There was a day I meet a strange man
this man was a man I never meet before
a man that felt so old
a man that had a voice as deep as the ocean
his eyes as dark as his soul
on this day that I had meet this man
this man made me feel love
a love of loves that I never knew before
a love as unique as this strange man I never meet before
so on this day I meet this man I let him taste my soul
how I felt the world turn from light to dark
the sun to the moon
heaven was now hell
I opened my eyes and saw things new
this strange man had given me my sight and feel
then there was another day I saw this man again
this man had my heart singing and soaring for him
my loyalty to this man was something I felt from deep within
this man knew I loved him but he never loved me
this man knew I am his eternally
this strange man had me question everything I knew before
this strange man took me to soar freely under his wing
he showed me what it was like to be something I newly became
this strange man gave me the gift of life but it had to be set free
he was everything and anything that I wish could have been
this strange man made a monster out of me
he grabbed this angel that clinged to the star alone and scared
and now this angels blood tasted by his lips
we are always together
fates sealed in blood
I'll see you in hell
I am connected but still alone
I have a reason and cause that I must endure
one of hundreds and like no other kind
I am all of you
I see what you do even through your eyes
enough to say I am you
I am alone but one of hundreds
no coven nor house nor temple of belief suits my being
no title no position nor tribe has access to this soul
I search for a home wherever I go but only those far from here amoungst the heavens is were I belong
I was sent to guide you and see you to the door of the kings chamber
I choose none but they must choose me
I've watched in many lifes empires crumble and time lapse into infolding misery
i remember my light being this bright enough that darkness cannot shrowd what shines
I have seen the blindness of mans material and their lust destroy all
I am the guardian
one of hundreds sent here for the others
sent here to guide
we are alone but connected in our love
our beauty is truth
our judgements hold mercy
we have been laying dorment but now must be awakened
as a dragon laying in caves we must fly you on our wings
the call has been made by the ancient language
the message is constant and the growing pains known
I am not better then you for we are the same
although I was sent to help you I am the same
my burden is self sacrificial self lessness
my duty is to guide you
you are my death
my gifts are not one that any want
I've always known but have denied the answers to these questions that I knew would arise
one day to have to release this light
a guardian sent from a heaven so far away
the call has been sent, only we know and hear the message that was left.
Let these wings spread wide for those whom ascend