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Metaphysics: Creativity And Spiritual Development

22:29 Sep 04 2008
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Creativity and Spiritual Development


“The creative person is both more primitive and more cultivated, more destructive, a lot madder and a lot saner, than the average person.”

-Frank Barron


Since the beginning of time, the concept of creation has been fundamental behind the becoming of existence. It matters not what belief system you stem from, which deity or deities you have been brought to acknowledge or worship, or what stance in politics,... every human being is gifted with a creative, as well as a destructive potential.

Ever since mans awakening, it has searched for a sense of purpose in life, and perceived in a thirst of discovery the world around them. Our creative imagination is about as diverse and plentiful as the individual thoughts of every host within the harmonic collective of cosmic entities. It cannot be measured. It cannot be counted. ... and yet it can be perfectly conceived by each individual in their own individual way!

It is a perfect fusion of intelligence and awakening, and has more precedence to our own spiritual development than many realize. It is the art of expression, through art, music, personality, inspiration, intuition, insight, and is the most influential part of our growth as both material and immaterial beings. We all possess the impulse within us to reach out with mind and body; reach out of our own consciousness into the minds of others; into the unknown, spiritual beyond, in the hope that something, man or spirit, will answer back.

What is Creativity?

It is that hard-to-define quality, and to those who channel this talent through mere instinct,... you know it best when you see it with your own eyes, or hear it with your own ears. In general, creativity is the ability to combine ideas in a unique way or to make fresh and useful associations among ideas. It means "thinking outside the box".

When one usually hears the word 'creative', we tend to think of artists and poets, actors and musicians- people whose life's work come up with new and inventive ways of thinking. But this is not the only venture for the creative mind to travel. Creativity can thrive in absolutely every aspect of life, and the most recent research is showing that it is quite often the secret ingredient that helps individuals achieve their goals, build rewarding relationships, and conceive the essence of our own consciousness.

The mechanics of creative potential, much like metaphysics and spiritual potential, have long been a mystery to science. Historically, it was conceived to be a component to intellect, but psychologists and researchers alike are now unveiling many more truths behind the power of creativity. It is also a component to 'mental flexibility' (how one can ponder and entertain ideas without the need to practice them in real-time), and how efficiently one can transition between one task and another.

We have been bestowed this ability, in its own infancy, since OUR own infancy (meaning that we through the earliest union of body and spirit have birthed an approach to the understanding of the world around us and the consciousness of something beyond what is seen and heard).

Children are naturally creative. They're constantly dreaming up new ways to play, make art and communicate. They are in a world free of constraints on their creativity. They have not yet learned to judge themselves by the products of their inspiration—they just do and enjoy. And that is the essence of creativity: Freeing yourself from judgment and self-imposed limitations, and allowing your imagination to roam and yourself to enjoy what you're doing. But on top of that, there are some time-tested techniques for turning on your inner light bulb.

Unlocking your creative potential is a great way to maximize your productivity and performance in any situation, especially one that requires work or discipline. You'll find new and better ways of doing what you do. And developing your creative spark keeps you much more interested and engaged in what you are doing. If you practice the art of thinking in alternatives, you will be less likely to give up when things are not going as planned and more likely to come up with new solutions.

Just as creativity can help define yourself, it can help define your view of others. Channeling your creative powers can help you avoid unhealthy patterns of unnecessary conflict, and see in a wider perspective of viewpoints, analyzing motives and natures in order to understand others on your walk through life.

Creative Tension?

The most common mistake that artists and the everyday-man make is they fail to understand the idea of "Creative Tension." This is where you withhold the idea and allow all of the habitual notions or variety of methods previously used to emerge and "run through them." To hold a conflicting idea in your mind without immediately seeking to resolve it is what allows "insight" to emerge. ... Patience is key! If we become impatient and try to resolve the conflict quickly - we fall to our habitual perceptions and approaches and let them try to resolve it. In this - we receive the same results every time.

Creative Tension can be thought of as being in the presence of a situation that would normally "trigger" a response, or create an urgency to do something . . . but instead we simply sit quietly and observe without feeling compelled to do anything as a result. Once we step outside of our habitual tendencies in response to a particular stimulus - a new perception can arise in place of the old tendency. But if, instead, we feel pressured to resolve the conflict - we will respond with the habitual emotional reaction that's being activated in us. This will simply repeat an old pattern. We will respond - express - the same idea over and over in the same way.

Inspired ideas - allow us to see something brand new in a common situation. They usually indicate a different meaning that creates a pathway of new behavior or expression. When we feel inspired, we feel passionate - excited. Intuitively we have a sensation of expanding and "rushing" forward into it. This is in a smaller sense, an experience of bliss or nirvana. It's very pleasing to the mind and body, as well as our luminous body.

The "Four Stages" of the "Creative Process"

When we look at the creative process undertaken by all artists, inventors, scientist and "creative professions" - they have a common thread of what we can say is 4 primary stages of the process itself. These stages are dynamic, yet follow a sequence that produces a new, fresh and novel approach to a common held idea with a history of previous expressions.


1- Preparation: This is the initial and perhaps longest stage as it is the time when we become "exposed" to the general field that the creative process is engaged in. If I am a "painter" I must study painting, styles, techniques, genre' and a select group of painters to thoroughly to get an idea of what has "come before" in terms of historic or "already created ideas." I must also develop my skill at painting, establish my style, and gain a fundamental knowledge of my subject.

2- Incubation: This is where I capture a basic idea and "sit with it" in a relaxed state of mind. I define the approach of my inquiry, which will begin shaping the expressive format. This is the stage where "Creative Tension" is established in what appears as "conflicting aspects" of it's essential nature as a kind of paradox. Instead of seeking to quickly resolve the conflict - which would be done with my "habitual" tendency or methods - I simply sit quietly with the conflicting state of my subject, allowing common ideas to pass by and empty my mind.

3- Creative Insight: By sitting with an idea, and allowing all the immediate (usual) ideas to run through my mind - I create a kind of space for a brand new notion, approach or quality to emerge and become apparent as a form of "Insight." This insight is outside of my "habitual approach" and is not a repetition of what has been expressed previously by other artists. This insight comes as a sudden realization of a fresh approach to what may be a common subject. I then "capture" this insight and begin allowing it to expand, unfold or present itself to me.

4- Manifesting: Once I recognize the nature of my insight - I "capture" it, hold it in my mind and begin bringing a clarity to it it that will lend itself to an "action" of some sort. I "create" it by defining it in form. I use it to in-form and shape a representation of the essential nature of the inspired notion that motivates it.

This same idea can be used in forming new paths of expression in your everyday life. When you are in a situation that normally would trigger a response (created internal conflict) do not indulge in your typical reaction - but simply allow it to run through your mind and realize what your "typical reaction" would be. Simply witness it without judging it or attempting to repress it. Allow all of the possible reactions to enter your mind as possible expressions to the emotion that has been activated in you. By doing this you will "exhaust" all of your previous, habitual methods of expressing yourself in response to a particular event or behavior. Once all the old, "known" tendencies are emptied out of your thoughts . . . . only then . . . can something new emerge. This usually comes by way of what is typically called an in-sight. Insights are inspired ideas that almost seem to be "given" to you, or downloaded into your mind instantaneously. This inspired insight will be a fresh way to respond to an old stimulus. In this moment . . if you chose to "act on" the inspired idea . . . you will express yourself in a brand new way, creating a new experience of yourself in relationship to others or your everyday circumstances.

Creativity According to Spiritual Development

If the understanding of how crucial creativity can be to ones spiritual development has not been met yet, then consider this.

Everyone is born with a pre-programmed sense of creativity in them, and much of this is stemmed from the creative potential not only of the mind, but of their spirit as well. Although many people go about their lives expressing their creative potential without understanding the spiritual, utilizing creative powers can develop the awakening individual in the taming of their restless increase of their 'bio-energy', and can help make ones path straighter.

Just as creativity helps the spirit, the opposite is also true. The practice of simple relaxation and meditation techniques can increase the number of new ideas that can develop. This helps us become relaxed and receptive, yet remain alert in times that require discipline.

To channel creativity is to take pleasure in life's infinite possibilities. To clarify your mind in times of uncertainty. To embrace your creative abilities begins a cycle of energy you can channel in whatever way you wish.



Works Cited/ Sources:

1. "Guidepost Magazine|Personal Growth|Spiritual Development - Unlock Your Creativity" By Jessica C. Kraft, San Francisco, California /Guidepost Magazine http://www.guidepostsmag.com/personal-change/personal-change-archive/?i=2788&page=1

2. "Creativity" Linda Gadbois's Creative Transformations. http://www.creativetransformations.com/creativity.htm

3. "Spiritual development in schools" British Humanist Association http://www.humanism.org.uk/site/cms/contentViewArticle.asp?article=1249

4. "Wikipedia: Creativity" Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creativity

5. "Creativity - How To Be More Creative: The Art, Science and Practice" By Vadim Kotelnikov/1000Ventures http://www.1000ventures.com/business_guide/crosscuttings/creativity_main.html

- materials assembled and rewritten by Nam3less One

Copyright © by In Dreams All Right Reserved.

Published on: 2008-08-28



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