive father and went to the service. I am damn near a satanist so you can imagine my plight for 1.5 hours. I thought we would neaver get through all the people talking about how god had called on them, how god saved them from being drug adicts & dealers ect, ect. And the funny thing is, they all looked like what they claimed they wern't any more
One funny part though, the preacher mad a coment during the prayer about "thank you for keeping the devil out of our church to night" about the time i was checking out some chicks ass. Hee Hee.
04:08 Jul 13 2009
13:29 Dec 29 2011
Yeah :)