MistressofBeltainne's Journal


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10 entries this month


18:04 Feb 26 2005
Times Read: 478



You are different. You're the type of person that

is easily spotted in a crowd. You have a

radiant personality. You probably go through a

lot of mood swings from happy to lonely, angry

to sad, loving to spiteful, and so on. Be aware

that your sudden change in personality may

offend some people. People like to be around

you because you are genuine and relaxed. You

seem at peace with yourself and you give off

that "what you see is what you get"

vibe. That's a good thing because your general

audience will feel relaxed and at ease knowing

that they too can be themselves with out having

to worry. Try not to judge others on their

appearance. It's not nice. Over all you're a

spirited person who enjoys having a good time!

Good for you! :o)

You're Beautiful...but why? ( PICS)
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Sad teen...

17:35 Feb 26 2005
Times Read: 479


the sad teen. Everything in life is f*ckin'

miserable. You constantly look over your

shoulder and wonder who is judging you...even

when you are alone. So naturally, you have

become a little paranoid and pessamistic. Your

personality can be one demensional but

confusing. You are constantly bored with life

and wish that something could spice it up. You

have a unique view on life and have identified

the problems with school society (Ex...what

makes popular people, how the student mind

works...) You would rather be alone because you

hate being hurt. You tend to think that no one

understands you, not even your parents /

guardians / friends. But that is just the

opposite! The people who love you want to

help, but they don't know how because they have

a feeling that they will say something wrong

and turn you away. You have to let them know

that you are willing to hear what they have to

say...and it might do some good to listen to


Some fields you might consider going

in when you are older...Judge, author,

songwriter, producer, therapist, psychologist,

philosopher, or forensic scientist. You need a

job where you can express yourself and your

views on life. Or you need a field where you

can judge others and predict what is going on

in others life. Either way... you have the

personality to get you a good job that will

support you throughout life.

What type of teenager are you?
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you suck, and that's sad

you are the "you suck, and that's sad"

happy bunny. your truthful, but can be a bit


which happy bunny are you?
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16:45 Feb 26 2005
Times Read: 481

Soroity Slut

You're Soroity Slut Barbie! You're easy and you're

really cheesy! Have fun with the entire

football team.

If You Were A Barbie, Which Messed Up Version Would You Be?
brought to you by Quizilla

I guess in a way this fits... I don't think I'm that easy though...




My Very Own Ouija Board

01:57 Feb 23 2005
Times Read: 486

My little sister surprised me today with a gift that I will forever love her for... she made me my very own Ouija board! It's really nice! She made it in shop class using oak and some other wood that she had to pay extra for because the shop teacher doesn't carry it. She also used a few spells on it and she was able to put a silver coin in the middle. It goes nice with my collection but, hers is my favorite by far!




What a day...

01:54 Feb 23 2005
Times Read: 487

Okay, time to rant and vent for the sake of it! I need to or I think I'll just go crazy!

I woke up way late this morning! I had to be at school for 7 am to use the darkroom and I got up at 6:30...

I forgot to wash my gym clothes so I had to take an F for the day... such a horrible class... I CAN'T STAND THE LITTLE FRESHMEN I'M WITH!(I failed freshmen gym but passed sophomore gym with an A... go figure!) They only care about winning and enjoy gloating to much. They also enjoy using my head as a target! After today I don't think they'll be doing that any more... *evil laugh* Amazing how the drug dogs only caught the jocks today! (no offense to any jocks I know... the ones at my school aren't the nicest in any which way to say the least)

I failed my Spainish test and I got a D on my Chemistry test!

My parents are ready to send my to a doctor of some kind... I think I need anger management... not another shrink! They always say the same thing about me no matter where I go!

One a good note... I went to lunch after school with Dave today and he made my day! I love that boy!!

I also sent in my application to work as stage crew for Kent... I hope I get in!

Other then that I'm confused on the subject matter and need to figure it out in my head before I write it down somewhere!




Fuck it

01:25 Feb 16 2005
Times Read: 491

That's it! I'm done! Just when I think Deborah and I are healing that mother daughter bond she fucks it up! How could she!?!?! How could she be so nice to me the other day then go thru all my stuff!?!?!?! To make it worse she comes to me and asks me all this shit and end it with "Why are you upset with me? I didn't know you hated me this much until I read your journal... should I take you to the doctor again?" How about this... no I don't need a doctor! I need you to die! Father and I would do great without you you fucking no good whore! *sighs* Venting complete... for now!




Long Day

04:27 Feb 15 2005
Times Read: 494

Blah! I feel like shit again... almost a whole week with the flu now a whole week with a crazy schedule! I have to be gone and on the road by 5 am until Thursday and won't be home before 6pm any day! Today I didn't get home until after 10... hmmm guess my grades are going to drop again... blah...





16:20 Feb 13 2005
Times Read: 497

Got up early today and talked with Deborah (my mother).... we didn't yell at all. Which was weird... could our relationship be healing? Can it after almost ten years of hate? And most importantly will I ever call her mom again?





15:35 Feb 12 2005
Times Read: 500

The flu that is going around sucks... I can't breathe well, eating has horrible consquences, and I can't fall asleep again... Looking on the bright side of this my dad got me a few new books and magazines and later he will rent me some movies. I guess I don't have to go to school again on Monday... I think I'll work on my profile!





05:04 Feb 12 2005
Times Read: 501

Sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks

Mentally numb and I don't give a fuck...



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