Today as I scrounged up some change to get Lucy some Powerade, a lady checking out just before me asked my name. Didn't think anything of it after I told her and she left, repeating my name in a soft voice and nodding... till she stopped me outside.
She asked if I was Christian, and when I said no, she told me that god was watching over me and that I was a truly blessed soul-- and even though things are rough right now (I just had the first real meal in 3 days tonight,) he was watching out for me and things -will- get better. I nodded and thanked her... and then she said she had a gift from god me for... and as my eyes focused, it wasn't a $5 or 20$ bill she placed in my hand, folded neatly-- it was a $50.
"I didn't want to hand it to you at the counter," she said "y'know, people feel odd about it." Meaning in short she didn't want to embarass me in front of the other customers and the cashier.
I started to cry, and thanked her-- giving this complete stranger a hug, thanking her again with the thought (I can eat -real- food today!) and blessed her as I hurried off to the car to tell Ashley what happened.
Ashley and I ate HUGE salads and got a few things for lucy to actually eat (as she has been having a hard time while in the hospital with their food, as always,) and STILL have some money for groceries/gas.
It's funny, but I had tossed a few coins in the fountain at work today, asking for a good jolt of money to bring our spirits up-- and by god, I got it.