5 drops Echinacea extract
5 drops oil of oregano
1 glass water
Directions take Echinacea first
Half the water
Take oregano next
Then the rest of water
Do not take more than 2 times daily and not more than 3 days
1 cup orange juice
2 ounces rum
Sip for cough relief, use responsibly
1 teaspoon ginger extract
½ teaspoon vitamin C extract
1/8 teaspoon lemon extract
2 teaspoons honey
¾ cup hot water
Drink as hot tea or let cool
Take once daily
To increase the sexual drive to enhance the host experience.
8 drops Oil of Oregano
4 drops lemon
1 teaspoon honey
1 teaspoon hot water
Mix well and have host take for 3 days...
You will be surprised of the effect, just make sure you are ready for the multitude of requests.