I never thought for a moment i would forget about things in my life
I never knew what it ment to be friends until I met the woman that became my best friend
I'm sitting here thinking about things that are going through my mind
I take my meds daily
went out with the family the other day and then came back home
what a bore lol
I hate it when people are rude to me
went to a store and I told a girl that I thought her name was pretty
but she didn't respond to me all she did was smile and my aunt kinda yelled at her
for ignoring like she did (how rude)net I will tell her boss that she wasn't very nice to me
rate me a 5 and then self-delete afterward
how funny that is that lol
Ya, that seems to be happening a lot. They delete and come back with another name as well.
it didn't hurt me none though
I woke up cause it was so dang hot so I went into my bedroom to sit in front of my fan
just to cool down a bit cause when I'm hot I get bad headaches
I had a breakdown a few days ago
which wasn't a very good one either
just small things would set me off
it's like everyone has to walk on eggshells around me
ugh, how I hate it.
Burn Dragons blood incense to clear negative energy. Fill your home with the sounds of Nature, and open doors and windows to let it all clear out. If you don't have dragon blood crush Sea salt and burn it crush and make it into a blessing water or salve, Sage also will work with it burned. Clear your house and yourself from negative energy and thoughts. I will be doing the same this evening,
i need to get me some though
Hope it gets better
thank you vw
I know one thing I will not put up with any more bullshit I really don't care anymore
I'm 48 years old I don't need this shit excuse my language but I just can't help it
my family makes it hard on me sometimes ugh.