I think Hate is a stromg word amd I try to avoid it ... but this is a valid time for its useage
my cousin / my dads sisters kid makes fucking 40K a month and lives in texas no one exspected him.
He throws a big x-mas party for all the young kids and my mom and dad are known as the favorite
aunt and uncle well I got a 7 year old brother and HE was NOT invited. When I called my aunt to ask
why my brother was not invited...she says we dont think we should spend good money on someone
who dont know how to come to the last 5 family reunions...I said my brother is there every year...
she tells me yes but not my mother, and that has hurt her... um mom has a major degenerative bone
disease, so yes she does not go places. DAMN IT adult squables should not include the
children ...I dont like children BUT I know what is wrong and right for them. I would not spit on my
cousin or my aunt if they were on fire...I may light my insence from thier smoldering bodys.
I Hate peoples...and it is sad when it is family, your referring too.
all those crazy nut doctors care about is $$$ insted of the people ,,,love the doctor telling me that what iam feeling is not a side effect of my new med when it is the only new one in my system, ok so I babble and dont STFU and most of it dont make sense and iam dizzy and fall asleep all over. hugs ...for everyone who understands this