Admin do not get involved in member disputes. It is said over and over again.. and also listed in the manual. This also includes when members of a society fight with their Coven Masters. We do not suspend people because they come and told us of an issue.
What we suspend for is breaking the terms of service, misusing the message center, multiple free profiles.. ect.
So if you see someone saying that admin suspended them because they told us a problem, because we have an issue with them, so on and so forth, they are not being honest.
It amazes me when people are constantly lying about why they got in trouble.
Because I am a Premium Member, I do not need to receive messages that you have rated and added me. The features provided with a PM let's me see those things.
Please do not send me these messages.
Mostly they are coming from certain members who are constantly changing their name all the time.
If you are one of those people, and you send me this message every single time you do a name change.. I am just going to rate you a 1 and block you.
It is becoming ridiculous.
I rated you and added you.. just sayin ;P
Smartass. I totally dig you. ♥ hah.
Announcing that you have done something that is a society norm and observable by the person you did it for/to is obnoxiously attention seeking.
The next time I hold the door for someone I am just going to shout "I HAVE OPENED THIS DOOR FOR YOU. PLEASE FEEL FREE TO THANK ME."
....Thank you -chuckles softly-
Love Morrigon's comment! LOL!
Yeap...these people are just fishing for compliments and ads...which they don't get from me.
I'm not a PM yet I couldn't care who rated and added me.
I am going to address something about Vampire Rave, because it is not the first time I've heard it-
By buying a Vampire Rave premium membership not only are you supporting the site, but you are also getting added feature that free members do not get.
Some of these features are-
-Advanced Viewing Options
-Advanced Management Options
-Advanced Membership Options
-Account Protection
-VR Store Discounts [Vampire Rave]
-No Status Restrictions
You can find a more extensive list here: Premium Member Information
No where in that list does it say that you cannot be given negative honor. Nor does it say that you cannot be given a rating between the numbers of 1 through 10. Being a Premium Member does not get you 'freedom of speech'. It also doesn't mean that you are entitled to have things go your way just because you've paid for a membership.
If you've chosen certain actions and there is consequences, either member to member or administrative action, then you either 'take your licks' or leave.
If you did not read the ToS of Vampire Rave when you signed up, then that is your problem and no one but yours. You cannot claim ignorance when the links are easy to find and you can educate yourself.
Well put!!!
The information is all over the site, one just needs not to be lazy and read the ToS and so on!!!
Word UP.
yep, funny thing is right BEFORE clicking to sign in, right there where the button is there is a clear sentence saying that : you agree to the terms of service
I wonder, those who just click and not read, can I get their signature on a contract without having them reading it, (nothing major just that they agree to give their soul to me? )
I screwed up and lost a password, lesson to all...
Hey Serenity...maybe we can get one of these dumb asses to buy us a house...!
Very funny when people take this honor thing too seriously and then tell others: it'a just a web site!
23:59 Feb 27 2014
-shifts eyes-
Just curious...
05:09 Feb 28 2014
Shh, Payne! She's got her serious-face on, she'll spank you. :o
10:41 Feb 28 2014
is that all it takes ot et spank by Moonie?
-prepare hand-
22:49 Mar 02 2014
...of course, you and the other admins will be saying this forever and ever, as it never seems to sink in...
20:55 Mar 03 2014
Sad that this always have to get repeated over and over.