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Well my job shut down for awhile I was waitressing and they closed it down for awhile I'm a little upset bit I'm fine. I just wish they would clean up the shipping boxes from China we wouldn't be in this mess
I am pretty darn sure this spread from people leaving Wuhun and then traveling all over the planet. Yes it can live on plastic and steel for up to three days but the virus disintegrates over the course of a day on cardboard. And shit I order from China takes more then 3 days to get to me. Sorry about the job.
Well when my mom got pregnant by 2 guys they left her in highschool and he pops up in her life and he except me as his daughter and I've only knew him 11 years and it hurts everyday that I wanna show him what i have accomplished in my life and now he's with my mom she might be laughing and cutting up with him or she might be upset idk but I feel them everyday. I feel them touch my stomach where my 2 weeks and 2 days of my baby and I feel like they are loving it . I miss them so much I just wish I had 5 more minutes with them.
15:04 Mar 19 2020
I am pretty darn sure this spread from people leaving Wuhun and then traveling all over the planet. Yes it can live on plastic and steel for up to three days but the virus disintegrates over the course of a day on cardboard. And shit I order from China takes more then 3 days to get to me. Sorry about the job.
19:41 Mar 20 2020
Yea it pissed me off tho