There I was staring down at the rock in my hand. Wondering did it know of me. When I realized that we were both made of atoms. This made me look further into how our differences made us unconnected.
So, I decided to use an imaginary microscope to zoom in on the atoms. This led me to see that atoms are made of quarks, and I zoomed in on the quarks and found that they were made of particles, so I zoomed in once again to find that particles are made from energy. There became nowhere further to zoom in, energy was the bottom line, energy is the starting point for all things, and I knew then that all things were and are made from energy planks. (a plank is the smallest anything can ever be)
The next step I took was to find how energy came together to form all things in our 3D space/time universe. My search into this led me to create the dMatrix (pages 13 and 120).
The creation of the dMatrix allowed me to see how energies behaviour would clump together to form stuff.
The next thing I needed to find was how all this energy that makes up the universe and the stuff within came into existence. We are taught that energy cannot be created we learn that it takes energy to create energy. So, I went on a search into my mind to find out were the main energy source was and were energy came from.
After much searching, I realised that the energy source I was searching for, was not in this dimension/universe. If it was the universe would be over crowed, which is not the case. So, this meant to me that the source of our dimension/universe’s energy had to exist in a different realm to ours.
Once I understood this, my quest was to find not so much how the energy got from another realm into our realm, but what could be a possible source of the energy’s creation.
I thought and thought on this for quite some time, and then my mind went off on a tangent. What could possibly produce all the energy that is within our universe? Thinking on this, I just thought and though, then it hit me, thought yes thought itself, that’s right the art of thinking would be the greatest creator of massive amounts of different energies. You see, were other things run out of energy, thinking does not, till all thoughts have been had. This line of thinking became my new line of thought, my new quest in the search for all, and my way to continue and finalize the dTheory.
So, my search now had become, what could produce thought? Living things such as intelligent life form could. This new line of thought leads me to ORIGIN . To me the discovery of this new entity that existed in another dimension/universe had become the centre piece to all my work.
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How ORIGIN came into being or of what substance it is, was irrelevant to me at that stage. What was more important is the fact that, by some means and at one stage ORIGIN had come into consciousness. ORIGIN then began to think, and every thought became a separate and individual piece of energy.
After I had worked that out my next line of thought was how the dMatrix fitted into all this? It was very simple, the dMatrix explained how the family groups within it held the answer to this question and it also explained how the energy would clump together, thus making stuff even intelligent life.
The next thing I worked on was how did this energy get into our 3D space/time universe? That question led me to the possibility of one of three answers. 1. Being the Big Bang theory, 2. The collision of two banes as in M theory and the last one, 3. That there is a GOD and it was always there and came into consciousness there, thus releasing its thought energy into the universe, or rather as it released its thought energy the universe expands.
So, where did my mind go next, I hear you ask?
Well after I relooked at the dMatrix once more, it got my mind thinking more on the religious side to all this, I mean the scientific side just panned out as you have seen as you went through this book.
So, let’s take a look at the true nature of why we exist, and the purpose of why we are in a vessel of sorts to help us exist? Well
it all has to do with thinking, not thought as we understand it, just the thinking side of our brain. You see all our senses are just receivers, that is to say they receive information in the way of a frequency being sent to it. Remember here that all things are made of energy and this energy gives rise to frequencies.
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Now try and think of something, anything that has nothing to do with any of our senses. Impossible I here you say yes, your correct. We need to recall things from what we have learned through the senses, in order to have a thought. So in there lays your answer to why we exist, we need a vessel that has sensors to allow us to think and have the ability of true thought, every thought that we can within our short lifetime, compared to the eternity of which our overall frequency will continue to carry on. Remember how we learned about energy memory and reincarnation. The next part of my thinking went out towards how energy from you, well the broken down you, went out into this 3D space/time place of ours, only to be taken up by something else, along with the energy memory of being what was a part of you. Here let me give you an example: - you die and let’s just say a dog eats part of you, there is now your energy memory inside the dog, now that dog defecates near a tree and once the defecation is broken down the nutrients are taken up by the tree, well now your energy memory is part of the tree, now the tree grows a fruit, and someone eats that fruit, the energy memory of you is now part of that person. That person dies in a say valley, and some of their broken down nutrients begin to form a rock, then part of your energy memory is now part of the rock, now let’s just say the earth brakes apart and the chunk of earth were the rock is, is sent hurtling through space and it collides with another planet and let’s say, after time that planet becomes a sun, and flares of gas shoot of the sun, and within one of them is the energy memory of you and that energy memory eventually gets taken up by a fruit baring plant on a nearby planet, and an intelligent life form on that planet eats that fruit, your energy memory is once more contained inside a vassal of sorts. I could keep going here but I think you get the picture quite well. And that is you will eventually be within all things of this realm, one with the cosmos you could say, and that is the true nature of existence, along with what I will explain next, and that is thought.
So, the next piece of the puzzle I was to work on thought itself. You see thoughts would be the greatest number of anything in our 3D space/time universe, in other words there is more different thoughts within this place of ours than there would be of anything else.
So, as I studied thought I realized that it happens in two stages. The first stage being the trigger effect, and the second stage being the thinking stage. Now with the second stage things are pretty straight forward that is your line of thought plays out like a movie, a story of sorts, while you go through the motions of getting to your outcome. It is the first stage I was more interested in. You see your brain, well most of it is just a receiver, like your other senses, and the brain receives information, normally by the way of electro/chemical signals from within the information being sent by the senses. What I noticed though is there had to be a trigger to start the ball rolling; something had to occur for the second stage to take place. Now this trigger I found, could not be from our 3D space/time universe, realm, plane, no it had to come from somewhere else, I say this because if it was here in our place of being, then it would be triggering thinking nonstop even while we are thinking. So, I looked for this trigger within other realms, planes, dimensions and possible universes.
One possible likely place would be the realm of ORIGIN, yes, the place where ORIGIN existed. Since ORIGIN had every thought that could ever be, then there would have been your current thought already existing within the realm of ORIGIN. In saying this that would mean your brain would have either been sent the whole thought you were about to have or that the trigger for your thought is sent from ORIGIN realm, either way your brain has acted as both a receiver and sender of information. Next in my theory I was to look into is light, well the speed of light more so.
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You see things like the words before you, plus your peripheral vision is also picking up information of other things around you. Now this information of these things is being sent to your eyes at light speed. This must mean that your receivers in your eye and the signal they send to the brain and the brain turning this information into logical sense and then storing this
information into memory cells in the brain, must all at every stage be travelling at the speed of light also. Otherwise there would be a traffic jam of information, and this is not the case. So, I was just wondering could the brain network actually travel beyond light speed to gather all the information being sent to it and for it to interpret and store. What I’m getting at here is say you witness a gunshot, the information sent to the brain at one time is sound, vision, smell and touch. The brain does not let one of these pieces of information through, then the next so on and so forth, but rather all the information is received by the brain at once and then spread out within to be interpreted and eventually land in a memory cell.
Just receiving and interpreting the vision of the event would have the brain running at light speed, plus now for all the other sensory information to keep up so the mind can draw a motion picture of what had occurred then they, the other interpreted sensor information must also be travelling at light speed. Now to put all that light speed information into a motion picture for your memory and your current observation of the event to still keep up with what is taking place, it would be fair to say that the information collection centre of your brain would be travelling faster than the speed of light.
Next, I needed to put it all together into logical sense, so here goes.
ORIGIN came into consciousness, its thoughts became energy plank packets, these packets were either solo or amalgamated
as in the makeup of the d Matrix, the clumped packets then formed mass, were the Multidimensional Language would take place, and the go and stop points took place over all energy signatures came into being, and these then allowed for information to be passed from them to the new host.
That’s just about covers it, the rest of my thoughts and science that went through my brain you have read throughout this book. The book of .d.
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Well it really wouldn’t be a Theory of All if I didn’t include the 6 or 7 senses now would it? Did I just read it right, did the author say 6 or 7 senses?
So, let’s go back through the equation and matrix. We know for sure there is 5 senses, touch, smell, taste, seeing and hearing. They are all receptors, that is to say they receive electrical/chemical signals and then they interpret them for the brains network to identify what is occurring.
So where is the 6th or 7th sense? Well just look at what has already been said, that senses are receptors. Well the 6th sense is THOUGHT our mind receives Thought and just like the other senses, the brain interprets thought into a logical vision and understanding within our mind.
So, what is the 7th sense I hear you ask? Well this one could be what is called Gut Instinct, but we already have Thought being the 6th sense. So, there is no need for another receiver sense. This must then mean the 7th sense is a transmitter, not a receiver. The question is, did we have a transmitter sense in the past human history, and have since lost it, or are we still developing it?
And what would be the purpose of it? The logical answer would appear to be communication between things that have a receiver sense say to be able to connect with the 6th sense. Or better yet to be able to manipulate objects that do not have senses, say like bend spoons or move objects.
Whatever it is for, there is one thing for certain, the 7th sense is not yet fully developed, or we are losing what is left of it.
Let’s just say for argument sake, the 7th sense is what we receive after death, this would allow us to be at one with all. Maybe the 7th sense is the consciousness of the Enthral domain.
One thing is for certain the door is wide open for us to have a 7th sense; it’s just a matter of finding it within ourselves.
It’s not going to hurt anyone if you try to, unlock, enhance, develop or strengthen the 7th Sense. Go on give it a good try and open it up, get it working.
I was just thinking about thoughts and in particular dreams and energy memories.
Now as described in our last page, individual energy could hold a memory of what it once was. Now let’s just say that a piece of energy in your brains memory cells once was part of the brain memory cells of another person, weird yet feasible.
Now when you dream, I wonder how much of the dream is our own memories in play and how much is the memory of the cell/s that contain memories from when they were in the other person.
This could also be the case for parts of De ja vue. Some or all the de ja vue moment may be cells in your brain recalling events from when they were part of another person / creature or whatever’s existence.
Cell energies memory may hold the key to hereditary diseases and many other things, of which are mysteries to us currently.
Yes, the true nature of energy memory needs plenty more research dollars thrown at it.
Some people may say that hereditary illnesses are in the DNA or Genes. What they need to remember here, is that even DNA strands and Genes at their smallest level are nothing but energy. So, to truly understand the makeup of illnesses, we need to look at energy memories and as we know they are nothing more than a frequency, and frequencies can be manipulated.
I always though deja vues were the human mind and soul traveling to another point in the future and then when in the present and that is replayed, it feels like we have done this before. Very different concept you have there.
You will need to read my December articles before reading this, so you will have a better understanding.
Now that we know and understand that all things at their smallest size when broking down, are nothing more than energy. Then energy must hold a memory, I say this because we know of DNA. So for us to see and observe and also pass DNA on through our breeding, then the memory of DNA must be present at not just in the smallest part of things, it must be present at energy level so it can be retained to be passed on down the line.
So, it is fair to say energy has at least one memory. Now what if energy has more than one memory? What could serve as a purpose for this? Well one thing comes to mind, that being a memory of what it belonged to beforehand.
Let me just go back here for a bit and paint a picture for you to better understand where I’m heading here. When you die your bits and pieces brake down all the way back to their original energy state. This energy then is retaken up by other things. An example of this would be: -
An apple tree grows were you died and decade. Your bits break down and some of them are absorbed into the soil as nutrients. The apple tree, then takes these nutrients up and pass them into an apple growing on the tree. Someone eats the apple from the tree, and parts of the eaten apple get regenerated into a new skin cell on that person. So now there would be a memory of you at energy level within that person who ate the apple.
Let’s get back to where we were. Ok so we were talking about energy having more than one memory. Each piece of energy has its own unique frequency, as they clump together to form mass, there is an overall frequency relevant to that clump. Now let’s just say that this overall frequency is also retained in individual energies as well. Then one could say energy then has at least two memories, one being for DNA, the other being the memory of what it once was. The memory of its last overall frequency.
So basically what I am saying is, DNA once broken down to energy level, were each piece of individual energy must hold a memory of what its past must have been, other wise they would not clump together to form the mass that is DNA. Having said that; it clearly shows energy does hold memories of its past existence. So the apple you once ate could hold within it the memory of part of an other creature ect.
How many memories could energy hold, well someone good at maths would be able to work that out.