Thought creates the world and then says, ‘I didn’t do it.'
-David Bohm
The math instructor offered to let us take both the chapter 10 test and the final today if we wanted to. That way, we wouldn't have to return on Wednesday. My other instructor said last week that our last day would be Monday (today) because she realized that for the number of credit hours in the class, we'd been scheduled for too many days.
So I took both math tests and we had pizza in my other class.
Today was my last day this semester. It feels strange.
Next semester starts in a couple weeks. I'm not sure the exact date. Silly me, I forgot to find out. I will, though. This time with the classes will be more work. I hope they don't mess up my financial aid this time.
It's so hot here. I know we'll have more hot weather to come, but I am looking forward to fall and winter.
I've been practicing spiccato. I probably won't do it for reviews, but I need to get better at it anyway. I've been avoiding it, except in small doses. That means I need to do it more.