I had a lady give me "feedback" on my store stating that she has a big head so I should probably start sending orders with extra elastic so it can be customized to the right size because she could barely make hers work.
Now, I've actually received some decent feedback from folks so I don't mind, what concerns me is that according to my calculations (because I literally measure each cut of elastic) this woman has a head circumference of at least 53".
Given that the average circumference of the adult skull is 22.5 inches for men and 21.75 inches for women, I feel that if 53" isn't enough for you, that's something you could either mention to a seller before they ship an item to you or, you know, go get some elastic by the yard so you can customize something for yourself. Expecting people to predict 53" of anything is a bit unreasonable and I say that living in New York where it snows like mad.