Dawn of the Ted lmao!
'Will you still love me tomorrow?' So goes the old refrain, encapsulating the anxiety of many an insecure lover. When we give our heart, we hope it will never be returned to us. Yet to put a heart in someone else's hands is to make a giant gesture of trust. And what if the problem is the other way round? What if our own emotional affiliations wander? Future feelings can never be forced to follow yesterday's yearnings. But that's no reason to dismiss a magic that's happening right now for all that it is today.
Well I know you want a lover,
let me tell your brother, she's been sleeping
in the Devil's bed
Just like a ghost
you've been a-hauntin' my dreams
So I'll propose on Halloween
The Joker--Steve Miller Band
I really love your peaches. Wanna shake that tree.
I remember being little and wondering the heck he was talking about. It all makes sense now. ♥
haha yes, me too! I always loved the song, still a classic. I am just in the mood for older music tonight. :)
There's a magic running through your soul
You can't hope to put something right, until you first recognize what is wrong with it. You can't see that, until you first experience the negative effects. There is therefore a natural tendency for people to ignore their troubles and the issues that they face. Looking at these rarely makes any of us feel better. Paying them less attention brings us some kind of distraction and relief. Yet something really does now need to be bravely tackled. It won't feel great when you first start doing this but how glad you will be later
love The Doors! Lots of great songs. I got a little carried away, it's hard to choose my fav.
Soul Sacrifice
no lyrics just intense music, i wish i had of been there.
Your head wants one thing; your heart wants another. How are you supposed to reconcile these two conflicting forces? What advice would you like me to give you? Should I be poetic? Should I tell you to trust what you feel, even if it doesn't seem to be logical? Or would it be more responsible of me to steer you towards realism and encourage you to think more clearly. There! Your confusion has confused me! Who else might it confuse soon? You need to reach a compromise with yourself in July. The good news is, you can.
There are some things that you know and some things that you strongly suspect. It is always very tempting to treat such a suspicion as a certainty. But the art of wise decision-making involves drawing a distinction. Make an allowance, by all means, for what you imagine to be true, but make a commitment only to that which you can be sure of beyond all doubt. I mention all this now because the choices that you arrive at over the next day or two could end up defining the shape of the next phase of your future
There may be many mysteries that you are struggling to solve but in one area of life at least, things are clear and straightforward. You can see what is needed in a sensitive situation and you feel determined to apply that solution, regardless of how many challenges you encounter. Whilst you must be careful to temper this determination with diplomacy, you really need not doubt your own judgement or fear that somehow success will elude you. Be gently persuasive. Listen to other points of view but don't allow yourself to become confused.
19:46 Jul 31 2012
hahahah That was great!
17:05 Aug 01 2012