Another one fell into the black widows web of induction. Lmao!!
I hate and loath writing about myself especially when it comes to writing about myself in the profile section. It’s hard to sum up who I am with out writing a damned book but also it’s just easier to read journals I write if you want to know about me but honestly I’m a pretty private person unless I feel comfortable with you. So yea you just never know what you’re going to get when you talk to me. Lol
I can certainly attest to never knowing what one will get by merely talking to you too. ;)
Hey admins what’s a good background size for profile background? It looks good on one mobile device but like shit on another. Ugh
Which layout are you using?
I don’t know. Lol *shrugs* I just pop the code into the style sheet and press save. Lol I really just kinda have winged this profile stuff. Lol