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Domination vs Domineering

02:17 Nov 21 2010
Times Read: 547

Domination versus Domineering

What is the difference, what should you know

Written by fawn{G}, loving slave of Master Greg

There is a fine line in determining abuse and play at times in a Total Power Exchange (TPE) relationship, or even in playtime. Often an onlooker may see abuse where one whom is schooled in control may see a lesson. So how does one tell the difference, where do we draw the line between safe, sane and consensual and control reinforced with pain, fear, and neglect.

Webster defines the two terms thusly:

Dominate v.t. rule, control, sway; of heights, to overlook. –vi. Control, be the most powerful or influential member or part of something. –dominant a. –domination n. –domineer’ v.i. to act imperiously, tyrannize.

Therefore one can surmise, to dominate means to control, to influence, to domineer is to act irresponsibly in a tyrannical way.

Abuse can be defined as any activity that is damaging to another, whether mentally, physically, or spiritually.

There are those who crave pain as a way of giving of themselves, or an outpouring or release of emotions, while others cannot tolerate pain, it frightens them, fills them with fear to the point they withdraw completely, hiding inside themselves. Here we have two sides of the same coin, in one case, a good flogging to the point of tears would be beneficial, while to the other example, this act could push the subject into a deep depressive state including and not limited to the breaking of sacred trust.

Either subject would be excellent material for domination and unfortunately domineering. Case in point if a Dom beat His property every day for His sheer enjoyment, and she was not harmed, then its not abuse. But if it did harm her, pushed her beyond her limitations of fear or pain, to the point of damaging her mentally or physically, then it becomes abusive.

Many activities enjoyed in BDSM scenes, or training sessions can be used to either dominate or domineer, it is the intent behind the exercise that defines it. If it is used to push the subject, stretch her limitations, broaden her scope of experience and thereby strengthen her trust, it is most assuredly domination. On the other hand, if it is used to break the subject, beat her down and destroy her mentally, then this is very clearly domineering abusive use of the subject.

So how can we, as submissives, be assured we will not be domineered but receive the domination we so desperately crave. The answer is really quite simple.

To begin with, we must define, what is a Master.

Once again we will look to Webster’s artful definitions;

mast’er n. one who employs another, head of a household; owner; one in control; captain of a merchant ship; teacher; artist of great reputation –v.t. overcome; acquire knowledge of, or skill in, -mast’erful a. imperious, self-willed, mast’erly n. skillfully done, -mast’ery n. victory, authority

A Master dominates, He owns property with responsibility, He teaches, supports, nurtures, and skillfully creates the servant He wants by molding her into what He wishes, not destroying the essence, but embellishing and polishing the raw diamond till it shines brightly. There is nothing beautiful nor valuable in a brow beaten animal, scared of it shadow, moving through the paces pounded in its head in utter fear of its owner.

A domineering person will try to get the same results but with force and frustration. Domineering is breaking the animal down to a shadow of an existence for the sheer enjoyment of being in charge without regard for his property’s wellbeing. This person cannot control himself much less master another. His ability to master will reflect upon all aspects of his life, one just has to look to see the proof.

There are spoiled children trying to wear grown up clothes in every walk of life, it is up to our common sense to recognize who can be trusted with the keys to our bodies and minds and who can not. Once the keys are given, it is much harder to implement this philosophy. Know the Man WELL before giving this power to them. This cannot be emphasized too much or too often. To take a collar is to give yourself, body, mind, and soul, to another. A collar is for life, a collar means this person has the power to either make or break you submissives, you are giving them that power by accepting it. Better make damn sure they are responsible enough to care for the property before you hand them the keys.

To often have we read the stories of girls ending up in a hospital from the abuse of a Dom they met online, or a gorean Master they thought was for real. Wake up! Smell the coffee! You are your only defense in this situation. This is your last decision you will ever make as a submissive, make it wisely, it determines the rest of your life!

In any TPE relationship, there is the danger of abuse, but we submissives have the power to choose our Dominants carefully, and must exercise great caution when doing so. Our beloved Dominants have the power to make their property sparkle with brightness and shine with the clarity of love, devotion, and excel in personal growth further then they have ever known, Dominants also have the power to break these charges down to nothing, it is up to the Dominant to exercise their power with dignity and honor and respect.

Make that decision soberly this girl employs you, serve well, and live happy. The life of a slave should be filled with great joy and happiness, her sense of freedom and expression greater then most will ever fathom. Don’t sell yourself short, you are worth it, you deserve it.

A girl wishes to thank Master CuffsMaster for allowing a simple gorean slave the opportunity to post such an important topic on His site. She is grateful to her Master for allowing her to do so.

fawn{G}, loving slave of Master Greg's email address: allera@yahoo.com




tips for slaves

02:05 Nov 21 2010
Times Read: 555

The following are some suggestions to make learning to become a slave easier:

1) Listen, observe and ask questions. Since there are new rules and norms that may be unfamiliar to you, listen carefully to verbal communication and observe non-verbal communication carefully and try to put them in proper context. Take note of all things that please and displease your Master. If possible, observing others is a great way to learn.

You should not assume that you always know what is going on or that you understand what you hear or see. In order to be an effective slave, you must know what is expected of you. Failing to ask questions is often a mistake a new trainee makes. COMMUNICATION IS KEY TO SLAVERY.

2) Don’t overly evaluate or judge events or overly criticize yourself. You are learning a new way of doing and seeing things. Comparison to the vanilla way a relationship works does not always apply to a BDSM relationship. A slave is owned as property and as such must obey sometimes without judging the command given to her. Your Master is to become your key source of evaluation and judgment of the correctness of your actions.

3) Be curious. To experience slavery and to learn from it, it is important to be open to new experiences. The more you are willing to explore, the more you will learn.

4) Expect some anxiety and frustration. Learning to function as a slave is not easy and it is natural to feel some anxiety and frustration. If you recognize that these are normal parts of the experience, you may be able to deal with them more effectively. Openness about your feelings will also help. Learning slavery involves not only learning your Master’s rules, but it also includes learning new habits and altering some old habits. Learning new habits takes a repetitive effort.

photo's by China Hamilton

5) Become involved. The more you put into the experience of becoming a slave the more you will learn from it. Take the time to study the rules your Master has established for you and practice the skills he requires of you. Don’t expect your Master to directly guide your every learning process; actively make efforts to learn and improve your skills on your own.

6) Be open. In slave training you will reveal your thoughts and emotions to your Master. Revealing your inner most thoughts and feelings is difficult for most people. Prepare yourself for this level of openness.

7) Accept criticism. You will be expected to change old behaviors and attitudes. You may very well be challenged in your actions, attitudes and beliefs. As a slave, your behavior is controlled by your Master. Therefore, you can expect him to be critical of your present behavior and expect change.

8) Expect change. Your Master will re-educate you and re-orient you to fit his needs. This will require changes in your behavior, emotions and thoughts. Prepare yourself for change. Training a slave is often called a molding process. Expect to be molded as your Master desires.

9) Be devoted. The importance of devotion to your Master can’t be understated. It provides the foundation for future growth and is a source of pride for your Master.

10) Expect and accept obedience. Be prepared to learn to be obedient. A slave’s duty is to obey her Master. Often, in the beginning, you will be pushed. Obedience is a state of mind, therefore, it is learned. Obedience provides a foundation for more advances in learning and improvement of your skills. Practice being consistent in your obedience.




Slave Petitions

01:04 Nov 21 2010
Times Read: 558

Slave Petitions

By Master Eso © 2004

Back to slave articles index

In my article “The Process Of Selection”, I have already proposed the similarities between finding or petitioning a Master, and finding or applying for job employment.

In “Slave Petitions”, I will further expounded on the concept of similarities of slave petitions, search for employment, and cover letters or resumes used for finding employment.

Without the consideration of the possibility, but not necessity or requirement of slavery, of romantic involvement with a potential Master, consensual slavery is not only like employment, it is indeed employment, that for most slaves is the biggest and most demanding job they ever held. Any desire of romantic involvement with ones potential Master is an added aspect, but does in no way negate the most applicable and fitting comparison with employment.

Many of the same etiquette, procedures and formalities used for finding employment, should therefore be applicable in finding a suitable Master as well, and that includes the use of common sense.

I am not aware that there is an universal protocol governing, “Slave Petitions”, Begging A Collar”, “Earning A Collar”, or “Offering A Collar”, nor is there an universal protocol governing who should ask who, and I am by no means the inventor of any of this terms, phrases or procedures.

A “Slave Petition” is a term descriptive of all procedures related to a slaves actions in order to find a suitable Master to serve, just as an application process or procedure when trying to find employment.

A “Slave Petition” may or may not start with a “cover letter”, a “resume”, may or may not continue with a “interview”, and may or may not lead to a slave “begging”, “earning”, or being “offered” a Masters collar.

A “Slave Petition” is, what a slave makes of it. The initial part of a “Slave Petition” such as a cover letter, resume or initial interview, is as little binding as sending a job application, cover letter or resume to a potential employer.

Once a stage is reached in which the slave is actually “begging” a Masters collar, or being “offered” a Masters collar, the slave needs to be aware that if a Master accepts a slaves “begging” of his collar, or if the slave accepts a “offered” collar, it was indeed the last free decision a slave will make, until such time that the slave is again set free and released by her Master, or until a slaves or Masters passing on.

As with everything else in life, there are always differing circumstances, different individuals, and differing situations, or special circumstances. Again, as with everything else in life, use your common sense and intuition.

For instance, if the potential Master and the slave already know each other, or have net before, there is no need of for a physical description, or a general introduction and cover letter. If a slave already knows a potential Master is indeed the Master she desires to serve then by all means, include that in your petition. Etc.

It is a common misconception in our lifestyle, that slave’s are to sit and wait for a Master to come around and court them. A misconception so big, that it leaves indeed many slave’s Masterless. It is indeed absolutely encouraged and well within the protocol that slaves initiate contact and may approach suitable and potential Masters and petition for service with them.

Once a slave has established what she has to offer to a Master as well as what she needs and desires in a Master, she is now ready to find and locate a suitable Master and petition for service to a potential Master.

For help with determining a slave’s needs and desires and the kind of Master who might be suitable for a slave please read the article “The Process Of Selection”.

A Slave petition is very similar to a Cover Letter that you would include with a Resume when applying for a job.

There are many websites on the internet that offer help with writing a Cover Letter or Resume, and most of their advise can very well be used and is applicable when writing a Slave Petition.

A Slave Petition should include your general experiences in the lifestyle. How long you have been in the lifestyle, how many Masters you have served, what the lifestyle means to you, etc. If you are a novice, don’t make experiences up, but admit freely and let the potential Master know. Most Masters do not mind training a novice slave.

Use proper address when addressing a potential Master and be most respectful and polite in the way you write your petition.

In general, as honesty is most important in our lifestyle, keep your petition honest, but sell yourself well. Remember you are petitioning to the potential Master because you would like or at least consider serving him. Be humble, but don’t lose the Masters interest by letting him know how unworthy you think you might be of serving him. Leave that judgment up to the Master.

A most important part of a Slave’s Petition is why you wish to serve the potential Master, what your desires are, and what motivates you in being a slave, and what you can offer the Master.

Include your most important characteristics like honesty, loyalty, devoted, caring, loving, obedient, etc. Let the potential Master also know you seek absolute enslavement, submission, etc. But be sure you have your wants and needs balance and know how to differentiate between the two.

Should you have any important restrictions, handicaps, health problems, limitations, or dependents like children living with you, or are able – unable to relocate, you should include that in your petition.

Also special talents that can benefit the Master, like excellent cook, great housekeeper, service-oriented, etc. also what kind of work can or do you do, should you be required to work outside the home.

Include special interests, like spirituality, fishing, reading, etc. especially if those are interests that also hold the potential Masters interest.

Unless you are looking for a commitment that is strictly based on play and scening, I would not go overboard with a list of BDSM related interests like Bondage, Flogging, Nipple Clamps, Being Serviced Orally, etc. Slavery is not based on play, and last not least, you are offering your service to a potential Master, and are not soliciting his services to service you.

I would strongly suggest you include a recent picture of yourself along with your petition.

I think you get the picture and can think of many more things that should find a Masters interest.

Above all, don’t be shy of petitioning once you have located a potential Master that you might want to serve. Don’t be afraid of rejection either. No Master will think badly of you, look down on you, or even laugh at you, for petitioning to him, if he accepts you in his service or not.

A most helpful article that will help many slaves and aspiring slaves to prepare for service to a Master is the article written by J. Mikael Togneri “Awaiting The One”

Once a mutual interest between the Master and the slave has been established, arrangements for a first interview or meeting can be made. An interview might take place via the internet in instant messenger, over the phone, or in person.

Whichever way such first and initial interview or meeting takes place, here are a few pointers and considerations.

I can however not over stress the fact that a slave needs to be aware that in Absolute Slavery, or Absolute and Total Power Exchange, the Master has the right to change, alter, or modify his service requirements and expectations, at any time, for any reason, and at the Masters sole discretion. A Masters values, character, principles, perceptions, etc. are therefore a most important consideration, as they do not change as easily as service requirements or kink.

Don't focus your energy and time on Doms or replies that are rude or stupid, or those completely unqualified. Don't even waste time complaining about it. Focus on what is important. And as you apparently have followed my writings, you should already know what is important.

Asking questions is very important. It will not only give you answers to your concerns, but also show the prospective Master your interest and sincerity. But do not fall into the trap of questioning the prospective Master, interrogate him or try to run the initial

interview. Don't overwhelm the prospective Master with questions either. You can and will learn much about the Master, his values and requirements by listening careful.

Do not focus on what a prospective Master can do for you, but focus on what you as a slave can do for the Master. If it is truly slavery that you need and desire, then being owned, completely, absolutely and unconditional, and given the chance and opportunity to serve and please a good Master, seems not only like a vast improvement and reward over not being owned, but should correspond very much with the detailed list of your needs and desires, that you have made.

Anyone wishing to use this article on their site or mailing list may do so as long as the article remains unchanged and my name and email address remain on them. Giving credit where it belongs. MasterEso@esodom.com




Slave vs Sub

01:02 Nov 21 2010
Times Read: 559

The difference between a submissive and a slave is not always clear cut and is often the subject of controversy within the lifestyle. In general, a submissive maintains a certain distance from her Master and retains some freedoms and a slave gives her all as well as her freedoms to her Master.

This discussion is about what elements make a submissive or a slave. They may not necessarily agree with what a person calls themselves. Often one finds individuals that call themselves a slave, when a submissive would be a better title and sometimes one sees a person described as a submissive that is more akin to a slave. I am not sure that the term Total Power Exchange (TPE) can be applied to a consensual slave. In normal cases, it seems impossible to have a TPE in a real world non forced slavery relationship and it is unusual in forced slavery cases. TPE seems to involve fantasy more than reality. In a true TPE relationship, it would mean that any order a Dominant could think of would have to be obeyed by the slave without question. For example, A Master could say, "I hate my neighbor, go get a gun and shoot him".

Like it or not in the real world there are restrictions on TPE. Very often the following restrictions, what some would call ethical boundaries, are a reality of a Master/slave relationship and are often documented in the slave contract.

The slave does not have to obey commands that:

a. conflict with any existing laws and may lead to fines, arrest, or prosecution of the slave

b. may cause extreme damage to slave's life, such as losing her job, causing family stress, etc

c. may cause permanent bodily harm to the slave

d. may cause psychological trauma to the slave, such as a rape scene for a slave that has been raped in the past

In my opinion, these restrictions placed on the authority of a Master do not weaken the Master/slave relationship, but reflect the reality of modern life. This is not a new concept in slave ownership because in the past many societies that endorsed slavery had restrictions on how a slave could be treated by the owner. One can look in the Bible to see examples of these restrictions. In the 1850’s a famous case in Polk County, TN involved the prosecution of a Master that mistreated his slaves. So the concept of TPE is not necessarily realistic in the modern concept of consensual slavery or in forced slavery.

Today, slavery within the lifestyle has NO relationship to the forced slavery of the past. Any slave can, if she chooses, execute her free will and leave the relationship, this is a reality. Yes, the objective is to train the slave to where she emotionally needs her Master and is attached to him and her slavery to a point where leaving her Master is unthinkable, but many Master/slave relationships end. Many end at the slave's request instead of the Master's request. So, any discussion of slave vs. submissive must be within the framework of the above restrictions imposed by modern life.

A submissive obeys and serves by choosing to do so each time and retains her will. A slave initially makes a choice to obey her Master at all times and then submits to the will of her Master at all times.

A submissive accepts submission, while a slave accepts obedience.

In my opinion, a submissive retains freedom of choice and a slave gives her freedom of choice to her Master. A submissive makes a choice to give her submission in a limited fashion, for a defined period of time and under certain conditions. A submissive can have a long-term relationship with a Master, but still retains certain controls. However, many are satisfied with casual role-play without any long-term goals. Training may or may not be involved between a Dominant and a submissive.

A submissive often has a list of conditions, rules, and limits that a Dominant is required to agree to before entering a session or relationship. These conditions, rules and limits usually define time, place and activity. It is not unusual for a submissive to start the relationship with rules and limits and release some or all of them as trust, respect and love for her Master grows. In fact, it’s a good practice when starting any new relationship. One should enter the relationship by giving only the amount of power that she feels safe in giving. The decision to become a slave should be postponed until both the Dominant and submissive know each other and trust each other.

A submissive can and often does role-play during an agreed to period of time with a Master. During this period the Master may have total control, then once the period is over, control returns to the submissive. The Master only borrows control of the submissive and to the extent the submissive wishes and she controls her submission.

One definition of a slave vs. a submissive is based upon the focus of the submissive. If the focus is on self then you are a submissive, if the focus is on your Master, then you are a slave. I am not sure that this is a complete definition for each one, however it is one dividing line between the two.

Being a submissive does not always involve:

1) A long-term commitment

2) Devotion to a Master

3) Obedience

4) Focus on the needs and desires of a Master

Again, there is no need to rush into slavery. One should start out as a submissive and get to know and trust her Master first. slavery is not for all submissives. If a submissive is unable or unwilling to accept slavery, for what ever reason, that is no great crime. Each person has to determine their needs and focus within the lifestyle.

slavery calls for a higher level of commitment and of serving, obeying and pleasing than submission. slavery is the complete commitment of a slave’s body, mind, soul, and spirit. She submits to the will of her Master. His choices become her choices. Obedience is a major focus in her life.

A slave has made a "choice decision." The "choice decision" she makes is to give her choices to her Master. Consent and obedience are always assumed to be part of slavery. Communication, mutual understanding and trust grow to the point to where it is no longer play but part of her life. A slave is owned all the time by her Master regardless of time, place or activity. She is owned by her Master when she is out of his presence. Trust in her Master and surrender to him is the starting point to slavery.

slaves enter into this relationship of their own free will. This is slavery by choice, not forced slavery. She decides to give her freedoms to her Master. She becomes a slave because she needs, desires and wants to serve, obey and please her Master at all times and in all ways, not because she is forced into slavery. Of course, there will be times when a slave will be forced to do some things, but it will not be something that goes against who she is as a person. Master’s often push limits and expand obedience in order to help a slave grow and increase her service to him. slaves become accustom to obedience and find joy and peace in it. A successful Master/slave relationship always involves happiness.

Being a slave means you are willing to be molded to fit her Master’s needs and to serve him. A slave is re-socialized and re-educated by her Master to serve, obey and please him. Her attention is on his happiness.

A Master is responsible for the needs and happiness of a slave. She gives him authority over her needs and happiness. However, a slave is responsible to communicate those needs and feelings. The limits of the Master become the limits of the slave. This does not happen overnight, it is a process of growing into slavery.

A slave does NOT give up thinking and reasoning and become mindless. This is the biggest misconception of slavery. It is a false charge that has been leveled at slaves mostly by cyber-subs and part time players as self-justification for their lack of total commitment. If a cyber-sub can make a slave look mindless then she can justify why she is better than a totally committed slave and supplies a reason why she calls herself a submissive. She reasons that "Naturally a good Master would not want a mindless slave, they surely would want a thinking cyber-sub instead." It’s a late addition to lifestyle thinking and only stated by some submissives. Generally, well informed submissives that feel secure in the lifestyle don’t try to blast slaves. It’s usually "wannabes."

One never hears a knowledgeable Master refer to a slave as mindless, because he knows better. He also knows that she is more straightforward and much more useful than any cyber-sub.

Often a slave is given great responsibilities within the relationship. They are given a general framework of limits and direction and expected to act within them using their own resources and abilities. A slave is often asked to express her thoughts on issues or problems, but realizes that the final decision is always her Master’s. The decision made by her Master becomes absolute for her.

Most slaves use their skills and talents within the Master/slave relationship to advance it and the wellbeing of their lifestyle. Most Master’s encourage this. Often Masters feel more at ease in using a slave to manage a project than they would a submissive. Throughout history slaves have been given responsibilities that require thought, planning and decision making, there is no reason to discontinue this practice in modern times where there is consensual slavery instead of forced slavery. Consensual slavery involves devotion, caring and obedience, why not take advantage of these traits in a slave as well as her knowledge and skills.

As stated above, the word "doormat" is often used by wannabes and cyber-subs to describe slaves. My definition of "doormat" would be that of a person that is used by another person for their own benefit without regard for that persons feelings, growth, or well being. A Master assumes responsibility for his slave’s body and well-being and is always concerned about the development and mental well being of his slave. She is his property and he has no reason to destroy his property. In fact, he has a great interest in her development. Percentage wise, who is more likely to be used as a "doormat", a slave or a submissive that has a casual meeting with a Dominant?

One often hears "A slave has NO voice in the relationship." This is another misconception of slavery. Often, a Master with common sense will seek the opinion of a slave before making a decision in many areas. It’s impossible to find a slave that does not have more knowledge in some areas than does her Master. In areas where she has experience, knowledge and training, it would be foolish for him not to seek her advice before reaching a decision. In addition, it’s often better to bounce your ideas off someone else before reaching a final decision. A good slave will welcome the chance to aid her Master by offering an intelligent opinion. A slave has input into many of the decision making processes that are required in life, but the Master makes the final decision.

slavery is NOT an escape from life. Past, present and future problems don’t magically disappear into the night never to be seen again. For example, past credit card debts don’t disappear, but a Master may plan repayment and place his slave on a budget. slavery is a completion of a slave’s natural feelings and needs, not an escape.

A slave enjoys submission and, over time, that submission becomes deep enough to elicit feelings of being owned or fully controlled by her Master. Not all submissives become slaves, but all slaves are submissive.

slavery always requires a long-term commitment by the slave to her Master and she is owned at all times. slavery always requires obedience. A friend in response to reading a draft of this article stated in an email to me that she didn't know how many people start out as slaves, but in her opinion it is a process of "becoming a slave." One starts as a submissive and over time grows into slavery. I fully agree with this statement.

There appears to be no right or wrong way, one can be a slave or submissive. It depends on the needs and desires of the individuals involved. Some Masters don't want a slave and some don't want a submissive. In addition, depending on the personality of the person, some submissives will never be a slave and some slaves would never be happy as a submissive. It is a choice that one must make in their life.



02:08 Nov 21 2010



Acceptance of Slavery- slaves point of view

00:39 Nov 21 2010
Times Read: 561

First you have to make a choice to accept slavery. The terms of your slavery must be clearly defined, understood and agreed to before the Master/slave relationship can start. In a Master/slave relationship their is a division of roles, responsibility and obligation. These divisions and your acceptance of them are necessary for the relationship to be successful. you are a slave and as such, owned by your Master. you must understand and accept that your value as a slave is based upon your service to your Master and your pleasure is derived from this service.

Once you choose slavery, training goals will be established for you and you will fully accomplish these goals. you can expect to receive intensive training as you learn the "art of slavery." you will receive guidance, direction and encouragement. you may be punished for any violation of your Master’s rules and orders. Strict discipline training will be employed to mold you into an effective and efficient slave. your Master will use your body for His pleasure when, where and how He desires. In addition to training goals, general goals will be established for long-term service as a slave.

The concept of the slave being owned as property by her Master is a key element in a successful Master/slave relationship. you have surrendered your freedoms to your Master. you are owned by your Master, but you have no ownership of Him. By owning you, He has control of all aspects of your life. your Master can make any decision for you that He desires. Being His slave, you have no control over any aspect of His life.

A slave is required to be honest, open and accessible to her Master at all times. Honest communication is the cornerstone of a successful Master/slave relationship. Each and every question asked by your Master must be fully answered. In addition, your Master must be detailed in what He expects of you and what you can expect from your slavery.

For the relationship to last, you must accept that you are His property to be trained and used as He determines. You are expected to obey, serve and please your Master. Your success or failure is measured by how well you accomplish this. Success is measured by both your behavior and attitude. you are owned body, mind, soul and spirit and as such each area is subject to examination and change to better serve and please your Master.





00:38 Nov 21 2010
Times Read: 562

I have been asked by people who know me but do not understand my choice of lifestyle the how and why and what I do. I have no pat answers for them. It is a decision that gives me comfort. It fulfills something in me that is so deep it is simply part of who I am. So I am changing this thread of my journal to include information on slavery.

Not all of what you will find here is my own work. I seek the guidance and assistance of other slaves. I take direction from one Master only. Masters are welcome to comment but I ask that you respect that I am already owned.

I have had too much of the attacks-yes attacks against my psyche on VR. I am not up on the slave block. I am safely owned.



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