Valiant Nuada of the white sword,
Who subdued the Firbolg of blood,
For love of the Tribe, for pains of Danu's children,
Hold thy shield over us, protect us all,
Hold thy shield over us, protect us all.
Danu beloved! Mother of the Shining Ones,
Shield, oh shield us, Lady of nobleness,
And Brigit the beauteous, shepherdess of the flocks,
Safeguard thou our animals, encircle us together,
Safeguard thou our animals, encircle us together.
And Ellen, beneficent, benign,
Governess of the trackways of power,
Invoke the star of power upon the path,
Guide well thou ourselves, shield our procession,
Guide well thou ourselves, shield our procession.
O Mother! O Maiden! O Crone of Wisdom!
Be the Triad with us day and night,
On the machair plain or on the mountain ridge,
Be the Triad with us and her cloak around us,
Be the Triad with us and her cloak around us.
--From the Carmina Gadelica, ancient celtic oral tradition
After a loved one crosses over it can feel as though you’re left with a gaping hole in your heart, you may feel lost and alone, angry and sad… while experiencing many other waves of emotions as you go through the mourning process and coming to terms with your loss. You feel as if they are gone from your life forever, but the truth is, they are always with us.
We are all spirit having a human experience, so when our human form passes over our spirit continues to live on. It’s the same with animals too.
So it makes total sense that sometimes our passed loved ones will try to get messages across to us. They may want to make contact to let you know that they’re okay, to give you help and guidance, to comfort you in your grief, to give you a message, or for other reasons. It may be that they just want to check up on you from time to time over the years to see how you are doing.
They like to visit and acknowledge significant events such as birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, births, deaths, or even to warn us of a bad situations.
If you know what to look for, you’ll get the message they are trying to convey.
Spirit are often very eager to let you know they are part of your life and are with you when you least expect it. While many people can feel their passed loved ones watching over them, self-doubt can creep in and many tend to question whether or not what you experienced is actually a message from a passed loved one.
Spirit will provide us with many signs and will continue to try and get through in the hope that they will be recognised (some of these signs are listed below).
The signs will come in a variety of ways, and the key is keep your eye open for synchronicities and anything out of the ordinary.
These spontaneous and direct methods of communication can occur at any time, and anywhere. You can be fully awake, in a twilight state of dreaming and waking, or in a dream state.
All you need to connect with passed loved ones is the ability to be open and pay attention.
Here is a list of the 12 most common signs our loved ones give to us…
One of the most common ways for spirit to visit and communicate with us is through dreams. While sleeping your conscious mind has quietened and you have less resistance through your own thoughts, blockages and beliefs - you’re relaxed and open. Most people are comfortable seeing a loved one in a dream and of course they don’t want to scare you!
Spirit and angels will give you messages through words, symbols, and scenes that you can use as guidance for your life. Be aware that that these messages can take time to decipher. A great place to start is with a dream journal, or at the very least have a pen and paper next to your bed so that you can write things down quickly either in the middle of the night if you’re woken by your dream, or first thing in the morning when you’re dream is relatively fresh in your mind.
If you are visited by someone in a dream, you will know as these dreams are quite different from regular dreaming and you may try talk yourself out of the fact that you had a ‘spirit visitation’ dream.
In spirit visitation dreams a deceased loved one often enters the dream, or is surrounded by some sort of light. In the dream, while they may talk to you or ask you to deliver messages, they will usually offer some sort of comfort that they are okay, everything is peaceful, and that they made it to the other side comfortably. Symbols in your dream are used to help you to interpret the dream. If it’s not clear to you what the message is, you may want to investigate some dream interpretation information to clarify further.
A dream that is a true visitation will be very peaceful and you will know within yourself that it is truly your loved one. You will remember these types of dreams in detail for many years to come.
If your dream is frightening or makes you feel bad, this is not a spirit visitation dream. This is your subconscious, worries and concerns coming through. Our loved ones are always loving and positive, much the same as they were when living, but more so now that they are in the spirit world as now they have no worries or concerns, have or are going through healing, and will shine with love.
If for some reason you deal feel a negative spirit coming through for whatever reason, all you need to do is ask Archangel Michael to protect you and for him to only allow spirit of the light to come through with positive messages for you.
Number patterns are also very commonly shown to us by spirit and Angels. You will see the same numbers over and over until you get the message! Spirit love to give numbers that hold some significance such as birth dates, anniversaries, and other significant event dates. You may relate a number sequence to a date a particular person had passed - they are letting YOU know they are with you!
Repeating numbers such as 111, 222, 333, etc. seen on clocks, phone numbers or other familiar places, could also have some significance to a passed loved one (like time of death for example). This is also a very common way to receive messages from the Angels with each number having a significant meaning of guidance for you based on timeless and accurate numerology.
Signs Through Animals
Butterflies, Birds, Dragonfly’s, Ladybugs… Spirits can use their energy to be with us through the animal world for a very short amount of time. If an animal does something unusual like land in front of you or on you, stare at you through a window or peck at the window, squawk at you as if they’re trying to speak to you - any of these could be a sign that your loved one is around you.
Signs Through Small Objects
It is very common for spirit to use objects like feathers, coins, stones, and other small objects that may have some significance to either you or the spirit. Spirit like to place things in your path to let you know they are around.
If you find different things just showing up randomly, you may like to do some research on “apports” (gifts from spirit), where objects appear from nowhere.
Some spirits move objects to get your attention. Does the same photograph keep falling? Is the same thing always being ‘misplaced’ or ‘lost’ while in your possession?
Spirit LOVE to play with electricity. After all… we are ALL energy! Energy runs through ALL things! It is actually quite common for passed loved ones to learn how use these things to get your attention! This is a more advanced skill, so not all spirits are able to do this. They love to manipulate appliances like flickering lights, turning the television and radio on and off, making things beep or ring for no apparent reason and children’s toys can start to play and move around. Ever heard the doorbell ring, you go to answer to find no-one is there (and it isn’t Halloween!).
If unusual things like this happen to you, it might be that someone is trying to tell you something (besides the obvious message of getting your appliances checked too of course!)
Some signs can be a little more intense than others which can tend to scare people. If you do get scared by any of these occurrences, all you need to do is talk to them and ask them to tone it down or show you something different – choose another sign to use!
Buzzing in your Ear
Have you ever had a high pitch noise in one or both of your ears that has just come out of nowhere? And no, I don’t mean the after effects of a big night out at a rock concert either. It is, quite different to that. I will point out here that there is a medical condition that is described similar to this and perhaps something you may want to get checked too. However, we are talking on a spirit level. What does this mean?
Spirit run at a much higher frequency than we do (hence the high pitched noise in our ears). You can ask them to turn it down (or up). This sign can mean that you are “downloading” information in to your subconscious, it can be a sign telling you to listen to what they are saying. How do you know what they are saying… well… you can get it in several ways. Look up the “Clair’s” (clairaudience, clairvoyance, etc etc). So you can see, feel, hear or know what their messages are – unfortunately they don’t send out a memo typed out neatly for us to understand. Perhaps we can work on that with them in future.
Synchronicity is experiencing two or more events that are unlikely to occur together by chance, yet are experienced by occurring together in a meaningful way. Spirit can arrange ‘signs’ for you in this way. For example, maybe you’ve heard the same name pop up several times in one day? Perhaps you have been recommended to read the same book by several different people. There’s so many things that contribute to synchronicity and I’m sure you’ve already experienced it several times before. These are signs you’re on to something, pay attention. Receiving a symbolic message, sign, coincidence or synchronicity - Synchronicities can be a sign of confirmation, of thoughts - of messages a sign spirits are watching over you! There’s also a few other reasons dependent on our own levels of vibration (what’s happening for us in our lives, relationships etc.) That’s an article for another time.
We can often tell our passed loved ones are around us by smells like perfume, cigar/cigarette smoke, particular flowers, cooking, or any other familiar smell they had. There is no logical explanation as to why the smell is there, others can’t smell it (sometimes they can), but it seemingly comes from nowhere. For example if you smell cigar smoke, and no one is smoking near you, but you can associate it with, or it makes you think of, your passed grandfather use to smoke cigars – chances are it’s him letting you know he’s around! Think of the familiar smells you associate with your loved one. If it’s not logical to smell cigar smoke when no-one smokes in your house and you’re quietly sitting watching TV, it could be a sign!
Songs are a great way for spirit to trigger memories for you. Spirits love to play songs to deliver messages to you. Sometimes you will wake up with a random song in your head and you have no idea why you’re thinking of it (not so random really). Or perhaps you turn on the radio and you hear a song that instantly reminds you of a passed loved one. Aside from letting you know they’re around, pay close attention to the lyrics, there could be a message in it for you. Often, song signs are played several different times in several different places, but not always. We know they are around when their favourite song come on at the right time with the exact words we need to hear.
Sensing Their Presence
You might notice a shift when spirit is around you. It could be a change in energy, a feeling, suddenly experiencing a difference in temperature, brush of cold air when all doors and windows are closed or actual movement. Perhaps you might feel like someone is sitting next to you.
A light brush of your hair, holding your hand, a gentle touch, a hug. It can sometimes feel as if you’ve just walked through a spider web, but there is nothing there. That old saying you may or may not have heard of (when you get a chill or a sudden shiver/shudder) – “that felt like someone just walked over my grave”.
It has been said by some that feeling their touch is most common in the days directly following a loved one’s passing. However, some spirits do continue to visit long after they’ve passed, and let you know by using the ability of touch.
Usually you’ll feel a sense of love and peacefulness for no reason. It can happen at the most unsuspecting times, and there’s no logical explanation for such sudden bliss. There’s nothing to fear, say hello and thank them for visiting!
Spirit messages can come to us by the way of ‘thoughts’. Pay attention to any thoughts that just ‘pops’ into your head. For example, you see a bird that is very uncommon in your area and you immediately remember how much your grandmother loved this particular bird? Maybe she sent you this to remind you of her and to let you know she’s thinking of you and that she is with you. You might be thinking of your next holiday and suddenly you get an inspiration to go to a certain place, perhaps it’s somewhere your loved one has been before and they’re making a suggestion for you? Your loved ones are just a thought away.
These are just some of the most common ways spirit communicates with us. If you haven’t experienced any of these signs, it may just be that you haven’t recognised them, or you could simply ask your loved ones to give you a sign to let you know they are okay. It may be that you don’t sense them around because they are doing fine, or perhaps they’re spending a bit of time helping others too. Ask them to come to you as you sleep, in your dreams, and to wake you up after the dream.
The more you are aware of the messages you are given, the more time they will spend with you. Be patient and persistent.
Remember, when spirit pass over they leave all of their earthly worries and ailments behind. They go in to healing and reflect back on their learnings from their human experience. They want you to remember their whole life and not just the time immediately before their passing. There are many wonderful memories before that they are focused on and treasure. They really are okay and want you to be too!
Are You Being Visited by a Ghost, a Loved One From the Other Side or an Angel?
Everyone receives visits from ghosts, loved ones from the Other Side and angels. Even though many of these visits are meant to be comforting, sometimes the presence of an otherworldly visitor can be unnerving and even frightening. Knowing who these guests are, however, and why they’re visiting you can make their visit easier and often, even comforting.
Here are three ways you can tell these visits from one another:
1. Ghostly Visits
Visits from a ghost, or the earthbound spirit of a deceased individual, usually bears several tell-tale signs. First, their presence is typically not comforting. When you’re around a ghost you feel watched – even if you’re alone in the room. You might even begin to feel unexplained nervousness, sadness or depression. You may feel sudden cold spots in the room or, in some cases, you might even see a ghostly human image – if only for a moment. Some people have seen a kind of blur or a flash of movement when no one else is in the room.
2. Visits from Loved Ones from the Other Side
A visit from a loved one who is on the Other Side is a very different experience from a ghostly visit. While you can also feel a cold spot or a temperature shift when a loved one is around, you typically don’t feel nervous or uncomfortable when it happens. Along with the slight temperature shift, you may begin to reflect on memories of that loved one. Our loved ones often bring messages of encouragement when we need it, so you’re more likely to feel loved and comforted when they’re around. When a deceased loved one is around, we often start thinking of them and feeling their presence and reflecting on our memories of them as a result. For example, Tony, a hairstylist, feels his grandmother nearby whenever he is thinking his way through some of his life’s challenges. He smells her perfume, remembers her advice, and begins to feel the comfort she offers him. Visits from loved ones are a very positive, healing experience.
3. Angelic Visits
Angelic visits feel a bit different from when our loved ones visit. There is definitely a shift to a cooler temperature and often a slight breeze. You might even see sparkles of light where they move. Sometimes, because their energy is so pure and their vibration is so high, you can even feel a bit dizzy. Angels are available whenever we need them – they help us ease through conflicts and protect and comfort us through frightening times, though they most often respond to our calls and requests for their help. Angels are present with newborns and small children to comfort and protect and to pass on messages to their parents and caretakers. After my son was born, an angel appeared to me and gave me a message about his life purpose. While she was with us, the air around us felt as though we were on the top of a mountain. Unlike ghosts, an angel’s presence always has a purpose. They often bear a message or ensure protection and because of this you usually feel comforted, assured, loved and happy.
signs of a ghost
Do you ever wonder if you are being visited by a spirit? Do you have a feeling that there are spirits in your home? Are you curious if a loved one may be trying to connect?
Before we launch into the common signs that a Spirit energy is near, it’s important to understand the types of energy we may encounter. This includes ghosts, spirits, angels, demons, fairies, residuals and elementals.
Ghosts are typically identified as Spirits that have not crossed over, whereas Spirits are often used to classify those who have crossed over into the ‘light’.
There are some key differences between encountering a Ghost and a Spirit.
Usually Spirits make you feel calm, comforted and reassured. They often appear in dreams or you may see them as an apparition, either way, the feeling surrounding a Spirit is often calm.
Ghosts on the other hand often leave you with an eerie feeling, and can at times make you uncomfortable. They can appear as an apparition, shadow, orbs or ectoplasm mist. They may also be attached to an object or living person.
Here are 16 common signs that you may have a visitor from the other side:
Unexplained noises: Hearing sounds such as footsteps, knocking, banging, scratching or the sound of something being dropped. Usually these sounds can start of subtle and get louder.
Opening Doors/Cupboards: Any doors, cupboards or draws that seem to open on their own without rational explanation.
Lights Switching On/Off: Having lights switching on and off which are not caused by a rational explanation, or new lightbulbs that seem to blow too quickly.
Electronics Switching On/Off: Having items such as TV’s or radios switching on and off, changing channels, moving to static or increasing in volume without any rational explanation. Also hearing a favorite song from a loved one who has crossed over.
Disappearing Items: An everyday object is suddenly missing from it’s usual spot, only to see it reappear back a few days later.
Item of a Loved One: Randomly finding an object from a loved one who has crossed over.
Shadows: Seeing unexplained shadows in the corner of your eyes.
Feeling of being watched: This may be an overall feeling, or specific to only one area of the house. Typically this feeling can be eerie however, it doesn’t necessarily mean the presence itself is eerie.
Hot and Cold Spots: Experiencing huge fluctuations in temperature in particular areas in your home.
Feeling of being touched: Feeling a hand or something brush past, or a poke, push or nudge. Sometimes if the energy is negative there can also be unexplained scratches.
Unexplained smells: Fragrances that are not associated to anything in your home or a foul smelling odor- this is usually from a negative presence.
Cries/Whispers/Voices: Hearing soft chatter, cries, whispers or even music from an unknown source. Usually coming from one particular area of the house.
Levitating Objects: Very rare, but includes objects sliding off shelves, things flying off the walls or furniture moving. This is often indicative of a ghost or a negative energy.
Apparitions: Seeing a human formed apparition or entity, this can either be misty, transparent or solid. You may also see brightly colored orbs- blue orbs are often Spirits and white orbs are often Angels.
Objects at your feet: Seeing coins, stones or feathers at your feet are often sent by a loved one or Spirit.
Animal Sensitivity: Your animal reacts to a particular area of your home or seems to react to something you cannot see.
It is important to understand that typically, not all ‘bumps in the night’ are caused by an actual spirit or ghost. In fact, most of the time these types of noises can be attributed to residuals.
Residuals are basically an imprint of energy that seems to be caught on a continuous loop and is playing out over and over again. You can read more about residual hauntings here.
Residual energy is usually easily cleared with sage and other smudging rituals, incense and crystals.
As for Ghosts and Spirits, intuitively we can often tell which one is paying us a visit by the way the experience makes us feel.
Usually ghosts are attached to a particular object or home, whereas Spirits will come and go when they have messages they need to deliver.
If you are experiencing paranormal activity in your home, take a moment to observe what type of energy you feel you are dealing with.
If it is a Spirit or a loved one, stay open to their messages and if it’s a ghost, set a firm boundary to ensure you can live in your home comfortably.
Through dreams, feeling sensations or simply hearing a meaningful song on the radio while having a stressful day, your deceased loved ones attempt to connect with you after their passing.
There are many reasons why they return to visit, and you don’t have to be a medium or even go to one to experience the presence of a deceased loved one that you know personally.
In fact, it’s incredibly common.
These direct methods of communication can occur anywhere and at anytime, though they are most common when you are alone and aware of your surroundings to take notice. You can receive a sign when you are fully awake, in twilight state of dreaming and waking or in dream state.
With the ability to connect people and their deceased loved ones, I’ve come up with a list of the most common methods and techniques that your loved ones have used to visit you.
10 most common signs from your deceased loved ones
1. dream visitations
Visitation Dreams are one of the most common methods of -re-connecting with your deceased loved ones.
This is the most common way to be visited by those in Spirit, both by deceased loved ones and Spirit Guides. While you may talk yourself out of a ‘Spirit visitation’ dream even if you've had one, these types of dreams are much different than regular dreams.
In Spirit visitation dreams, a deceased loved one often enters the dream and is surrounded by some sort of light. In the dream, while they may talk to you or ask you to deliver messages, they will usually offer some sort of comfort that they are okay, everything is peaceful and that they made it to the Other Side comfortably.
2. sensing their presence
Many people report sensing the presence of their loved one around them after their passing.
You might notice a shift when they are around – either a change in the energy or actual movement in the air. Perhaps at night, you notice pressure in the bed next to you, as if someone got into bed with you, or you might feel like someone is sitting next to you in the evenings while you read a book. This is a common type of visit. If you were very close with the person you feel is visiting and you were able to notice their presence while they were alive – you still have this ability after they have shifted from physical into Spirit form.
They are the same essence they were with body, and now, without body.
3. feeling their touch
A hug, a brush of your hair, holding your hand, or a gentle touch on your back – these are some of the most comforting forms of connection that can happen.
Feeling their touch is most common to sense in the days directly following your deceased loved one’s passing, however, some of those in Spirit do continue to visit, long after their passing, using the ability of perceived touch. This ability to touch can also manifest in feeling them not touch you, but an object near you, for instance, noticing someone sit or lay down in the bed next to you.
4. smelling their fragrance
The ability to smell the fragrance from a deceased loved one or Spirit is called clairgustance.
These visits commonly reported as the fragrance of cigarette or cigar smoke, perfume, flowers, or cooking. If you smell cigar smoke, and no one smokes in your house, except your deceased grandfather – chances are, it’ him and he’s letting you know he’s around, visiting, and saying hello.
5. hearing their voice
This is called clairaudience. It is possible to hear the voice of your deceased loved one externally, as though they are actually speaking to you in human form, or internally, through thought or word transference. Internal clairaudience is the most common way to ‘hear a voice’, as the hearing happens inside your mind. Why? Those in Spirit no longer have a voice box - so creating an external noise is very hard.
Do you talk to your husband, grandmother, or best friend on the Other Side, in your mind?
Take a moment, and wait to see if you can hear a response. Usually, you can.
Learn how those in Spirit hear us.
6. unexpected electrical activity
We all have energy and energy runs through all things, including electrical devices.
For those on the Other Side, not only is it fun to learn how to use energy to connect - many of those in Heaven learn that the energy in electrical devices is quite easy to manipulate.
For this reason, it is actually quite common for those in Spirit to manipulate TV, lights and toys to get your attention. They can turn things on and off, change channels, and make things move.
Songs on the radio, that are meaningful to you or your lost loved one, are a favorite way for those on the Other Side to deliver to you messages that you may need to hear - right at that exact moment, with electricity.
7. a phone call
The day after my father passed over, I received several phone calls, from unknown numbers, with nothing but static on the other line. While discussing this event with friends, they recounted similar experiences, in the days following the passing of their loved ones. Since a phone is an electrical object, manipulating the energy to make a phone call is not much different than other electrical activity. This sign could occur in the months or years following the crossing of a loved one, it seems to be most common in immediate days following the transition.
8. receiving a symbolic message, sign, coincidence or synchronicity
Your deceased loved ones are often very eager to let you know they are part of your life and with you when you least expect it.
While many people can feel their deceased loved ones watching over them, sometimes, it’s hard to be that perceptive, or to be that sure that what we felt was really what we thought it was. So, those in Spirit will provide us with signs that we cannot ignore. Once you receive this type of sign, time and time again, you will know this is a message from the Other Side – and don’t let anyone else tell you otherwise!
The signs can and will come to you in a variety of ways, and the key is keep your eye open for synchronicities and anything out of the ordinary.
Wondering where and what to look for? Here are a few ideas!
Small coins and feathers are common and fun signs from our loved ones in Spirit!
Small Objects: Feathers, Coins, and Stones.
Spirit likes to place things in our path that were significant to them (or significant to us), over and over again. My father collected stones, and will often place new stones in the path of myself, my mother, and my sister when he visits. However, others see feathers, coins, and other small objects usually in their path.
Animals: Spirits use energy to be with us, and often, it is through the energy of animal world - such as a butterfly, bird, ladybug, dragonfly, or other creature - for a very short amount of time. If an animal does something usual - like land in front of or on you, stare at you through a window, or call in your path, this could be a sign. A common sign from those of the Other Side, are usually animals that are colorful (the more colorful something is - the more noticeable it is to you!).
Keep an eye out for bluebirds, jays, and cardinals.
Flowers: Spirits can send us flowers in unexpected ways. If you receive a flower sign, it could be in the form of an unexpected bouquet or gift, or a flower that is blooming out of season.
A few months ago, I asked for a sign, specifically in the form of flowers, and three days later, I arrived at work with a bouquet on my desk. Upon asking around, no one had any idea where these flowers came from or how they got there. In another example, did your mother love bulb flowers, such as tulips, daffodils? Suddenly, you might notice one pop up in your yard. With a sign like this, it's worth taking notice.
Learn more about Flower Signs here.
People: Your loved ones on the Other Side can and will use people to give you messages, and generally, the person delivering the message is not aware of it. Listen to those around you, the words they are speaking may be a direct message from the Spirit world to you! Also, those in Spirit may send meaningful people in your direction such as teachers, life partners, and new best friends.
9. movement
Sometimes, those in Spirits will move objects to get your attention. Does the same photograph keep falling? Is the same thing always being ‘misplaced’ or ‘lost’ while in your possession? Consider this method of communication, as it is most commonly sent to those whose attention it's hard to reach. Also, moving objects will often times create noise, which can startle your awareness, too!
10. seeing their apparition (flat photo, hologram, partial, full)
Believe it or not, seeing an apparition, while you are awake, with your eyes open, is one of the least common methods on this list! Though it’s the most widely cited in popular media, due to it’s shock value, it’s quite rare. And. . . just because your deceased loved one isn’t appearing to you in full ‘ghost’ form, doesn’t mean they haven’t attempted contact in one of the many other methods on this list.
If you have ever had someone you love cross over to the realm of Spirit, you might be wondering to yourself – how come they haven’t visited me yet? Or perhaps you thought you experienced something strange a few nights ago, and you think it was your grandmother, but maybe it was a broom falling in the closet instead. It’s a close call, right? Your closet is kind of messy anyway. . . .
While the above scenario is definitely a possibility – brooms are loud, afterall – I’d like to share with you a secret:
If you have a loved one who has crossed over into Spirit, they have tried visit you!
Yes, that’s correct – in fact, the #1 message in readings is, “Hey, I’ve been trying to visit you! But no one has noticed. . . .and let me tell you how it happens!”
While there is a common theme in HOW they visit (see below), there is also a common theme for WHEN your deceased loved ones are visiting you. Once you identify when and how your loved ones will likely visit you, you’ll be increasingly more aware (and prepared!) for the next time your loved ones want to stop by to share with you their love and support.
In order for a deceased loved one to visit you, a great deal of energy must be expended on their end – coming down to the physical realm, shifting their energetic vibration so they can be felt, moving objects or making noise if they can, etc. Since it takes so much energy for your deceased loved ones to visit – your loved ones want to make the most of their attempts to connect with you. To ‘make the most of their visit’, your deceased loved ones have a few ‘optimal’ time frames, where connecting with you, sharing with you their love and support, and assisting you on your life journey – would be most valuable, accepted and noticed.
The 4 Most Common Occasions When You Are Visited By Deceased Loved Ones
Read WHEN Spirits Stop By - in this article by Amanda Linette Meder
when you are alone
The #1 opportunity a Spirit has to visit with you is when you are alone. Your ‘alone time’ is one of the only times of day when you are not distracted by other people – thus more likely to notice the subtle shift in the presence of another. If your alone time is in the evenings or in the very early morning, you might even be LESS distracted because you are preoccupying yourself with fewer tasks. In the evening, many of us are winding down for the day, and naturally, unloading all of our distractions – communications, media, chores, to-do list, mental chatter.
The less distractions you have, the clearer your mind is, and the more likely a deceased loved one might be able to get your attention. It’s like trying to hear a very small whisper or a feel a tiny quake in the earth – if you are “busy” – you might just miss it! Sensing a deceased loved one can range from a very subtle shift in the air around you, a coolness or a heat in the room, to a very heavy feeling (like a thick blanket!). Each Spirit is different, and has a unique signature for how they visit. While you are learning, being aware to all of these shifts is most noticeable when you are alone. This is still true for me – sometimes I ”miss” the presence of Spirit when I am cooking dinner, out with friends, or working on administrative stuff, anything where my attention is not on my surroundings.
So, when are most of us alone? Yup. At night. Spirits don’t love night or have some sort of fascination with this time of day. Your deceased loved ones didn’t become strange and want to stop by as a bump in the night, simply this: WE are more in-tune with ourselves at night. Less distractions, more freedom for our senses to pick up on subtle changes, feelings, sounds, or sensations – when we otherwise may have been preoccupied texting a friend!
There are also times of days when the veil between the spiritual world and the physical world is thinnest - which can make it easier for you to sense Spirit.
when you are sleeping or dreaming
This is actually an extension of ‘when you are alone’. Even if you do share a bed with someone, usually, when you are woken up from a sleep – you are doing so as the only one awake in your house! Thus, sometimes, a loved one may attempt to visit you at night, especially if this is the only time you are calm and your mind is quiet. While your loved ones don’t always *intend* to wake you up (sometimes they just like to be with you!), occasionally they will. Next time you are suddenly awoken, a visit from a loved one may be the reason!
Another popular time to visit you, is during your dreamtime. Since those in Spirit are without a body and exist in an energetic form, they can and do communicate with you through the energy of your mind – thoughts, emotions, and imagination! Often, we only allow our ‘intuitive’ mind, the side of the right side of the brain, to speak to us in our dreams without interruption! This is the side of the mind that Spirit will come through to communicate with you, if you are clairaudient, too! Time and time again, your loved ones will say to me, “Tell her I talk to her on her right side!”. This is your creative, intuitive, and imaginative side – and it has the most freedom in your dreams. Thus, many spirits choose to visit you during dream time!
Learn more about Visitation Dreams here.
during a difficult time
Perhaps you are going through a rough time – a time of transition or crisis, a time or existential reflection, a relationship shift, a period of release and letting go, or time of questioning. If you lost someone who was your cushion to fall on, your comfort and support, or your shoulder to cry on – your loved one will still visit you to provide you this comfort. In fact, this is really common for grandmothers and romantic partner who are on the Other Side! However, if your difficult time is a period of grief, it is very difficult for deceased loved ones to connect with you through this emotion. In fact, they often describe grief as a heavy cloud, that behaves like a way, and until the cloud is lifted, they may be unable to pass through.
On another note, if you lost someone who always knew just how to cheer you up or bring you joy -may even attempt to visit you to continue providing this gift – both to you and to others in need.
during memorable events
Wedding, engagements, births, sport events, ceremonies, presentations, promotions, buying a house, sending a child of to college, winning an awards, releasing yourself from a bad situation, and more! These are ALL events that your loved ones do not want to miss. If you are concerned that your mother passed just before the birth of your child, don’t be! She was there :). And she wouldn’t have missed it for the world!
When Your Deceased Loved Ones DO NOT Visit You:
Worried that your loved ones on the Other Side are watching you change your clothes for bed, shower, or during an intimate moment? Ask yourself, “Would my grandfather have watched me shower while he was alive?” If the answer is, “No!”, the answer is still no. If your loved ones would not have violated your personal privacy, they still respect and honor those boundaries.
However, would you have a problem if your sister chatted with you while you were showering? After all, you may have shared a bathroom for years when you were growing up! In this exception, this loved one might visit you on this occasion, since it would’ve been totally normal behavior for her, while you were both on earth!
Your loved ones want to connect with you, and they are going to use the most likely methods for you to notice! Don’t pay attention to your dreams? They may not even bother coming to you this way, and instead try to catch your attention when you go downstairs for a midnight snack!
What is an archangel, and who are they? In truth, an archangel is any angel who has risen above the generic rank of an angel. Among the archangels, seven “Archangels of the Throne” (although this term is not used in canonical texts) hold the highest ranks in the order—Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Orifiel, Zarachiel, Uriel, and Simiel. These privileged angels may also stand or kneel before the Throne of YHVH, the divine presence. Let’s look at the stories of each of these archangels.
Michael: The Angel Prince of Israel
The name of the Archangel Michael means “the one who is as God/YHVH.” In almost all angelic lore, regardless of text or denomination, Michael is the most powerful of all the angels. In human terms, Michael is often considered the “General of the Angels.” This stems from the fact that, during the war in Heaven, Michael stepped forth and led the loyal angelic ranks into a fierce battle against the would-be usurper Lucifer and his rebel angels.
The Archangel Michael is a natural leader, and assumes this role across various planes of existence. His authority is not solely restricted to the angelic ranks, but extends into the realms of both Heaven and Earth. Michael is the Chief of the Order of Virtues and the Prince of the “Presence.” He is also the patron angel of righteousness, mercy, justice, repentance, and sanctification. He is the natural enemy of all that is evil and unjust. However, Michael’s most prestigious titles were bestowed upon him as a result of his loyalty and devoted service in the war in Heaven, for which YHVH appointed Michael as the holy ruler of the fourth level of Heaven and declared him the Angelic Prince of Israel. In addition, Michael serves as one of the Ten Angels of the Holy Sefiroth.
Although Michael is the holder of many angelic titles, his most well-known title is that of “The Conqueror of Satan” because his role is to do battle with the great adversary of YHVH, Lucifer. The word Satan actually means “adversary,” a title given to Lucifer (and many other fallen angels) after the war and his fall from Heaven. In art, Michael is most commonly portrayed in his role as The Conqueror of Satan.
If ever there were a patron warrior angel, it would certainly be the Archangel Michael. His role as an archangel has long been one of battle, and he is almost always depicted holding a sword or spear. While Michael is benevolent in nature, his role as a warrior often requires him to be wrathful as well. Judaic lore credits him with the destruction of the ancient city of Babylon, although he acted under the divine orders of YHVH.
Gabriel: The Divine Trumpeter of Heaven
The name Gabriel means “My strength is from God/YHVH” (although it is sometimes interpreted as “Hero of God/YHVH”). In the angelic lore of both the Muslim and Judeo-Christian traditions, the Archangel Gabriel is second in rank only to the mighty Archangel Michael. In the biblical Old Testament, he is one of only two angels referred to specifically by name (the other being Michael).
Gabriel’s angelic role is often thought of as YHVH’s announcer, or as Heaven’s messenger or trumpeter, which has led some to consider Gabriel as a Judeo-Christian equivalent to the Greco-Roman messenger god Hermes/Mercury. But while acting as a divine messenger/announcer is among his responsibilities, the entirety of his collective roles is far more complex. He is certainly more than just an angel who blows a trumpet, which is a common misperception.
The Archangel Gabriel’s nature is as fascinating as it is unique. When compared to his fellow archangels, Gabriel displays an amazingly balanced set of roles. These balanced, and sometimes paradoxical, attributes give him a very unique and somewhat dualistic nature. Gabriel assumes many roles that could be, at first glance, perceived as contradictory (or, at best, very uncomplimentary). For example, Gabriel is the patron angel of both mercy and vengeance. He is also the patron angel of death and resurrection and of annunciation (telling) and revelation (revealing). In all these cases, Gabriel seems to be performing tasks contrary to one another. However, this can also be seen as a metaphor for the divine balance that allows contrary forces to exist harmoniously (light and dark, life and death, etc.).
In Islamic angelic lore, Gabriel is the patron angel of Truth. According to the Qur’an, the dust thrown up by Gabriel’s holy steed found its way into the mouth of the golden calf the Jews erected during the absence of Moses. When this occurred, the blasphemous statue suddenly became animated as though it were alive. In the lore of Judaism, Gabriel was the one tasked with raining down fiery destruction upon the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, which were doomed for their rampant debauchery.
Gabriel also plays an important role in Christian mythology. In the New Testament (Luke 1:26–38), Gabriel is sent to Nazareth to deliver a message to the Virgin Mary that she will give birth to Jesus the messiah. This scene of the New Testament is referred to in Christianity as “The Annunciation,” and serves to solidify the general view of Gabriel as the messenger of YHVH. However, this is a rather narrow perception of the Archangel Gabriel when one considers the various other titles he holds.
Raphael: Protector of the Eden Tree
The name of Raphael, who is commonly considered the third highest in angelic rank, means “God has healed.” The oldest known text to mention him by name is the Book of Tobit, which is not considered part of the Judeo-Christian canons and whose validity has long been a matter of religious debate.
According to the Book of Tobit, the Archangel Raphael was charged with the task of being the guide and guardian protector of Tobias, the son of Tobit, when he journeyed to the mighty ancient city of Nineveh. In this role, Raphael assumed the guise of a mortal human so as not to cause Tobias alarm and did not reveal his true form until after they reached Nineveh. Once they arrived, Raphael uncased his wings and explained to Tobias that he was one of the Seven Holy Angels who stood/knelt before the throne of YHVH.
As with his fellow archangels, Michael and Gabriel, Raphael is known by a variety of titles, names, and roles. First and foremost, he is known as the Protector of the Eden Tree for his role as the guardian of the sacred tree after the transgression of Adam and Eve (who ate its fruit after being forbidden to do so by YHVH). In addition, he is also the Guardian of the Western Horizon and the Prince of the Second Level of Heaven. The Archangel Raphael is also the patron angel of light, love, happiness, and prayer. A member of almost every possible angelic order, he is a Cherub as well as a Seraph and stands as one of the Ten Angels of the Holy Sefiroth.
As his name suggests, Raphael is widely considered an angel of healing, medicine, science, learning, and knowledge. There is a flip side to this part of Raphael’s nature, however, and one day his time for healing others will reach its end. When this time comes, Raphael’s attribute of healing will turn to one of destruction, and he will appear ominously as one of the Seven Angels of the Apocalypse.
The name Orifiel is a rather odd one, and it is often translated as either “My neck is God/YHVH” or “I am the neck of God/YHVH.” Above all, the Archangel Orifiel is the patron angel of the forests/wilderness. His domain is over the uncultivated, wild areas of the earth, which he does his best to protect against the ravages of evil men and urban development. (The ancient Jewish tribes, who were widely nomadic, greatly opposed the rise of cities and the concept of land ownership.)
Since Orifiel frequents those places that have remained untouched since God/YHVH created them, his usual haunts are said to be in deserts and oceans. This is likely because both are places to which men rarely try to make any permanent claim of ownership. Orifiel is considered the angelic enemy of greed, deception, and worldliness.
Zarachiel: Angel of Prayer
The name Zarachiel means “The command of God/YHVH.” Zarachiel is also commonly referred to (especially in the Roman Catholic tradition) as Salaphiel, which has the somewhat similar meaning of “The one who prays to God/YHVH.” No matter what name you call him, he is the patron angel of prayer.
In artistic depictions, the Archangel Zarachiel is most frequently portrayed in the act of his patron role and, interestingly enough, as male in gender (which is somewhat odd since angels are generally thought to have no specific gender or sex). The Archangel Zarachiel, usually shown assuming various states of prayer with his hands folded and his head bowed reverently, is credited with teaching humankind the proper methods by which to pray to God/YHVH.
Uriel: Angelic Light of God
The name Uriel (sometimes spelled Oriel) means “Fire of God/YHVH” or “Light of God/YHVH.” As with his fellow archangel, Raphael, the oldest mention of Uriel’s name is found in an apocryphal text, the Book of Enoch. In this text, Uriel is specifically referred to as the “leader of them all [the angels].” This suggests that, at least at some point, Uriel outranked Michael in the angelic hierarchy.
In the text, Uriel reveals to Enoch the truth of the workings of the planets and other celestial bodies. Uriel is tasked with the keeping of the mysteries of existence, deep within the depths of the earth and well beyond the known recesses of the cosmos. Of the seven “Throne Archangels,” Uriel is said to assume the closest position to it. Uriel is closely associated with the Sun (as his name would suggest) and in ancient times he was said to be the angelic guardian of the “great light” as it passed into the dark realms thought to exist between sunset and sunrise. During the daylight, Uriel exercises his greatest influence during the second hour of sunlight.
Unfortunately, little information survives about the archangel Simiel (especially when it comes to Christian texts). This is mainly due to the fact that in 745 C.E., a council of the Roman Catholic Church deemed that Simiel’s name should be removed from their authorized list of angels that were fit for veneration. It also appears that there were suspicions that Simiel was one of the rebel angels, and therefore among the Fallen.
Many people misunderstand the nature of the order of archangels, believing them to be only a group of warrior angels. While some certainly are warriors, the title of archangel is actually given to any of the highest-ranking angels.
Are chairs tumbling over, as if by themselves? Do drawers spontaneously open and slam shut? Are rocks falling from the ceiling, as if materializing from thin air? Well then, it’s quite possible that you have a poltergeist on your hands! The poltergeist phenomenon is probably one of the most widely misunderstood paranormal concepts. As a result, people often mistake ghost phenomenon for poltergeist activity, and vice versa. In this guide, you’ll learn the five stages of a poltergeist, which will help you determine if you’ve got a ghost or one of these beings.
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The Truth About Poltergeists
Many of the common misperceptions regarding the poltergeist phenomenon began in 1982, when Steven Spielberg and Tobe Hooper released their frightening special effects masterpiece called Poltergeist. The movie was a hit at the box office and has since come to be seen as a classic of the horror cinema genre. There’s just one problem with this film … it has absolutely nothing to do with poltergeists.
The word poltergeist comes from the German language and roughly translates as “noisy ghost/spirit.” Although it is no longer believed that spirits or ghosts have anything to do with poltergeists, the use of the original term has continued for the sake of familiarity.
You may be wondering why this phenomenon first came to be called a “noisy spirit.” Well, the answer to that one is simple. One of the most common attributes of poltergeists is that they are loud like you would not believe. They slam doors, toss objects (they seem especially fond of rocks and silverware), turn over furniture, bang on walls, and violently yank open and slam shut kitchen cabinets and drawers. Sometimes a poltergeist will even make faucets turn off and on, or spontaneously (and, as one might guess, rather disconcertingly) cause electrical devices to turn on and off. In some of the most extreme cases, it has seemed as if the entire home had gone crazy. You can probably imagine what it would look like if all this poltergeist activity happened in one house simultaneously. To say the least, it’d probably scare the wits out of most people.
Apparitions, however, are not a part of the poltergeist phenomenon. Witnesses see the activity it causes, of course, but no one has ever actually seen a poltergeist with their own eyes. You hear and see what it does, but if you see an apparition, then it isn’t a poltergeist.
There are generally five primary stages by which the level of a poltergeist is identified. These stages range from mildly annoying to downright dangerous. Basically, the more extreme the poltergeist activity becomes, the higher the number by which it is classified.
Stage 1: Latent/Dormant/Passive Stage
Nothing all that remarkable occurs at this stage. In fact, most people aren’t even aware that anything is awry, and they certainly aren’t thinking their house is under the influence of a poltergeist. The activity is minimal and often dismissed as coincidence or a series of “freak occurrences.”
However, there are certain things one can look for in order to identify such phenomena. Animals are usually more in tune to paranormal activity than humans. As a result, your pet may begin to act strangely—for example, a dog may stare, growl, or bark at a spot when nothing is there. Another telltale sign is noticing cold spots, meaning the temperature will suddenly seem to drop in certain places for no reason.
Stage 2: Obvious/Detectable Presence
This stage occurs when those experiencing the phenomenon become aware that something is not quite right. Of course, this is not true of everyone. There are always those individuals who will continue to dismiss the unusual activity with the usual excuses, such as it’s all “just their imaginations,” “just the wind,” or caused by “the house settling.”
The cold spots will usually increase at this point. For example, entire rooms may suddenly be engulfed by frigid air, often more intensely in certain rooms than in others. Also, unexplained scratches, gashes, or cuts may begin showing up on walls and/or furniture at this point. Sometimes, one person in the house might start experiencing light but unexplained scratches on his or her skin. Needless to say, these are not good signs.
Stage 3: Increased Kinetic Activity
Probably the best way to describe a stage three poltergeist is that this is the “holy crap phase.” There’s no more ignoring the phenomenon by now, because its presence is far more obvious. You see, at this stage the really weird stuff starts happening. Most of the time, owners/inhabitants are finally convinced to seek out the help of a paranormal investigation team (or a religious figure) by this point. Can you blame them?
Lights and appliances sporadically turn off and on. Closed and sometimes even locked doors and windows may suddenly come open, and unexplainable rapping and banging sounds may also begin to occur. People in the house may begin to feel as if unseen hands are touching or scratching them.
Stage 4: Intelligent/Individual Targeting
This is where things start to get really, really scary, because the activity turns from disrupting to violent. At this stage, poltergeists often behave as if they’re targeting one or more specific individuals in the home. For unknown reasons, most of the violent activity seems to specifically target adults (especially parents) and teenagers in the home more often than young children.
Objects may fly at people from places unseen. Doors may suddenly slam in people’s faces (or into them) as they enter certain rooms. Sharp objects, such as kitchen knives, may even shoot out of open drawers. However, these often don’t seem aimed at anyone or at least don’t have enough force to be lethal.
Stage 5: Dangerous/Life-Threatening Kinetic Activity
If a poltergeist reaches this stage, you should get out of the house … right now. This thing isn’t playing around anymore and has the potential power to seriously injure, or even kill, someone in the house. The safety of everyone inside the house, no matter if they live there or not, is now in serious jeopardy. If you haven’t sought professional help by now, what in the heck are you waiting for—an invitation?
The scratches are now drawing blood from the skin, or ripping deep gashes through walls and furniture. Knives are flying hard enough to imbed deeply in countertops. And what’s worse, small fires spontaneously spark up in different places and spread out all over the house (fire extinguisher, anyone?). Needless to say, this stage is about as bad as a poltergeist can get … and they can get very bad.
The thrown objects now move with far more force, making them capable of serious damage. Also, the size and weight of the objects can increase. For example, the poltergeist may have started by tapping you lightly in the back with the occasional tossed, but still relatively small, rock. By stage five, it’s more likely to send a 40-pound dumbbell flying straight at your head.
Telling the difference between sometimes similar yet distinctly different paranormal phenomena can be tricky, but armed with this information, you’ll at least know if you’ve got a poltergeist on your hands. For more information on the paranormal, check out our Quick Guide How to Protect Yourself Against Demonic Spirits. Good luck, and be safe!
Where there is light, there is also darkness. In the realm of the spiritual and paranormal, agents of darkness and evil are referred to as demons. These wicked spirits seek the ruination of all humankind. They thrive on fear and chaos, and exist to spread both across creation. In this guide, we will look at prayers and other ways to protect yourself from these evil beings.
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Protection Prayers
to ward off evil or demonic forces or entities, protection prayers are recited. These prayers are not necessarily considered to remove demons that are already present. Instead, they are meant to prevent demonic entities from entering into or otherwise influencing a person, home, property, or object.
Paranormal investigators and professional exorcists often use the repetitive recitation of protection prayers as a chant to shield themselves from harm or fear whenever engaging malevolent spirits or demons. Since demons cannot really be destroyed, so to speak, but only banished from one individual or space to another, these prayers also prevent demons from “jumping.”
When demons jump, they shift from a currently possessed individual or space to a new one. Demons have been known to do this in order to temporarily fool exorcists into believing they have successfully cast them out, when in fact the targeted demons have only moved to a new space. In extreme cases, when serious mistakes are made by an exorcist, demons have even been known to attempt jumping from the possessed person or space to the body of the acting exorcist. Reciting prayers of protection can offer a protective shield against the demon being engaged.
The Circle of Light
The “Circle of Light” prayer is a very good, spiritually universal, nondenominational protection prayer. Sometimes, this prayer is recited after lighting a blessed (or just a normal) candle. The individual, before reciting the prayer, first envisions that he or she is completely surrounded by a strong circle of protective light.
Some alternate versions of the prayer are available (some only recite the first four or five lines), but the majority of them are similar to the following:
The light of God surrounds us (me).
The love of God enfolds us (me).
The power of God protects us (me).
The presence of God watches over us (me).
Wherever we are (I am), God is.
And all is well.
The Prayer to the Archangel Michael
One of the most powerful prayers of protection against demonic forces is the “Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel” (for more on Michael and other archangels, see our Quick Guide Angels 101: The Seven Archangels of the Throne). There are several known alternate versions of this prayer. The longest version is also the original, which Pope Leo XIII issued and ordered to be used as a protective exorcism prayer against Satan and other demonic forces.
Three primary versions are most commonly used by today’s exorcists, mediums, and paranormal investigators. Those who regularly deal with demons and malevolent spirits usually memorize the shortest version and believe they gain strength when a group recites the prayer in unison. This short version is as follows:
Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle.
Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray.
And do thou, Oh Prince of the Heavenly Host, by God’s power, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander the world seeking the ruin of souls.
The second known version, only slightly longer, integrates the short version with certain important passages from the original Roman Catholic version. This second, middle-length version is as follows:
Glorious Prince of Heaven’s armies, Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle against the principalities and powers, against the rulers of darkness, against the wicked spirits in the high places.
Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray.
And do thou, Oh Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls.
In the name of the Father,
And of the Son,
And of the Holy Spirit.
The original, Catholic version of this prayer is rather lengthy and integrates long citations of biblical passages from Ephesians and Revelations. Because of its length, memorization of this version can be slightly more difficult, and so it sometimes must be recited by reading from a written piece. This original version is as follows:
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
Oh Glorious Prince of the Heavenly Armies, Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in “our battle against the principalities and powers, against the rulers of this world of darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in the high places” (Ephesians 6:12).
Come to the assistance of those God has created to His likeness, and whom He has redeemed at a great price from the tyranny of the devil.
The Holy Church venerates you as her guardian and protector; to you, the Lord has entrusted the souls of the redeemed to be led into heaven. Pray, therefore, to the God of Peace to crush Satan beneath our feet, that he may no longer retain men captive and do injury to the Church.
Offer our prayers to the Most High, that without delay they may draw His mercy down upon us; take hold of “the dragon, the serpent of old, which is the devil and Satan,” bind him and cast him into the bottomless pit “that he may no longer seduce the nations” (Revelations 20:2–3).
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
The Twenty-Third Psalm
The Twenty-Third Psalm, from the Old Testament Book of Psalms, can be recited for a variety of purposes. Therefore, some consider it a multi-purpose prayer. As a prayer for those in mourning, it is often recited at funerals of both the Judaic and Christian faiths. It also gives courage to the fearful and hope to those who suffer from despair. Additionally, it is considered a prayer of protection against evil or demonic forces.
There are various English translations of the Twenty-Third Psalm, but almost all of them basically contain the following:
The Lord is my shepherd: I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters. He restores my soul. He leads me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake, and though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for thou art with me. Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of mine enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all of the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
Jabez’s Prayer
In 1 Chronicles 4:10 in the Christian Bible, we find the “Prayer of Jabez.” Jabez was one of Israel’s most righteous and faithful men during a rather unremarkable time in its history. However, Jabez is known for offering one simple prayer to the god of the Israelites, YHVH … and for his piety and faith, his prayer was granted. Again, many translations are available. One translation is as follows:
Oh, Lord that you would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, and that your hand might be with me, and that you would keep me from evil so that it may not grieve me.
St. Benedict Medals and Sacred Objects
The practice of wearing or using protective charms, amulets, or objects in order to ward off evil has been around since ancient times. Sometimes the wearing of blessed medals or the use of certain sacred objects, a practice that still remains very common in Catholicism, is believed to offer protection against evil spirits and demonic entities.
Many believe special medals referred to as the “Medals of St. Benedict” are the most potent objects in the barring of malevolent or demonic entities. St. Benedict was the founder of the Benedictine monastic order, and many stories involving the barring or thwarting of evil or demonic forces are credited to him.
The front of a St. Benedict medal portrays him holding a cross in his right hand and an unfurled scroll on which he wrote the rules of behavior for the Benedictine monks in his left. Behind him is a cup of poison, which symbolizes a specific story regarding one of his miracles. According to the story, when a servant of evil offered St. Benedict a poisoned goblet, the man of God made the sign of the cross, and the goblet immediately shattered. A loaf of poisoned bread that the man had also offered to Benedict was then set upon by a raven that flew away with it, thwarting the man’s plan to kill the monk.
The back of a St. Benedict medal shows a cross along with a specific series of letters, VRS-NSMV-SMQL-IVB. These letters were first discovered written on crosses hung throughout the interior of the Benedictine Abbey of Metten. The discovery was made after several women who were being tried for witchcraft claimed to have been quite unable to work their spells near that building.
For some time, the meaning of the letters remained a mystery until a manuscript from 1417 was discovered. These letters, which stand for the words Benedict supposedly spoke when the agent of the devil attempted to poison him, were later used to form the following prayer of protection and exorcism:
Vade retro Satana (Step back Satan)
Numquam suade mihi vana (Tempt me not with vain things)
Sunt mala quae libas (What you offer is evil)
Ipse venena bibas (Drink the poison yourself)
Many other objects are considered effective in protecting oneself against malevolent spiritual influences. For the most part, any sacred religious object in which the wearer/holder has faith can offer protection against demonic forces.
Some of the most commonly used objects for protection against evil or demonic forces are as follows:
Holy water
Blessed salts
Anointment oils
Crosses, crucifixes, or rosaries
A pentagram, pointing upward (for Wiccans)
While they can be powerful, demons are in no way all-powerful. As long as humans have been aware of the demonic, they’ve also been aware of the means to battle them.
If you have ever seen a Kirlian photo image of a plant or vegetable, you will see how these living herbs pulse with a beautiful aura. The integration of crystals along side nature’s bounty can be a wonderful benefit for growth and regeneration.
By placing these minerals at the base of any plant or burying them along side your vegetables, they can bring an added sense of encouragement and even spirituality to your hard work.
Minerals Used In The Garden
Agate (Moss): is a transparent stone that has inclusions of minerals that make it look like the stone has foliage in its matrix. This pretty stones can make a decorative border around any plant or flower bed.
Boji Stones: are actually a registered trademark of stones discovered in Colorado. The appear smooth on one side (female), while others have small protrusion on one side (male). These pair of stones are many composed of pyrite and palladium and have been used to facilitate growth and encourage telecommunication between plants.
Cerussite: is a mineral, which occasionally resembles trees branching out with icicles. This stone has been used in gardens and work fields to assist in relieving infestation. It can be used to energize and protect house plants.
Daphnite: has been used by agricultural associations, farmers and growers of herbs, plants and flowers as the stone of transformation and transmutation. It appears to facilitate the communication with the plant world in order to enhance gardens, terrariums and crops of any kind.
Fossils: are the organic materials that have turned to stone. Minerals incorporate into the cellular structures of animals, bones, insects, shells and wood, filling in the spaces and are often found with inclusions of other plants or animals. Fossils are a stamp from the past that can be used to adorn any garden, indoor/outdoor potted plants. Their high mineral content is said to supplement any type of plantings.
Quartz: is considered solidified light and oxygen. Quartz encompasses a large family of stones and crystals, all of which are made up primarily of silicon dioxide, one of the most common and most important substances in the world. This mineral is found over 2/3 of the earth and can be used in many ways throughout your garden. Create beautiful borders.
Bury a few quartz points facing upward next to your potted plants. Lay some clear quartz tumbled stones along side your flower garden. Use an elixir (see below) of quartz and water your plants with them. Make a crystal grid (see below) around your field or plant beds to encourage growth, harmony and transform energy.
Sphene: is a mineral that grows in plate-like or wedge shaped form and has been used in grids (see below) to encourage growth.
Tourmaline (Green): is a healing stone that some gem healers consider the strongest of all green stones. It is used to help achieve balance in all areas. Botanists, herbalists, farmers and gardeners have all used this stone to increase the effectiveness of an herb’s healing properties. Green tourmaline is said to hold the “essence of the plant kingdom” within it and is used to conduct energy between the earth and the plants for smoother transitions during growth.
Creating A Garden Grid
A ‘Grid’ is a way to arrange the stones in a sacred geometric pattern. They are then consciously ‘activated’ by connecting a ‘line of Light’ between the stones so that they radiate an energy field in the immediate environment in which they are constructed.
Those of you who are sensitive to energy will be able to tell immediately that there is a shift of energy in the area where you construct a Grid. Depending on which stones you choose, there will either be a gentle shift… or a very tangible one.
Creating a Sacred Space:
We live and work in a variety of environments. Many of these environments have a specific function to fulfill that can be consciously and energetically supported. The current attention on Feng Shui and similar ‘getting the energy in the room just right’ techniques have shown that we, as a society, are becoming more aware of how our immediate spaces can either be harmonious or disharmonious to our goals.
Constructing a Crystalline Grid in your garden or an environment that supports the function of the area is yet another way to contribute to the overall energy flow.
You may to add a Grid that supports harmony in your garden or a general feelings of love and comfort. There are no right or wrongs. Choose the space. Familiarizing yourself with the various metaphysical properties of minerals can be very helpful to you as you make your choices.
You can get a nice list of stones you may want to use and then use a pendulum to figure out which ones would be the most effective for you.
The first thing to do is develop clear intent of the purpose of your grid.
Hold your crystals in your hands at heart level. Say a prayer of intention or affirmation that will program these stones to work their highest good for your garden.
Place them in a formation. Consider using sacred symbols around your plant or garden such as a star, a circle, a cross or a square. Save one crystal before placing it into the earth.
To connect the grid lines start by pointing the last crystal toward the first stone you laid down. Holding it a few inches above the grid, draw a line of energy, that connects each crystal you have laid out. Once you have traced these energy lines over your stones, plant the last crystal in your hand into the earth.
Making Crystal Elixirs
Crystal concoctions or elixirs are the recipes of the past. It is recommended to place clean stones or crystals into clean, clear distilled water and place it in the morning sun through the day and into the night of a full moon for 24 hours.
This allows the (male) sun energy and (female) moon energy to reflect through the water and into the crystals therefore charging the water with this vibrational force of light and color.
After 24 hours, place this elixir into a dark glass bottle and use it to water your plants, flowers and vegetables.
Quartz crystals such as clear, rose, amethyst, citrine and smokey all respond very favorably to a water and light remedy method. They also offer a complete light spectrum within them. The best for healing.
Top 10 Ways To Make A Crystal Garden
1. Choose crystals that will work for your appropriate situation.
2. Choose crystals you are drawn to.
3. Program crystals to their greatest and highest good
4. Place in a grid around plants, shrubs and trees.
5. Plant elixir water can be used to enrich your garden.
6. Use crystals as a border around your plants or herbs.
7. Blend sand (high in quartz crystal content) with potting soil.
7. Envoke the elements by coordinating your garden with crystals associated with each season and direction.
8. Enhance plant food with crystals by placing them in the food 24 hours before use.
9. Cut flowers and potted plants make great gifts. Include one of your garden crystals with the gift.
10. Enjoy the work you have created!
Herbs have been used by witches for eons, Myrrh was burned on a daily basis by the ancient Egyptians, this was done as an offering to the gods, and there were many stories told about people and gods being transformed into trees.
Irish moss, holly, hazel, daffodil, orange, star anise, poppy, violet, wood rose, strawberry, apple, rosemary, moss and cotton are just some of the plants that are considered lucky, these and others will always be part of a witch’s arsenal.
To protect the home have some white heather in your kitchen. Witches also love to use hydrangea flowers in their magic spells, and for protecting the home sprinkle oregano around the outside while chanting, “I am protected”. Mistletoe can be worn or placed around the home for protection also. The Druids burned elder for blessings and elder was often hanging over people’s doors and windows. The following are plants used by witches;
Ague root; known as unicorn root
Arisaema; known as dragon tail
Bistort; known as dragonwort
Calliandra eriphylla; known as fairy duster
Calochortus albus; known as fairy duster
Calypso bulbosa; known as fairy slipper
Cat tail; known as fairy woman’s spindle
Ceratopteris spp; known as water sprite
Cowslip; known as fairy cup
Daemomorops draco; known as dragon’s blood
Datura; known as ghost flower
Devil’s bit; known as unicorn root
Disporum smithii; known as coast fairy bells
Dracaena spp; known as dragon’s blood
Elecampane; known as elf dock
Elm, known as elven
Epipogium aphyllum; known as ghost orchid
Eucalyptus papuana; known as ghost gum
Foxglove; known as fairy fingers
Juncus effuses, known as unicorn
Lavender; known as silver ghost
Molukka bean; known as fairy’s eggs
Moringa ovalifolia; known as phantom tree
Mohavea confertiflora; known as ghost flower
Peristeria elata; known as ghost orchid
Polpompholyx; known as fairy aprons
Primula malacoides; known as fairy primrose
Ragwort; known as fairy’s horses
Rosemary; known as elf leaf
Toadflax, known as dragon bushes
Wood sorrel, known as fairy’s bells
Zephyranthes; known as fairy’s lily
On Midsummer’s Day the 24th June, the Druids traditionally cut mistletoe as the plants powers were at their most potent on this day. Many witches still follow this tradition, as it is believed that it has healing and divining properties. Another plant to be used as this time is Saint John’s wort, this is used for healing. Vervain is a multipurpose plant also harvested on Midsummer and used for divination, healing and protection. The plants mentioned can be harvested at other times of the year, but Midsummer is said to be when they are at their most potent. Some witches harvested chicory on Midsummer’s Day to use for invisibility purposes. Wood betony can be placed under the pillow to stop nightmares, or placed in an amulet to be worn for protection.
Many witches gather thirteen times a year when the moon is full, this gathering is called an Esbat this is also a time for them to practice powerful magic, they would each bring an offering with 1279291_closing_up_a_rosethem. Most witches have an herb garden inhabited by fairies and other spirit creatures, and as they spend time tending their garden they often find that they are inspired to make magic.
Botanomancy which is the practice of divination using herbs, is an ancient method of magic practiced by witches, they would burn plants and trees and read the message in the ashes.
The Druids held rituals associated with trees and plants, they used vervain and mistletoe for divination, for healing and for protection. Witches of long ago would sprinkle incense on a fire and watch how the incense smoke drifted to give them a yes or no answer to a question, if the smoke emanating from the incense drifts to the right this is yes, if the smoke drifts to the left the answer is no. If the smoke breaks up this means take care of your finances, if the smoke clusters and moves upwards this is a good sign for new enterprise and financial gain. If the base of the smoke is very thin and wider at the top, you are urged to move forward with care and show caution with money. Choose carefully the people you spend time with. If the smoke of the incense breaks in two it means you should slow down and give yourself some time to meditate, you may be taking on too much and are overwhelmed.
In ancient Greece the petals and leaves of roses were used to foretell the future, a rose with a concave shape is for answering a yes or no question, the diviner holds the rose petal and meditates, then presses both hands together in a clapping motion. A burst petal is a yes answer and a whole petal is a no answer.
A form of divination that psychic witches use when a couple want to know their fate, is the taking of two acorns on the night of a full moon, the initials of one partner are written on one acorn, and the initials of the other partner are written on the other acorn. The acorns are placed six centimeters apart then placed in a cauldron filled with water, their movements are observed. If they move towards each other the couple will stay together, if they move apart the couple will not stay together. If the acorns don’t move at all, the message given is to ask the question at a later date as their fate is not yet clear.
There is a superstition that requires you to take a root of ribwort and place it beneath a stone, to then leave it overnight, you do this when the moon is full. If there is marriage for you within twelve months, the initials of the one you are to marry will be found on the plant’s root. Another way of divining your marital future, is to pick twelve sage leaves during the evening of Halloween, and on the twelfth leaf you will see the face of your future partner. If no face appears, it means you will not be marrying within the next twelve months.
To find out if your lover has been faithful to you, take a bay leaf during the evening a full moon, prick your lover’s name upon the leaf with a pin, when this is done place the leaf under your pillow before you go to sleep. In the morning look to see if the leaf has turned brown, if it has you will know that your lover is faithful to you. If the leaf is the same colour, there is deception around you.
If you sleep with ivy leaves, mistletoe or myrtle under your pillow and you are unattached, you will dream of your future partner in marriage. Or on a Saturday night at midnight you can take seven leaves from a holly plant, tie the leaves in a handkerchief, or a piece of square fabric, and place the handkerchief under your pillow before going to sleep, this will also encourage you to dream of your marriage partner to be.
Wizards often divine the weather by counting the berries on a holly tree, if the tree is abundant with berries the weather will not be good and there will be many storms, if there are few, the weather will be mild.
All witches are adept at tea leaf reading and this art has been practiced for hundreds of years. Make a pot of tea and turn the teapot once to the right and twice to the left, you then pour the tea into a teacup, when you have finished drinking the tea, swirl the cup clockwise and tip the cup upside down on a napkin. The leaves are then examined and the shapes deciphered, such as if you see a heart you know that romance is in the air, if two hearts are together there is to be a marriage ceremony. If a dagger shape is seen this means you should take care of your health, the shape of the moon foretells change to very soon take place in the querants life. The shape of the snake is warning you to be careful of who you spend time with there is deception around you, a bird spells a journey to come, a cat represents someone who is not being honest with you, and a dog represents time spent with a close friend. Dots are telling you that there is money to come, a star, or horseshoe is indicative of luck to come your way. If a triangle or a pyramid is seen, something utterly wonderful is to take place in your life, these are extremely fortuitous signs, you can expect great success. Many symbols in teacup readings are symbolic, with any form of divination some things that are divined are symbolic and others are actual, how a reading progresses depends on the ability of the psychic reader. Witches sprinkle tea leaves around the house for luck and protection, and if tea is spilled it indicates good luck. Very strong tea suggests that a new friend is on the horizon. If the top is left off the teapot accidentally it suggests a stranger in your midst.
All witches will tell you that it is bad luck for more than one person to pour from a pot of tea, bubbles on top of your teacup means you will have financial luck, if the bubbles are near the side of the cup you can expect romance. There is a tea leaf reading article in Witcheslore that will give you more details on how to do a tea leaf reading. When making a pot of tea a witch will always tell you to stir the tea clockwise, witches often foretold a child or twins and whether a woman would soon find herself pregnant, an adept tea leaf reader is able to give time with a certain degree of accuracy. Never throw you tea leaves away, always tip them into your garden.
A witch uses mugwort for psychic clarity and to help them connect to the astral realms, when making mugwort tea the goddess Bast is called upon to bless the tea.
For centuries witches have been healing with plants, flowers and herbs, such as using foxglove as an astringent and for a sore throat, it can also be carried on the person or sprinkled around the home for protective purposes. Mugwort tea is useful if you wish to have prophetic dreams, it is also an aid in astral travel if taken before retiring for the night, and it is a useful gateway to other dimensions. Dandelion tea helps to call the spirits and is an aid in foretelling the future as it helps heighten psychic abilities. Peppermint tea can be used in healing spells and if sprinkled around the home keeps away evil spirits, it is also useful when casting happiness spells.
For health and wellbeing, carry any of the following, rosemary, vervain, ginseng root, angelica. The blackberry bush was used for healing in the Middle Ages and it was thought that if rubbed onto a person they would be magically cured of whatever ailed them.
If witches wanted to cure an ailment they strung together thirteen garlic cloves, and wore them for thirteen days and nights. A mixture of thyme and essential oil, if rubbed on the chest, is said to help chest inflammation. Elder twig has been used by witches over the centuries as an antidote for rheumatism, and peppermint tea is often used for nausea. To relieve joint pain witches have healed using tea made from willow bark.
As witches often cast wart on the nose spells they use dried bean rubbed onto the wart and they chant the following to help the wart disappear.
Wart away wart to go
Be gone be gone
Magic mine power strong
Wart be gone by midnight hour
It will be done
It will be done
It will be done
Magic mine power strong
Wart away
Wart be gone
In ancient times plants were used that could not be used in this day and age, such as the poisonous belladonna plant which many sorcerers used to help them connect readily to the astral plane. Witches often used belladonna in their flying ointments and they also used belladonna to help them have clearer psychic vision. It was often placed above the front door in peoples home and used for protection. As witches work with powerful energies they always have belladonna hanging over their front door for its exceptionally powerful protection properties.
Many of the old sorcerers, magicians and witches used henbane, it produced vivid imagery and helped with psychic visions, many deeply involved in divination practices used henbane. This, like belladonna, is a poisonous plant and was used in flying ointments. Witches made enchantments out of henbane and if the witch was particularly powerful, the enchantment was used to make people fall in love.
A witch’s pantry would not be complete without the mandrake plant with its magical properties, it is used in spell casting and in enchantments, it is suitable for love spells and for protection spells, it can help psychic visions and attract love. It is also used for fertility spells, and when used as a love enchantment it heightens desire. Mandrake was added to ointments in ancient times and used to give witches the ability to fly, it was also used to create an invisibility spell. When using the mandrake there is a mental connection with the witch casting the spell, and only the witch casting the spell can uproot the mandrake plant for magical use. The mandrake has historically been used for dark magic.
The highly poisonous hemlock plant brought many sorcerers to their fateful end as they experimented with this toxic plant. Many witches have used hemlock for the purpose of astral projection and divination.
Wolfbane has been used for centuries as an amulet for protection again a vampire, a wolfbane amulet was used by witches when casting a powerful invisibility spell.
Hemp is an ingredient that has been used to enhance psychic powers, for invisibility and for shape shifting, and to rid people of evil spirits.
Sorcerers and witches alike have used angelica root to ward off evil spirits, and it is especially potent if mixed with lavender and placed in a small bag in the home. Buckeye nuts are used as a lucky charm and were carried by those who wished to improve their financial viability. Hang devils pod above your front door if you wish to keep away evil spirits.
For extremely powerful protection, good health and luck, carry an amulet with salep root oil inside, this good luck charm has been prepared by witches and used by gamblers over the centuries. Witches smear Wolf’s bane inside an amulet and wear is as a protection against those who would use witchcraft against them.
Garlic was used as a protection during childbirth, and if placed under a woman giving birth, it is said to keep both the baby and mother safe from harm.
If you want to secure the affections of someone, you can bake a loaf of bread with rye in it, the rye seeds will secure the love of the one you present it to once the object of your affection has eaten it. Another love food is pimento, when put in food and served to an individual they will then develop romantic feelings for them. Place an onion in an unused pot and chant to it each day at sunset, and as each day passes your intended romantic partner will be drawn to you and have romantic feelings for you. You may chant the following;
Growing growing your love does grow
Love blossoms your heart for me
I am the one for you
Merlin watches chants for us
I call and you hear me now
We are to be
And so it is
Growing growing your love does grow
You are to give your heart to me
We are to be
Witches often made an aphrodisiac for those who came to them, it contained the fresh roots of an asparagus boiled in red wine, and if a person and their partner drinks the wine they will have romantic and sensual yearnings towards each other. Witches were often called upon to make powerful love amulets for people. The witch would place beans in a small container chant her magic, it was then carried by a man or woman and would arouse sensual feelings. It had more power if both partners carried the enchanted beans on their person. If vervain is gathered during a new moon and placed under the pillow before going to sleep, it will ensnare the affections of the one you are thinking about, if there is no special person, you can focus on love and draw it to you.
If you wish to make an astrological herb garden, you can section a planting area into seven sections, the Sun, the Moon, the planets Saturn, Venus, Mars, Mercury and Jupiter. Plant the following in the Sun section, on a Sunday, do it when the moon is full, saffron, angelica, lovage, rosemary, chamomile. Plant the Moon section on a Monday when the Moon is new, saxifrage, moonwort and purslane. In the Mars area plant on a Tuesday during a half Moon, horseradish, rhubarb, basil, garlic. In your Mercury area, plant on a Wednesday during a new moon, fennel, lavender, parsley, dill and caraway. For your Jupiter section, plant on a Thursday during a new moon, chervil sage, asparagus and borage. For the section dedicated to the planet Venus begin planting on a Friday when the moon is full, mugwort, strawberry, vervain and violets. On a Saturday during a half Moon you can plant, mullein, Solomon’s seal, comfrey and bistort.
To build a beautiful garden of love and magic, the following herbs can be planted on a night when the Moon is full, daffodil, hibiscus, gentian, geranium, gardenia, coriander, basil, Adam and Eve, catnip, cherry, gentian, love seed, jasmine, lavender, poppy, valerian, vanilla, yarrow, willow, pansy, peppermint, lemon verbena, love seed, maidenhair, strawberry, thyme, hibiscus and hyacinth.
If you want to draw love into your life, place the root of an orchid plant in a jar, add some rose oil and seal the jar, recite the following twice;
Venus planet of love let true love be
Love is mine it is to be
Love will be bound for you and me
This special love is meant to be
So it will be
Intense love there is to be
Overwhelming love is to be
Leave the jar out in the night for three weeks then open it, take the orchid root from the jar and place it next to the bed, before going to sleep touch the root and recite twice for three nights in a row, this is said to bring powerful love into your life. Another powerful love enchantment, is the burning of wood aloes on a Saturday night during a new moon, you think deeply of lover coming into your life before the next new moon.
A spell for wealth, take three gold coins and wrap them in gold paper, tie with a gold ribbon and place them in the soil beneath a lucky bamboo plant, do this only when the moon is full, maintain the plant with tender loving care to help it become strong and sturdy. Witches often use the hop plant to draw prosperity and good luck, it was hung in the doorway of the kitchen, many people would go to the witch to have the plant enchanted before using it, a witch’s chant will make the plant more powerful. The hop plant has been used by witches for centuries as a healing remedy, hops was mixed with incense and burned to help heal maladies and to ward off nightmares, it was also used to treat insomnia. Black candle mixed with salt and burned, was used by sorcerers and witches alike to help people who had difficult financial or legal matters, it was said to help things turn in their favour. Before legal matter, or any undertakings to do with money or the law, the burning of dried galangal was practiced by witches.
If you wish to attract spirits to your garden, you can plant the following, thistle, sweet grass, lavender, dandelion and wormwood, mix these with various flowers and plants and each evening go into your garden and chant to the nature spirits. You may think of someone who has passed away and call on them to visit you.
Spirit light spirit bright
May you enter my garden this night
Come hither laugh and sing
I call you to be
Open arms to embrace
Spirit light spirit bright
May you enter my garden this night
Let it be
The following will ward off unwanted spirits, you can burn a sage stick, plant holly around your home, hang fennel in the doorways, burn the root of dried ginseng, you many carry fennel seed on your person in a tiny bag tied with a black ribbon, you can also hang St. Johns wort over doorways, or carry it in a small bag tied with a black ribbon. To ward off evil spirits place a bag of cinquefoil tied with a black ribbon under your pillow, it will keep the bad spirits away and ensure you have a restful night’s sleep.
To keep your home and family safe you can plant a garden of protection with the following, marigold rose, rosemary, thistle, willow, radish, mugwort, lavender, hazel carnation, cactus, basil, clove, aloe vera, bloodroot, mandrake, raspberry, oak, parsley, mint, lily, mulberry, lilac, ivy, juniper, fennel, wolf’s bane and snapdragon.
If you want to break a hex you can’t go past the hydrangea, as it has natural protection properties, it can be placed around the home, carried in a mojo bag or grown in your garden. If you feel you have been hexed or you are having bad luck, you can place the hydrangea in a vase and place seven drops of pure lavender essence, keep next to your bed, and if you wish you can chant the following on a Friday evening after 8pm. Chant twice.
I am released
Be gone from here
I am enchanted
I am serenity
You cease to be
Light surrounds
Be gone from here
So let it be
A good way to protect yourself from the evil of others is to sprinkle wormwood around your home , this will help deflect any hexes or magic perpetrated by other witches, and send the energy back to them. You can also carry for protection, a mojo bag with wormwood anointed by rose essence,
If you wish to create a garden of nature spirits you can plant the following, and as you are planting imagine the fairies, elves, gnomes, and a myriad of other creatures inhabiting it, you can also use this as a wishing garden, when you wish do it when the sky is dark, if you make your wish during the new moon the energies will be more powerful. Nature spirits love the following, lavender, vervain, petunias, daisies, foxglove, carnations, pansies, primroses, petunias, cosmos, hollyhock, yarrow. Nature spirits also love apple trees, ash, holly, silver birch and blackthorn. As fairies love the water, mainly so they can gaze at their beautiful reflection, you may wish to include a bird bath in your garden, they would also be drawn to a fish pond. You may wish to use statues of fairies, gnomes, elves, pixies and all manner of other magical creatures.
All witches have the following in their garden, bird of paradise, sunflowers, beech, bamboo, dandelion, hazel, sandalwood, violet and buckthorn, witches often make good luck and wish spells for people as they stand in this area of their garden.
If you wish to ensure a good night’s sleep, place anise seeds in a bag and tie with a white ribbon, place the bag under your pillow, witches have been using anise to help them have pleasant dreams, for centuries. As a protection the leaves of an anise plant may be scattered around your bedroom.
For prophetic dreams and to be protected against nightmares, place leaves from an ash tree under your pillow before going to sleep, be sure to write in your dream book as soon as you wake. Or you can include your dream journal in your Book of Shadows. Two bay leaves under the pillow have long been used to ensure prophetic dreams. Dried buchu leaves mixed with lavender essence and put in a small bag with a red ribbon then placed next to the bed, will help you to have prophetic dreams.
If you place a root of the bracken tree under your pillow you will wake in the morning with an answer to a problem you have been having. The bracken, when placed around the home and carried, will offer protection from the negativity of others.
Burn cedar incense as a protection against bad dreams, cedar also helps to strengthen your psychic powers if you tie a cedar branch to your bed or place it under the bed, it offers protection from evil forces and hexes.
For prophecies of love, a bag of cinquefoil under your pillow, or under your bed, will create dreams of the man, or woman you are to be with. For prophetic dreams of any nature, place some heliotrope leaves under your pillow before you go to sleep. Holly leaves can be placed under the pillow and they will induce prophetic dreams, remember to write your dreams down as soon as you wake.
For a restful night’s sleep burn some jasmine incense and place some jasmine flowers under your pillow. Lemon verbena placed in a bag and left under your pillow will also ensure a good night’s sleep.
All witches know that by placing a mandrake root next to the bed you will be protected from harm, and your psyche will be heightened. Marigold placed next to the bed or under the pillow, helps to induce prophetic dreams, marigold can also be used for protection. Mimosa works to ensure you will have prophetic dreams and will help to strengthen your psychic ability.
Mistletoe has been used for love for centuries, but if you place it beneath your pillow at night it will help keep always nightmares. Mugwort placed under your pillow will be sure to give you a dream filled night, it is quite potent and induces a vivid dream state, write your dreams down in the morning. Prophetic dreams can also be induced by placing peppermint leaves under your pillow, you may also drink peppermint tea, if it is to your liking.
If a rose is placed under the pillow it is said that you will dream of the one who is to be your partner in life. Place St. Johns wort under your pillow and dream of your future partner. Rosemary under your pillow and next to your bed to be protected from any manner of harm.
Within everyone’s home and garden there can be magic, and by understanding the workings of herbs and plants your creative juices can flow, be the witch you have always wanted to be and become empowered by your creativity. Take the time to familiarise yourself with herbs and plants and bring a little magic into your life every day. Always take care to understand the properties of herbs and plants before you cook and ingest them.
Clean Home Spells & Rituals, Part 3 Maintaining Your Sacred SpaceIn my previous posts, Clean Home Spells & Rituals, Part 1 & 2, I highlighted a few ways you can create a clean home both in appearance and in energy. This is the final segment of this series, where I will highlight a few ways you can maintain your newly cleaned and organized sacred space.
If you tried the tips and tricks I offered previously, your home should feel very good right now. There should be a bit more peace and certainly, it looks better. Now, it is time for you to get yourself into a routine, or ritual if you will, for keeping your space clean, organized, and feeling positive.
A Ritual of Cleaning
What is ritual, really? Well, it is nothing more than something you do on a regular basis. It can be of religious or spiritual origin or as mundane as cleaning your kitchen. Much like a routine…
To me the difference between a ritual and a routine is that a ritual is done with dedication and purpose. It is not a mindless task you perform daily, weekly, etc. You do it with intent and thought. The mindset of thoughtfulness is one you need to create for yourself. This is important as you conduct your own ritual for maintaining your home and sacred space.
First, we go back to cleaning. Actually, we go deeper than that, and into cleansing. You just finished the deep clean so your space should be sparkling, right? If you haven’t yet then I invite you to read Part 1 & Part 2 of this series.
Excellent! Now let’s make it a ritual to maintain that lovely clean using a mix of mundane tasks as well as Magick.
Personally, I think the mundane stuff is easy. You make a mess you clean it up. Sure there are times you don’t feel like it, but eventually you will get sick of the clutter. You will get sick of the dirt and you will do something about it. This series gives you some focus in cleaning up that clutter so you can start new!
I have another downloadable file ready for you: my Weekly Clean Home Maintenance Schedule. You can use for this checklist for maintaining the clean home you just created. It’s simple and will make the 3-6 month 9 Day House and Home Deep Clean Checklistt a breeze, when your home is due of a good deep clean.
This Weekly Clean Home Maintenance Schedule is easy to follow and will only take you a few minutes each day to complete. If you are diligent in following this checklist as a ritualized routine, you will find peace becoming more constant in your home. You will find it easier to maintain that calm you created.
I’ll tell you the truth, I get overwhelmed when I get off track and stop following my rituals and routines. They help enlist balance in self and home. Regular routines and rituals instill a sense of balance and relieve anxiety.
Of course the checklists and schedules I offer don’t have to be so rigid to where you feel locked down. Heck NO! Not even I would survive in a structure or regimen that gave me no room to move or adjust. Do what feels right for you! Don’t feel like you have to throw the whole plan out because you missed day or forget a task. Just keep going and things will fall into place.
The Ritual of Using Scent to Infuse Your Home with Positive Energy
The Magick Kitchen Clean Home Spells & RitualsI enjoy using scent as an effective way to maintain the right energy in my home. Why? Well think about it. Think about all the times you walked into your grandma’s kitchen when she was baking cookies or your favorite pie. Or think about the times when you came home and the slow cooker has been on all day making the most delicious pot roast.
Smell is a very powerful influencer when it comes to our state of mind. One of my favorite places to go is the local soap shop downtown, where the owner and good friend of mine, hand makes a wide variety of soaps. The scent of her shop is indulgent and relaxing, no matter how chaotic or busy her shop is that day.
The mixed up fragrance of her shop comes from all the herbs and spice she uses in her soaps mingling together. Somehow this chaotic blend of everything from rosemary and rose, to mint and patchouli, instantly brings me to a calmer frame of mind.
Let’s go a little further. The candle industry. Big companies have spent a lot of time, and billions of dollars to discover which scents influence people most. Is it any wonder why we spend so much money on scented candles and room/air fresheners? I think the introduction of Bacon scented candles was quite interesting. After all, food scents are very comforting.
The only issue with these industrial fragrances is that they are, in many cases, synthetic. These synthetic scents do more harm than good in our homes. If you have allergies, asthma, or sensitivities to synthetic fragrances you are setting yourself up for acute reactions.
If you are not acutely reactive, you are still setting yourself up for issues in the long-term. Many of these fragrances car carcinogenic. If we know anything about the health of our bodies today, it’s that cancer is a serious disease we seem to have no real control over.
With that said, using natural fragrances in your home is the best idea. At least when you create your own scent blends you know exactly where the ingredients come from. You know if the ingredients you use are organic. You can specifically order ingredients according to your liking, which allows you to have a clearer integrity.
I have a few scent spell recipes you can easily create in a previous post: Clean Home Scent Spells. These spells are great for creating pleasant fragrance in your home while cleansing and adjusting the energy in your home. They also use natural ingredients, so these will give you a great start if you need.
What about Smudging?
Yes, smudging is a great method for cleansing the energy in your home, and yet… I don’t smudge.
Confused, don’t be.The Magick Kitchen Diffuser Pot Incense Alternative
My husband is very sensitive to strong scents. Especially smoke. He usually tries to ignore the scent of smoke, but it bothers him greatly. Even when my daughter and I go out on the patio to enjoy a wood fire, he comments on how we smell like smoke once we come back in. So out of respect, I use other methods of cleansing the air in our home. Plus, I find that using essential oils, dried herbs, and fruit in a diffuser lasts much longer.
Another funny thing is (and this is just a side note)… I grow sage. LOTS OF SAGE, varieties of sage. I bundle and dry my sage every year. I have bunches of sage sticks hanging in my drying room… I just don’t burn them. If anything, they become gifts for friends on special occasions.
The Magick Kitchen Besom Cleansing ChantIt’s All About YOU!
In this whole series, the main point I want to express, is that you have control over your home. You have the ability to cleanse the energies that come into your home. You also have the ability to open your home up to the positive energies we all want, and need in life.
Get into a positive routine that is closer to a ritual, and never a rut. Ruts make us resentful and bored. A positive routine will give you regularity and balance. Incorporate activities into your routine that are fun, like lunch with friends, a Zumba class, or a fun day out with the kids.
We have started taking our kids to a trampoline park which gives everyone something to look forward to each week. Not to mention we get some much needed exercise. We can spend time together as a family, without feeling like we are strapped to each other’s hips. Giving one another space is also a great idea for families.
Our goal here is to create a home where family and friends feel loved and welcome. Experiment with scent spells, creating your own rituals/routines, and see what they can do for you.
The Llewellyn Journal
I remember the first time I tried to write a spell of my own. I sat down with paper and pencil and a vague idea of what I wanted to do. But that was it: there I sat, without much idea of what to do next. The results were more difficult than satisfying, and it took several more tries after that one before I began to have a feel for what I was doing. As for my spellwork throughout the learning curve? It wasn’t too good. At times, I turned to prewritten spells to save myself any more frustration.
Most of us magickal people work with spells, charms, or rituals on a regular basis, and many of us are perfectly happy to pull out a spellbook and use a formula that someone else has already created. It’s a simple approach: neat and tidy. Stick a bookmark in pages 23-24, assemble the list of materials, then read through and carry out each step. Voila: a spell! It’s as simple as putting together a new bookshelf, right? Well, yes—it can be, and sometimes a speedy piece of magick is just the thing.
But I’m here to convince you of the beauty and craft of home-crafted spellwork, because when you build a spell yourself, from the ground up, you infuse it with your deliberateness, your preferences, your wishes, your thoughts, and your energies. This spell won’t simply be something you read from someone else’s pages—it will carry your own signature and resonate through your very core. It will be much more powerful and complete than any ready-made charm could ever be, making you an integral part of the magick from start to finish. When we practice spellcraft, we use magick as a way of altering reality. We do this by working with as many of the corresponding realities as possible—time, date, place, elemental correspondences, the support of deities, etc.—in hopes that we can shift reality in one direction or the other and alter the outcome. Nowhere is this more elegantly done than in handcrafting spells, charms, and rituals, because in these instances, we put our essence into the magick and make it our own.
Step One: Prepare Yourself
The first step in any magickal working is to prepare one’s self. This business of altering reality, after all, isn’t easy. Fortunately, the tools of spellwriting are simple and cheap: start with scratch paper, pen or pencil, a few index cards, and a short stack of your favorite magickal books. You might also assemble a small altar on your workspace, or just group together a dish of materials designed to inspire your creative forces. An amethyst crystal will support your intuition and insights. A burning candle scented with lilac or honeysuckle will inspire your creativity and mental powers. A cup of chamomile tea will relax you, preparing you for the work session ahead.
Step Two: Decide What You Want
Thus prepared, the next step is to decide what you wish to accomplish. Do you need a dose of prosperity magick? Are you preparing for a self-initiation? Do you want to cleanse a physical space? Once you’ve made the decision, take a piece of paper or a large index card and fold it in half, so it stands up like a little tent. Write your intention on one half of the paper as a simple, clear statement, explaining what is at stake and what you hope to accomplish:
“I’m a little tight financially, and I will work this magick to bring prosperity my way.”
“I’m preparing to begin a course of study with the Alder Circle, and I want to dedicate myself to the work that lies ahead.”
“It’s spring cleaning time, and my ritual space needs a good cleansing.”
Stand the tented paper up on one side of your workspace. This little signpost will guide and inspire you as you craft your spell.
Step Three: Gather Your Tools
Now you’re ready for a fresh piece of paper—and you may want to think about the paper you’re using, for even at this early stage you can use the idea of intentional correspondences. The color, texture, and shape of the paper can contribute to your spellcraft. I’ve even seen prosperity spells written on one dollar bills and space-cleansing charms written on organic paper towels (which were used to wipe the ritual space clean before being burned as part of the spell). The same ideas apply to your choice of pen, pencil, or even quill. For love magick, you might choose a pen that writes in rich red gel, while an ink of deep permanent blue would add strength to a healing spell. In every case, choose tools that echo and support your intention and what you hope to accomplish.
I can hear some of you saying, “But what about me? I do all my work on a computer.” I’m an admitted laptop devotee myself, and do much of my magickal writing on the computer. But for spellwork, I still encourage you to use paper and pen or pencil, setting your words down by hand. Why? Because this is the “old way,” the traditional way, the way that ties us to generations of magick users before us, working in centuries past with quill and homemade ink on rough paper or parchment scrolls. By holding the pen in your own hand and setting the words on paper, your intentions flow through you, binding yourself to your intention in a way that writing on a word processor cannot equal. The handwritten spell itself becomes a magickal artifact that can be used physically as a prop in your spell or added later to a spell collection or Book of Shadows.
Step Four: Ground and Center
Before working further, take a moment to gather your energies, then ground and center. Anyone who has worked with magick knows what a magickal hangover feels like. Writing is an intensely personal means of magickal practice, and the energies that you’ll call up and manipulate must be dealt with, lest you’re left with a headache and fatigue afterwards. For this reason, it’s always a good idea to ground and center on both ends of a magickal writing session. Many spellworkers also take this time to call upon a muse or a patron deity for inspiration. Don’t have one? Consider Athena (Greek), Brighid (Celtic), or Seshat (Egyptian), goddesses associated with writing and poetry.
Step Five: Establish Your Spell Components
Now the hands-on work begins: you’re ready to begin working with your spell components. Start by deciding when you’ll work the spell. The month, day of the week, time of day, lunar phase, astrological position, and planetary hour are examples of timing aspects that can impact your magickal results. For example, a spell for prosperity might be best worked during the waxing Moon phase and around midday, when the Sun’s solar energies are the most potent. A spell for initiation would work well cast at dawn on a Monday, just after the new Moon.
Will you do the spell alone, or will others be involved? Will your spell be formal and structured, or casual and spontaneous? Consider the specific materials you’ll use: candles (or other Firecraft), herbs, incense, stones or crystals, traditional altar tools, colored altar cloths, etc. For each of these, work with correspondence tables from your resource books, matching your intention with the best selections. As you work, look back at your written statement of intention, to make sure you stay on track.
Step Six: Write Your Spell!
With intention decided and components listed, you’re ready to write the spell itself. The words of your spell can vary from conversational and unstructured to tightly rhymed, metered poetry. Conversational language may be best for simple, uncomplicated intentions, but many charms, spells, and rituals use poetic language. Rhyming language has its own rhythm, and when spoken aloud suggests a drumbeat that adds cadence to the words’ impact. Poetry also tends to use lots of imagery and metaphor, creating “beautiful words” that enhance the overall effect.
Whether using plain or poetic structures, you must start by getting the words down on paper. Don’t worry about your first draft being perfect: just let your brain dump all of its ideas onto the page. Once the raw material is there, you can start to fiddle with it. With the basic ideas in place, add image-rich words, using a dictionary or thesaurus to find fresh choices. Read the words aloud to hear, literally, the sound and rhythm they make. Make notes to indicate where actions or pauses should occur. You may want to write the actions right into the spell, e.g., “Light incense now.”
Step Seven: Work the Spell
For less formal spell work, once the words are captured on paper, you’re ready to assemble your materials and work the spell. For a formal ritual, or a setting involving a significant event or additional persons, you may want to rehearse the steps once or twice. Consider memorizing the words, too. Memorization is never required; however when you memorize words, you internalize them, allowing them to enter your unconscious and take on extra power. In addition, not having to read from a piece of paper frees you to watch and be part of the entire process, adding to your own enjoyment.
Step Eight: Evaluate
After working the spell comes a very important step: the evaluation process. Sit down as soon as you can and take notes about how well the process worked. Did everything go as planned? If you repeated the spell, would you change anything? After finishing your notes, file them away for future use. Some magickal traditions warn against talking about spellwork until a specific period of time has passed, feeling that to speak of the magick is to release some of its contained power. Observe these traditions as required by your own practices, but be sure to do your own written evaluation—for your eyes only. Come back to it again after time has passed, adding a note about how well the spell worked over weeks or months.
As with any spellwork, remove all traces of the process when your working is complete. Dispose of materials (herbs, candles, etc.) using the appropriate elemental means: burning, burying in the earth, dissolving in water, etc. Clean and store your magickal and writing tools, replacing any used items. I like to charge my favorite pens regularly: by anointing them with water, rubbing them with a stone, and passing them above a candle’s flame and smoke, I imbue them with elemental powers.
And now, I offer you congratulations: you’ve written your own spell, and chances are it was a fabulous experience. Keep it up, for the more writing you do, the easier (and more fun) it will become. Inspire your inner writer by donning magickal jewelry or regalia, playing evocative music (Native American flute music is excellent), writing at daybreak or sunset, surrounding yourself with color or scent, or working by candle or firelight.
From my book Crafting Magick with Pen and Ink, here is a writer’s talisman to help empower you. Begin with a six-inch square of white fabric (representing the four elements). Add one or two pieces of citrine (creativity) or hematite (grounding), a sprig of rosemary (mental powers), and some fresh shavings from a favorite pencil. Add a small piece of paper on which you’ve drawn several stars (creation, pentagrams) with a silver or gold pen. Read the following:
Gathered here, within this square,
Signs of creative power.
Embolden thus my magick craft,
That I may write the hours.
Tie the fabric square shut with a piece of green thread (creativity, abundance) and place it where you do most of your writing. When you sit down to write, hold the talisman in your hand for a moment and visualize the energy pouring from it, ready to inspire you. Always remember that writing is powerful magick, so choose and use your words well.
Good writing to you!
This free black magic telepathy spell will be a great help to those of you that already have the
knack for reading minds. This magic free spell will help enable you to continue on the mind
reading path. This telepathy spell will help you in the day to day routines of reading individuals
minds and be able to communicate without using voice to those other people who have the
same ability as you possess. We offer many free and magic spells here all for your
spell casting needs.
Now I've always had a knack for reading people, but this always helps me the morning after when in comes to reading minds. I suggest that this spell be used by someone who already has already evolved their telepathy.
Do this spell before going to bed. A quick relaxing meditation before helps. While burning a white candle, and a purple candle, side by side, chant this three times, and
envision your mind opening up. Then blow out the candles, and go to bed.
"As it be thought in the mind of others
both familiar and strange
both sisters and brothers
may it be heard in mine own head
loud and clear as if it'd been said."
Repeat the spell at least once in the morning, while envisioning your mind opening up.
Remember, other peoples thoughts will almost seem like your own. You can't pull them out of people either. Over-concentrating will screw this up. Just have an open mind.
One of these free magic vanity and beauty spells may be the one for you. If you are afraid to lose your attractiveness or afraid you might not age well, then try this free magic spell for vanity and beauty. This magic spell will help you to age well and keep your natural beauty longer than you expected. There are many magic vanity and beauty spells cast daily. Youthfulness and attractiveness are not something easy to let slip away. So protect your youthful apperance today by castin this free black magic spell today.
Beauty Spells And Glamor Spells ( Vanity Spells )
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall... Who's the Fairest of them all?
They say that Beauty is only skin deep... but those of us who are Vain say different. We want to be Beautiful inside and out and there is nothing wrong with looking your Best!
On a full moon, take a mirror and go outside
(if ya can't then open a window, make sure the moon is reflected on the mirror)
take a piece of a picture (hair, lips, eyes, whatever you are interested in changing)
place it on the mirror and concentrate on it and say...
"Moonshine, Starlight,
let the wind carry your light,
let your glow cover my body,
and let your shine cover every eye."
Say it 3 times and concentrate on the part that you want to change, Then say...
"Moonshine, Starlight,
shape and mold my body,
as a rose is granted beauty,
let me blossom in your light,
the light that brings me beauty,
and grant me beauty three times three"
Say it 3 times and when you are finished light a candle (pink) or incense.
This free magic spell is mostly used in black magic. It is a black magic spell that is used
as a way of regaining a dark power that may have you feeling weak. It will take you back to a
time when you had more black magic powers. This free magic spell can be used if
you think you have used most of your dark magic powers producing black
magic spells, hexes, or curses.
Description :
This black spell is used to recreate your own dark powers, this spell is to be used in case that you are feeling weak or you have used most or all of your energy.
Accessories / tools :
A baphomet plaque or a printed one
2 black or dark colored candles.
5 small candles to be placed at the baphomet edges.
A goblet with water.
A dagger.
Incense sticks.
Instructions :
Place the plaque in front of you and place the two black candles behind the plaque and light them up, now light all 5 candles and place them on the baphomet, now light the Incense and sit down in front of the baphomet in the lotus position and close your eyes for 30 seconds, while you close your eyes say “I summon my energy and cleanse my body, for I am a god”. After 30 seconds open your eyes and hold the dagger in your left hand and the goblet in your right hand, close your eyes again, now slowly drink half of the content from the goblet, say “I summon my energy from the elements of the earth, I summon them to return to me” hold the dagger upwards and drink the second half of the goblet, now place both of them down and slowly lay down on the floor or any other place you are in, and go to sleep, when you will awake, your body will be regenerated.
Notes :
Place the candles on a burn proof place, or use special candles or place the candles in a glass so if it will burn out alone it will not light any thing up by mistake.
This magic youth preserving spell is a way of keeping yourself younger longer.
This free magic your preserving spell will help you to stay younger a while longer
in order to fulfill your hopes and dreams you have for your life. This black magic spell
is commonly used to appear younger and more vibrant to others. This perserve
youth spell is used by all those who want to stay a younger a little while longer.
Combine these, freshly pressed apple juice. Cider aged more than seven days, brown and slightly sour apple vinegar. clear apple brandy, one ounce of honey, one drop of wintergreen. Stir, warm, and mix.
Take it every day and to work it say:
"If I must pay
The apple's price
I shall be young
as well as wise
filling my cup
with honeyed days
and hours as green
as eden's pass"
To be given to a person in need of healing.
Can also be used to bring soothing and healing energies into the home.
Items Needed: -Clear glass vase Blue and clear florist marbles
First cleanse the marbles and vase in cold spring water. Dry gently.
Once completely dry, begin placing the marbles in the vase carefully while chanting:
Balls of blue Healing true Balls of clear Cleansing here
Use as a center piece or place in a prominent place.
A calling spell is a different kind of spell that is cast as a magic way of getting
a certain or special person to call you. This free black magic calling spell can be used to
have a loved one or a family member call you. This magic call spell can also be
used to have a boss or prospective employer call you to ease your mind from
worries. Give this free magic spell a try when you are wanting to receive
a call from someone. This is one of our many free magic spells.
Take a piece of parchment or fine quality writing paper and inscribe the name of the target. Write it in a circle twice, so the ends meet. As you do this, concentrate on the person's face and your desire that they call you. Then, while still concentrating, put a needle through the center of the circle created by the name. Place the charm by the phone.
The call will come within 5 minutes, 5 hours, or 5 day, depending on how well the spell was cast and how much will
power was used.
chant nine times,
bright light,
dark night,
cloak me in light
as dark as night.
this is especially useful at night time if you don't want to be seen.
1 part Fern leaf, dried
1 part poppy seed
2 parts slippery elm powder
1 part Myrrh
1 part Marjoram, dried
3 parts Dillweed, fresh if possible
Grind all together, mix well. Add 9 drops almond extract, w/ enough spring water to make
everything barely moist. place in ceramic bowl spread thinly as possible and dry the mixture
over low heat, stir occasionally until lightly browned. Grind again chanting:
Things seen, and things not seen,
Let me walk here between.
When finely powdered store in glass container. it will keep for years.
Sprinkle A little bit on yourself, objects or in a place to be made invisible.
if you follow this formula, you will become invisible in that people will not notice you are there,
they will look right through you. Relax and become conscious of your body. Feel your skin.
Relax, and feel the light hitting your skin, a rain of warmth. Chant:
Light pass through me and around me
Nobody can see me.
Feel the light start to pass around and then through you until you dont feel it anymore.
Take a white candle and rub olive oil on it while chanting
"Power, power come to me"
Visualize the area in which you want the power. Do this for 10 mins.
Repeat with a black candle. Light them both and let them burn down.
Next morning you should be able to generate fire/power that is required.
Practice putting on the energy of______.
If you want to have more money, practice putting on the energy of abundance.
Visualize yourself in a cloak that is filled with the energy of abundance, or whatever
else you want to experience in your life. If you want to be more gregarious, imagine
putting on a cloak that makes you friendlier. Practice putting on various forms of positive energy.
Practice feeling emotional energy fields around you. Notice all the details and all the
sensations that your mind would normally filter out about the events around you.
This spell should be used only after you have submitted your resume or application.
With a pin or sharp knife, write the name of the company(s) you want to work for on the
side of a large green candle. On a red candle, you need to carve the victory rune
(Tiwaz, it looks like an arrow, pointing up) and your full name. Burn both candles for
30 minutes on Thursday after the sun sets, while visualizing yourself getting the kind
of job you want. At the end of the 30 minutes, snuff the candles (do not blow them out).
Burn them each Thursday after that for 15 minutes until they burn out, or until you get the job.
Dispose of the candles and leave a small bowl of milk outside overnight as an offering.
Things you will need: 1 gold candle 6 green candles 9 white candles
Pine oil (for anointing the candles) salt
The spell is to begin at one minute past midnight sun time on the night of April 30
(May 1), July 31 (Aug 1), Oct 31 (Nov. 1) and Jan 31 (Feb 1) In other words, on the first
minute of the cross quarter day. Spell:
All candles must be dressed with pine oil and then arranged as follows:
Gold candle in the center.
Green candles in a circle around gold candle.
White candles in a circle around green candles.
At one minute past midnight on the appointed day, trace a salt circle around the
outermost circle of candles, light the gold candle first, then the green candles,
moving deosil (clock wise), then the white candles, moving deosil.
Circle the altar three times, chanting:
"Orbiting Jupiter trine the sun, bring money on the run."
Do the chant 3 times. Sit quietly for a few minutes and visualize your monetary needs.
Then snuff (do not blow or pinch) the candles in reverse order.
To help speed a recovery from illness, write the sick person's name upon a white human-shaped
candle of the appropriate gender. As you anoint it with three drops of myrrh or mint oil, visualize
healing energy in the form of white light flowing from your hands into the candle and say:
In the divine name of the Goddess
Who breathes life into us all
I consecrate and charge this candle
As a magical tool for healing.
Place the candle on top of a photograph of the sick person and then light the wick.
As the candle burns down, concentrate upon the person in the photograph, willing him
or her to be well again, and chant the following incantation:
Magick mend and candle burn,
Sickness end; good health return.
On a blue candle, use a pin to inscribe-moving from the base to the tip-the name
of the person who is ill. Pierce the candle with the pin and leave it there.
Let the candle burn down and extinguish itself.
You will need: -- Three Purple Candles Three Blue Candles Photograph of yourself .
Place the candles in a circle around the photograph. Charge each candle individually:
"I charge you by the powers of fire East, South, West, and North;
I charge you by the powers of The Earth, Air, Fire and Water.
I charge you by the powers of The Sun, the Moon, and the Stars:
To heal me of this disease (or ailment) Its causes and its manifestations.
So mote it be!" Now, after you light each candle, say:
"Burn the sickness in your flame Burn the sickness that would maim.
Burn the illness by your might Burn the illness in your light.
Heal me of illness and pain Heal me of all that is bane.
Heal me and set me free With my will so must it be!"
Do this spell as many nights in a row that you need to.
(done during the waning moon)
Write the name of the person that you wish not to harm you on a piece of paper.
Now stare at the paper and visualize that person's face, visualize until you can vividly see
their face imprinted on the paper. Then fold the paper three times and tie it with a piece of
black thread or string. Place it in a small air-tight container (Tupperware, baby food jar etc).
Fill the container with water, and place at the back of the freezer where it won't be disturbed, saying:
"Stay there and freeze for as long as I please."
You Need: 3 black candles black thread one black pen a piece of paper an empty glass jar
This spell will not hurt your bully, it will just make them leave you alone.
Do this spell at midnight on a Saturday of a waning moon
(a period of time between a full moon and a new moon, the light is decreasing.
The opposite is the waxing moon, when the moon is moving from a new moon to a full).
Set the candles in a big triangle shape, big enough so that you can sit in the middle.
Light the candles. Write the bully's name on the paper, and draw an "X" over it.
Fold it three times. Say:
"I bind you (say their name)
so that you cannot hurt me anymore,
both physically, and emotionally.
Get out of my life, leave me alone.
I bind you (say name) I bind you."
Then tie the thread around the folded paper, and pop it in the jar. Screw on the lid.
Snuff out the candles (never, NEVER blow out candles after a spell, it pushes the
magick away). The next day, bury the jar off you property, or you can hide it in a closet
where it will not be found. If the black candles you used are small enough, you can put
them in the jar (do this at the end of the spell, not after you have screwed the lid on).
If not, burn them later until there is nothing left of them.
Ingredients: Oranges, Fresh mint leaves
This bath is guaranteed to turn you into a love Goddess!.
Simply fill the tub with warm water, and add five whole navel oranges and a bunch
of fresh mint leaves. Get in the tub.
Peel the oranges and squeeze the juice into the bath water.
Rub the fruit onto your hair and skin. Eat a few slices and anoint yourself.
Do the same with the mint. Rub it into the body and hair and chew on a leaf or two.
(You should be physically clean before taking this bath. Do not soap off when you're done.)
Let your body and hair air dry, now dress for your date.
Thecombination of orange and mint will make you irresistible!
Why not experiment with different combinations until you are happy with the mix?
(this will be your own special herbal bath mix!)
basil, bay leaf, citronella, fennel, lavender, lemon, lemon verbena,
peppermint, oregano, pine, rosemary.
rose, geranium, lavender, patchouli
lemon balm, rose, jasmine, sage, lavender
catnip, chamomile, comfrey, elder, evening primrose (flowers), jasmine (flowers),
lemon balm, rose (petals), Vervain, tansy (flowers).
pine, juniper, thyme, lavender, rosemary
Agrimony, bay leaf, mugwort, oregano, sage, strawberry (leaves).
***This is amazingly powerful!
While in the shower, visualize yourself standing under a waterfall.
Ask the spirits of water to cleanse, consecrate and empower your body,
mind and spirit in the name of healing.
As the water runs down your body, visualize the negativity swirling off you and down the drain.
When you towel dry, ask the spirits of the air to cleanse, consecrate, and empower
your body, mind and spirit in the name of healing as well.
Materials required: Muslin bag/Dead sea salts/lavender herb/lavender oil.
Fill your muslin bag half way with the dead sea salts, add two teaspoons of lavender herb
and one drop of lavender oil. Tie up the bag and include in your bath.
Close your eyes and feel your body soak up the healing herb, salt and oil.
Chant the rhyme:
Pains and Aches and Evil Things
Fly from me on rapid wings!
Leave my body, don't return
For peace and quiet I do yearn.
Surround me in Her radiant light.
Magic power pure and white
Banish forces of the night!
Moon Phase: 4th Quarter
Items Needed:
dried lavender, sage, and hyssop; about 1 tsp. each
patchouli or rose essential oil a tbsp. sea salt
Fill the bathtub with hot water making sure the water is mildly uncomfortable, but not too hot.
Before you get in, hold your hands above the water and recite 3 times:
"This is Cerridwens Cauldron, the mists of change arise"
Add the sea salt. Hold the lavender in your hand and say:
"lavender for love"
then sprinkle it in the water.
Do the same for the sage and hyssop:
"sage for strength, hyssop for healing"
Add a few drops of the essential oil.
With your hand, athame', wand etc. Stir the water widdershins (counter clock-wise) to
create a downward spiral drawing energy. As you stir the water recite:
"Flowers and water keep sickness at bay;
The downward spiral takes it away."
Use your intuition to determine how long you should stir and chant...
Once in the tub, relax and visualize all the negativity leaving your body through your pores.
With each breath, you exhale it from your body.
Continue this for as long as you wish, but it should be at least 30 minutes.
As an added boost, use a white candle to draw in positive energy and to purify,
and a black candle to absorb the negativity. It also creates a softer light that makes
it easier to relax. You can also burn your favorite incense to help you relax.
1 tbls bicarbonate soda 5 drops essential oil juice of 1 lemon
1 tsp. good oil, such as sweet almond ½ cup sea salt
Stir the soda, essential oil, lemon juice and oil together and then blend in the salt.
Dissolve in the bath water.
Light 4 candles (colors of your choice) and place at the 4 corners of the tub.
Step slowly into the bath water, feeling it envelope around you. Close your eyes.
Visualize yourself laying on the surface of the ocean.
There is nothing around you, you are alone and at peace.
Feel the warmth of the sun beating down on you. Say either out loud or quietly to yourself:
Be comforted, All is well Now you are blessed.
You have life to nurture and nurture you.
Be calm. Be easy. Be comforted. You are blessed.
Take equal parts of lavender, violet, and rosemary.
Empower them and Then boil them in a pot with about a quart of water over medium heat.
When the water is richly colored and the herbs are scenting your kitchen, drain
The water off into a jar. A plain coffee filter works great for this.
Place the jar in sunlight for an entire day to absorb the radiant energies of the sun.
You can do this on a Wednesday to add the healing powers of mercury to the spell*
Occasionally look at the jar and add your own energies to it.
Just before sundown fetch the jar and hold it firmly between your hands Just below your naval.
Feel your desire to be well filling the jar and with your minds eye see it glowing brightly as the sun.
Chant these words until you have filled the jar with as much energy as it will hold.
By the herb and by the sun
Wellness and I are now as one
Strengthening energies now are merged.
Baneful energies now be purged
Anoint spots where illness lurks or on your belly if you are unsure where the source of discomfort lies.
Or pour contents into bath water.
Base Ingredients: Epsom salt, Sea salt, Baking soda
Optional ingredients: Finely powdered herbs, powdered oatmeal, powdered milk, food coloring
Fragrance: Essential oil blends or Fragrance oils as desired.
All ingredients must be water soluble, or be in such a finely powdered state that it is invisible in the water.
Also, if your salt is a large crystal type, grind your salt first in a food processor until it is finely ground.
combine all dry ingredients in a large zip-lock bag; mix well. Add fragrance and/or coloring slowly,
squinch up the bag and really mix well. Keep mixing. Mix some more. Pour into a glass container -
plastic will eat up any fragrance you put in.
2 parts Lavender 2 parts Rose 1 part Peppermint 1 part Cinnamon
This bath speeds the healing process.
To help with colds and 'flu, add 2 parts Eucalyptus to the mix.
If you are sensitive to any of the above ingredients, try 4 cups of good quality
ground coffee per bath, this works well for people recovering from illness.
Steep a teaspoon of basil in a cup of boiling water, and strain out the herb.
Add it to you bath water for a protective and cleansing influence.
It is particularly useful to clean off the feelings left by contact with those who are negative or controlling.
The moon should be dark or waning. You should perform this on a Saturday.
Take 7 sheets of toilet paper and write: "I banish poverty" On each sheet.
Flush them all down the toilet saying:
I banish poverty.
With each one. Do this every day from the full moon à the dark moon.
You will need the following items for this spell:
Beer (Optional)
Several Bowls
Water bottles
Glass Bottles
One Measuring Cup
A fun easy to make Wizard Potion. Nothing else to say...
Casting Instructions for 'Wizards Potion Spell'
1). (Optional) Take your beer and drink some of it...
2). Then grab some Skittles and pour in a bowl.
3). Have 1.4 Liters of Vodka w/ 47 coloured Skittles...
4). Count the total number of skittles...then divide them into groups of different colours.
5). Place each group on different bowls.
6). Empty water bottles and pour equal amounts of vodka in each bottle.(About 230 millimeters).
7). Place the same colour of Skittles in each bottle. Each bottle should have different colors of Skittles. So it'll be:
Bottle 1: Bottle 2:
Orange Skittles Green Skittles
8). Shake up the bottles...they should look bright.
9). Strain out any extra debris from the bottle.
10). Place clean liquid in glass bottle.
Casting Instructions for 'Anti-anxiety Spell/Chant Spell'
Nervous anxiety, you are dead. Lord and lady, soothe my head. Bring me to your calming peace as I will, so mote it be.
You will need the following items for this spell:
Tobacco and Ciggie Buts
Thin black Cloth
Black Candle
White Candle
Will Power
To give up addiction to Tobacco
Casting Instructions for 'Give up Smoking Spell'
Wrap up tobacco and ciggarette buts in black cloth
Inscribe widdershins spiral on candle
Light candle
Inhale the foul smell of the package
Focus all intent of despising and hate on the package
Say This that harms me, I let go
Snuff out the black candle when you are ready, and bury the remnants of it, with the cloth package.
Brush your teeth and wash your mouth.
Light the white candle. Take three deep breaths.
Say I am breathing, I am clean, I am free three times.
Repeat this with the white candle every morning and night for as long a necessary.
You will need the following items for this spell:
Blue Candle
Red Candle
Oak leaves as incense
This is to HELP a animal that is already healing. It will speed up the healing process, NOT do anything like what you see on TV and movies.
This spell is from the Bowynn tradition but can be altered to your own.
Set your altar up as you wish. Then invoke the gods of your pantheon that deal with the care of animal (Artemis, Tonto, Reye, Dionysus) ect. Do not invoke divinities from paths other than your own.
Now speak proudly your first prayers and give and offering.
Take up the blue candle in hand and start to charge it with healing and calm blue light. As you do this say the following 6 times:
"Into thee so I grace
The power of calm and warm.
Radiate you gifts far beyond
and bless those I wish to charm."
Now take up the red candle and infuse it with red healing energy. As you do, say the following 8 times:
"Candle so red, Candle so red
I infuse you with healing _______.
Radiate your gifts far Beyond
And bless this dear noble pet."
Now light the candles. As you do see there energy blast outward and fill the room and beyond, like a firework or a sun going super-nova. See the red and blue candles merge in the middle to make a purple spiritual energy as well. Say the following bowynn chant. (If not Bowynn you can skip this and fill in with your own prayers)
"Reye kae Hern. Brand kae Ve. Vo om em aelles, hlass ad adden had don meer. Kai tson to tson kadessel adden plor geddess olon. Syember!"
Now place your hand s about the candles and recite the following
"Sweet goddess, noble god, to you I prayer.
you of the animal spirits and protection.we
I stand before you and ask this,
I ask that __(pet name)__ be entrusted to your care.
Allow the their own recuperating powers
Of their body to be rejuvenated.
Bring light of the candles here may they be blessed
And by your ever giving and caring hands.
Warmth and comfort ___(pet name)___,
And send to them waves of healing"
Now say another set of prayers to the gods. Let the candles burn out. If they are too big, blow them out as you say "With loves sweet kiss." Never pinch out a burning wick. you can reuse the candle later for as many days as you need to.
Used to rid oneself of potentially damaging blocked, or denied memories-
The premise for this rite is that we all have blocked memories in ourselves, that we either won't,
or can't face. They may include everything from being teased at school by our 'friends' to
emotional, physical, or mental abuse by parents, loved ones, etc.
The purpose of this rite is to draw these hidden memories up into a closed box, open it in a
manner similar to the Pandora myth, and meet, greet, and make peace with the
memories, as they can be very detrimental to one's ego growth if kept hidden.
Instead of finding hope in our boxes though, we will find acceptance, and peace with
oneself, and one's past.
This rite is good for anyone, even those who assume they have had perfect childhood's.
You don't always realize the past is dragging you down until it is too late, and you would
be amazed by what you can find out about yourself!
You will need:
Yellow candles Kamea of sol A box of any shape, or size A solar incense
(And, music of a childlike nature may be used to enhance the atmosphere.)
The box should have a lid.
Paint the inside glossy black, or line it with an irregular reflective surface, such as aluminum foil.
The outside should be decorated with any drawings, pictures, or whatever one may want to
help evoke a childlike state of mind, and to help trigger childhood memories.
Start with an opening of any sort you feel comfortable with.
Light candles and incense as desired.
State the intent: "It is my will to greet my past, and accept it for what it is."
Recite the invocation:
"I call the past to meet the present,
that the future may be bright.
I bring myself forth from the dark,
and hold me to the light.
Let not the past control my present,
let not my future be dark as night.
I meet and greet me with open arms,
and move back into the light."
At this point, one person sits in the center of the group with their box, keeping it closed.
She focuses on the box while the rest of the participants circle around, teasing, insulting,
degrading her. At this point, the teasing should not be too personal.
When she reaches gnosis, she opens the box, and gazes inside, seeing whatever she sees.
At this point, the taunting should reach a more personal, and vicious attitude.
This continues until they close their box again.
The box then is dealt with in whatever manner she sees fit.
It can be destroyed, left open in a spot of sunlight, kept for future uses, as it may be a
good idea to do this more than once. When the first person is finished, another takes
her place, until the entire group has a turn. Banish by laughter and embraces.
In a small pot, crush items that the person you are wishing away hates (say, if they hate
china berries, then crush those!) While you crush, visualize that person staying away from
a certain place. When everything is crushed, then add the four representations of the elements.
these are: 1 pinch of salt (earth,) 1 sprinkle of water (water),
something flaming, (fire) (dip in, then pull out three times),
and incense (air) (do the same as the fire)
Crush again. Before putting in elements, ask the lord and lady to bless them for you,
so that they may work their purpose faster, longer, and stronger.
Visualize the person staying away, while you chant :
"Berries of the trees, make true the wish to me.
Keep (name of person) away from here,
so that I may rejoice and cheer"
Then, smear a bit of the mixture over whatever you want the person to stay away from.
When the moon is in a waning phase, write on white parchment paper (or whatever you
have) the full name of the person you want to move, along with birth date if known.
Roll up the paper, with a photo if you have one, place inside a bottle of vinegar, then
toss into a body of running water, visualize your enemy moving away as the bottle
is washed away.
You will need:
* three small pine branches, a few feet in length (or three fern fronds)
The Spell:
To banish evil that has come, go into your garden at night.
Cut three small pine branches, a few feel long, or three fern fronds.
Circle your garden with these slowly and call forth all the powers and spirits of your garden
in whatever words feel good to you. Express your hurts and fears and ask for help from the
Earth Mother. Then "sweep" the house with these branches or fronds, pushing all the
dark energies out the front door forcefully, saying:
Throw the branches away, off your property.
This is a simple way of using herbs to protect you from any negative energies or entities that may be bothering you. You will need: 1 teaspoon anise or aniseed 1 teaspoon dried cloves 1 stick of cinnamon 1 teaspoon black peppercorns 3 bay leaves White cotton cloth large enough to hold all the herbs White cord or yarn As you put all the ingredients together, you are going to charge and activate the herbs. Spread the cloth out in front of you, and place all the herbs in the centre. Mix them together well, and then bring the four corners of the cloth together so that you can tie the cord around the cloth, making a little bag to hold the herbs in. Wrap the cord around the cloth three times with three knots. Charging the Herbal Protection Sachet Now cup the sachet in your hands. Close your eyes, and imagine a white light travelling through your body. Start at the top of your head, and see it travelling down your body to your torso and then your legs, relaxing each body part as the light travels through. This white light represents security and protection, so feel feelings of warmth and safety as the light fills your body. Once the white light reaches your feet, see it travel upwards, through your arms, and into the sachet you are holding. You are now activating the herbs and charging them to keep you and your environment safe and protected. It is recommended to create a new sachet every month, preferably during a new or waning moon.
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This is a simple confidence spell to increase your self-esteem and self-worth. It uses tiger’s eye, a crystal which strengthens the solar plexus chakra. The solar plexus is the seat of our will, and a weakened solar plexus may manifest in lack of confidence. Tiger’s eye is also a crystal that combines solar and earth energy, producing a vibration of grounded confidence. For this confidence spell, you will need: A golden candle Tiger’s eye or orgonite with tiger’s eye Sandalwood essential oil Clothes that are red, yellow or orange in colour (optional) Confidence Spell Lay out all your tools in the centre of what will be your circle. Begin by meditating on what you would like the outcome of your spell to be. Be sure to be clear about your desired outcome – in what areas of life would you like more confidence? How would you like to act in future situations? The more specific you are, the better your results will be. Now cast your circle, and sit in the middle of it facing south (which corresponds to the element of Fire). Take the golden candle, and place three drops of sandalwood on it. Rub the sandalwood into the candle, while saying the following: I call upon the energies of the Sun and the Earth, To help me find my confidence and self-worth. Image: Etsy Next, light the candle and place it in front of you. Take the tiger’s eye and cup it in your hands. Now, look into the flame, and as you do so, imagine a golden light shining down on you from above (if it helps you to visualise, you can close your eyes). Make this light as beautiful and vibrant as you can in your imagination. This light is the unconditional love the Universe has for you. As you bathe in this golden energy, see yourself in the eyes of the Universe – or the God and Goddess, if you prefer. See the Universe loving you as a parent would a child, loving you just for existing, no conditions attached. Feel your heart opening to this energy. Now see the light becoming bigger and bigger, first filling the circle, and then the whole room. Take as much time as you need for this visualisation. Once you feel that the room is full of this light, open your hands, and start feeling the tiger’s eye crystal absorbing all this energy. See the golden light pouring into the crystal until it is all contained within. Once you are finished, close your circle. Keep the tiger’s eye with you, and use it to tap into the golden energy of unconditional love by holding it and meditating with it every time you feel you need a boost of confidence. Over time, you will start naturally feeling the confidence that comes from truly loving yourself unconditionally.
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Once you have created your Book of Shadows, you may want to perform a blessing ritual, in order to dedicate the book to its purpose – to help you grow as a Wiccan. The ritual doesn’t need to be elaborate (unless you want it to be). You can simply light a candle and recite a blessing, stating the intent for your journey on the path of magick. From now on, this grimoire will be a valuable part of your life as a witch. This is one of my favourite blessings for a Book of Shadows. It has been circulating online for some time, but unfortunately I can’t find the original author. Book of Shadows Blessing From EmporiumOfWitchcraft Elements guard and watch this book, From wandering eyes and prying look. In this right and ready hour, Fill it with thine ancient power. Powers of North! Earth Below, Show me to live, learn and grow! Lend me your strength and stability, To practice with love and set me free! Powers of East! Wind and sky, Watch over these pages with thine eye! Your wisdom and knowledge for these I do ask, That this book be worthy, the craft and its task! Powers of South! Fire and hearth, Help these shadows prove their worth! Infuse and uplift with your healing and passion, So only good comes from the works that are fashioned! Powers of West! Water and sea, Transformation and growth are granted by thee! Bless herein pages with all that you know That all righteous readers may learn and grow! In winter spring summer and fall, In our shadows we ask for the aid of all! To practice the Craft of the wise as I must, With truth perfect peace, perfect love, perfect trust! We ask for the blessings of the Lady and Lord, As I hold up Her chalice and brandish His sword! All I know is infused with their power, From sun and moon, rock and flower! Guardians from the four directions, Lady and Lord it’s your protections, And your love for which I look, To inspire and lead me as I write in this book! Yet to the unschooled eye let see, Confusing words and sophistry! Lead them from these sacred pages! On blessed ways throughout the ages! Yet to the Witch this book shall stay, Plain and truthful, clear as day! Direct and show, guide and teach, My dreams and goals help me reach! For free will of all And harm it none As I have willed it Now it is done!
So Mote It Be!
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This is a white magick spell which will help protect you against negative people. It will protect you from all negative actions against you: jealousy, gossip, verbal attacks, and even sorcery. Most importantly, it will protect you against psychic vampires who can literally suck the life-energy out of you. For this spell against negative people, you will need: A picture of yourself 4 blue candles and one white candle A few drops of essential oil for your astrological sign Sage incense 3 acacia leaves 3 black tourmaline stones Casting the Spell Against Negative People and Psychic Vampires Purify yourself by washing your hands in a bowl of water that contains a drop of your essential oil. Prepare the circle by placing the blue candles on each cardinal point, and the white candle in front of you. Put the incense to the left of the white candle, and the acacia leaves and the tourmaline stones to the right of the candle. Place your photo in front of the candle. Cast the circle, and light all the candles and the incense. Take your photo and pass it over the incense three times, and as you do so, imagine the incense purifying this representation of you, clearing away all negativity which has been sent your way by these negative people and psychic vampires. Take the acacia leaves and the black tourmaline in your hands, and recite the following incantation five times: “I invoke thee, Aradia, goddess of protection and healing, Protect me and keep me safe, Now and forever, Thank you.” See a circle of white light forming around you, which psychic vampires and negative people cannot penetrate. Extinguish the candle and close the circle, but let the incense burn until the end.
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The following is a variation of the Lord’s prayer, originally written by Mark Christian and Janie Young. You can use this prayer to invoke the Mother Goddess during ritual, or simply recite it whenever you wish to feel closer to Her. Image: Etsy Our Mother, Who art amongst us, Hallowed is Thy presence. Our realm is here, We sense Thee near, On Earth, which is our living Heaven. Teach us this day to bake our bread, And accept us in our human-ness As we accept each other, in spite of our limitations. Lead us not into domination, But empower us to freedom. For ours is this Air, This Fire, This Water, This Earth, Forever and Ever. Blessed Be.
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Goddess Protection Spell Repeat this simple incantation, while mentally visualising a soft sphere of blue light around yourself or the place you are in, to create temporary protection. This spell is powerful, but it stops as soon as you stop focusing on the incantation. “Great Goddess of day and night Protect me with all your might” An incantation to close your mind against outside influence This incantation allows you to protect your thoughts against anyone attempting to read or influence them without your consent. “In this place and in this hour By the guardians of the secrets of the night Take the keys to my heart And close the doors of my mind” Golden Mist Shield Spell This protection spell is very easy to master. It creates an aura around you similar to a golden orb of mist filled with positive energy, which blocks other people’s negative thoughts and emotions. If you find yourself among negative people, you may use this spell and as a result you will not feel the slightest bit of discomfort. However, this shield isn’t very effective against supernatural dangers such as demons or curses, because it will dissipate easily when subjected to an attack. The breath of life And the light of my mind Creates an enchantment Of protection and comfort As the air I breathe is purified I surround myself with an orb of gold This golden haze Is constantly purified And separated from any negativity May my space be protected
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If you find yourself being attacked or otherwise influenced by an otherworldly spirit or entity, you must seek protection. This is a three-stage process to rid yourself of the unwanted beings and protect yourself. 1. Protection If you can, acquire one or more of the following gemstones: Black Tourmaline Agate Bloodstone Emerald Labradorite Black Onyx Peridot Emerald These are crystals that protect you from harmful spirits and psychic intrusion. Black Tourmaline may be the most effective, but any of them would work. If you can find orgonite containing one of these stones, that would be even more effective. The next step will be to surround yourself with a shield of protective light. This comes from within, and you can conjure it up yourself through meditation. Begin each day with sitting down in a quiet space for five minutes, visualising a bright bubble of light around you, reaching about an arm’s length away from your body. Make it any colour you feel comfortable with. Repeat the following words: “I surround myself with a shield of protection. I am safe within my space.” Feel the light emanating from you, growing brighter with each deep breath. It is strong and controlled, vibrating at a high frequency. No evil spirit can penetrate this force field. Finally, ask your spirit guides, guardian angels and the God and Goddess to protect you. 2. Cleansing You will then need to cleanse the space where you sense the negative intrusion. If it follows you around, use these methods around your body. If you can, find some Palo Santo (available for a few dollars on Etsy or eBay) – it is a holy wood from the Amazon burned by Shamans to drive out evil spirits and unwanted energies. Otherwise you can use sage, sandalwood or frankincense. Sprinkle sea salt around the area. Say words like the following, over and over as you cleanse your space: “Any unwanted spirits and entities, please leave now. Any evil or negative energies or presences, please leave this space. You don’t belong here. I am sending you home. Go back whence you came. Please leave NOW. Only light and healing energy is allowed in this room. Thank you.” Repeat these or similar words until you feel satisfied. 3. Communication Follow steps 1 and 2. If they don’t work, you must try to communicate with the spirit. This can be dangerous, so follow the instructions carefully. Cast a protective circle. Sprinkle sea salt around it for extra protection. Wear or carry your gemstones or orgonites. Ask them to protect you. Activate your protective light shield as per step 1. Then you may speak to the spirit. Say something along the lines of: “Spirit who presently resides here. I am protected and you cannot harm me. I address you with the utmost respect. I do not know your reasons for being here, but you are intruding on my/our live(s), and there is nothing for you here. I am asking you to please leave. Go back whence you came. Go home, where you will be at peace. Thank you.” When you’re ready, close your circle. Keep your gemstones or orgonites near you as often as you can. Whenever you feel like there might be a negative presence, take deep breaths (which strengthens your aura), try to remain calm, visualise the light bubble around you, and ask your guides/angels to stay near and keep you safe. If this still doesn’t work, you should contact a psychic for assistance.
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There are many basic techniques of protection that don’t require any rituals or incantations. These things are so easy and effective that all Wiccans need to know about them: Salt – A circle of salt around an area prevents negative entities and demons from crossing into it. You can make a line of salt along a door or windowsill to make it impassable. Iron – Iron symbolises the pure will, and repels evil. This is why Wiccans sometimes put an iron object in the entrance of their homes to deter unwanted visitors. Three iron nails driven into the frame of a door or window (one at each bottom corner and one in the top middle) block malevolent spirits from passing. It is also said that most spirits are unable to cross a railway line, because the iron forms an impenetrable wall for them. They must instead use a bridge or a tunnel below ground. Silver – This symbolises the Moon and the Goddess, making silver jewellery easy to enchant to make talismans of protection. A silver pentacle is a powerful protection even without a spell. The Pentacle – the five-pointed star symbolising the five elements can be traced almost anywhere as a powerful symbol of protection. Light – Many lesser demons avoid bright places and attack only when it is dark. This unfortunately has no use against the demons of higher rank. Fire – Some evil spirits fear fire, especially those spirits related to water or ice. In some cases, a single candle can be a protection. Crystals – Four quartz crystals previously blessed by a witch can create a circle of protection very quickly. Simply arrange them in a circle on the ground to create a circle that most spirits would find it hard to cross. This circle can protect you, or instead it can be used to trap a spirit in the middle. The circle is much stronger if the crystals are placed by the cardinal points. Gemstones – stones and gems have qualities useful in magic, and many are effective for protection. Tiger’s eye reflects negative energies to their source; Amethyst blocks manipulative spells and decreases the effect of harmful potions, magnetite can be used to entrap lesser demons, while opal can temporarily lock even higher demons, onyx and obsidian capture and cancel various negative energies including those used in necromancy. The mineral most often used by sorcerers is clear quartz, but it must be blessed or enchanted for it to be effective as protection. Two apples and a knife – This is another very simple method to create a circle of protection. An apple cut in half crosswise presents five areas containing its seeds as a natural pentacle! Deposited on the ground by the cardinal points, two half apples create a circle of temporary protection, which disappears when the apples are completely oxidized and have changed colour. Incense – Some types of incense can make the air unbearable for bad spirits. If you have a good quality incense, you can keep many of them away. The most common protective incense types are sandalwood, patchouli, myrrh, frankincense and sage. Plants – Several herbs, spices and other plants used in Wicca have protective qualities. Garlic repels creatures that drain their victims (thus everything that has a vampiric nature); saffron and thyme deter flying spirits that are associated with wind; rosemary repels evil spirits associated with water; Sage, when burnt, is very cleansing and intolerable to evil spirits. Henbane and aconite violently repel demons, but they are very toxic plants so be careful when handling them! Lilacs planted near a home will deter wandering spirits who come by chance (but they won’t stop those who come with a clear goal in mind). Branches of a thorny plant (such as a rose) placed along a door or windowsill will form a barrier as effective as a line of salt. Finally, myrrh strengthens almost all spells and protective talismans. The Athame – Although many Wiccans do not sharpen their athame and never use it to cut anything, this knife is nevertheless a weapon, in addition to being a phallic symbol and thus a symbol of God . An athame which has been properly blessed can draw a circle of protection very quickly – point it in the air and draw the boundaries of the circle. In addition, unlike any other blade, an athame can hurt spirits and demons even though they have no physical body. Broom – This is a symbol for cleansing, and a broom placed by the door will prevent weaker spirits from entering. If a particularly dangerous spirit enters the house, the broom will tend to fall to the ground as an alarm signal.
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This is a herbal talisman which will keep your home safe, both physically and astrally. You will need: A glass jar with a lid Half a cup of salt Garlic Bay leaves Dried basil Dill seeds Sage Anise Black peppercorns Fennel Cloves Gather enough to fill the jar – try to use roughly the same quantities of each herb. When you have mixed everything in, put the lid on, and shake the jar nine times while saying: Salt and herbs, nine times nine Guard well this home of mine. All of these nine herbs have powerfully protective properties, along with salt, which is an excellent cleanser. Keep this jar in the centre of your home to protect it from all who would do it or you harm.
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Saffron green cotton square of cloth (8") Can be a print, but predominantly a healthy green color.
An herb that is healing for your friend's ailment. A Stone that is healing to the ailment.
A piece of copper (a copper penny will do if no other copper cluster is available)
This is to balance the energy of the person and speed healing vibes.
Green ribbon or cord to tie the sachet up with.
Make a cup of Infusion ( strong tea made in a non metallic pot ) of the saffron.
When good and orange/brown, mix with 3 cups of rainwater that has been set in the morning
sun for 3 days. Before doing your sachet making, but after casting your circle, wash your
hands in the saffron infusion (saffron has VERY powerful healing vibes).
Leave them wet and to dry naturally as you do your work.
If the saffron water gets on the ingredients, the better, but don't splash , or purposefully pour it on.
With a Mortar and Pestle, grind the herb and chant:
This is the spell that I intone flesh to flesh and bone to bone
Sinew to sinew and vein to vein each one shall be whole again.
As you visualize the person getting well. Picture them in your mind clearly and healthy.
Visualize you golden hands energy and the green of the earth energy creating an aura around them.
Visualize them letting it into her body as you say, "for the good of all and according to free will."
(This is because if they don't know about you doing this for them and they have not given you
their permission, their subconscious can view this energy as a threat, instead of the good you mean.
They will fight it off rather than let it in if you push it on them.
This will take even more energy away from their ability to fight off her disease.
So have the energy gentle yet powerful, non-intrusive.
If their body needs and wants it, they will let it in. In your mind show them how good it will feel
and what good it will do.)
After grinding the herb, put it in the center of the square. Then hold the stone doing the same
visualization and chant you did with the herb. Then put the stone in the cloth.
Then the Copper, the same.
After all three are in the cloth, take it in you hand , still open, to the four quarters for charging
and blessing. Finally take to the center and ask you God/s to bless your work and your friend.
Take a deep breath and as you do visualize again, your friend well and happy and filled with
green and glowing energy. ( Caution-- Substitute Green color with orange if the disease is cancer )
As you exhale, send this image and your breath into the center of the pouch and quickly tie it up
with the ribbon. Tie a knot three times and seal with some wax of a candle you used in the rite.
Leave on your alter for the Gods to bless overnight. Then have the person keep it with them or
secret it someplace near them.