it started when mario was born and his life was set to save the princess peach but what he didn't know is that his life would change forever when he meet luigi. Luigi always like Mario. What Mario does is that luigi watches him whilie he sleeps. Mario nows what he has to do but everytime hes a around Luigi he gets this seceret joy. he doesnt get this feeling intil one night luigi"come here mario" mario"whats up luigi" luigi grabs mario"your mine now mario" luigi starts screwing him....mario"Ahhhhhhhh"
Mario finally feels whole. mario"luigi pleasee do me again..harder this time" luigi"Okay". they do this on and off for months. As Mario looks for the Princess his feeling for luigi grew and grew. Luigi came along and aske mario to marry him. mario says yes* after months of seaching he finds the Princess and takes her home. The Princess was disappiont that she didnt get anything. She went to Mario asked him why he did take her but when she go there she was in for a suprise. Luigi and Mario in the livingroom messing aournd. Luigi grabs the Princesses and makes her join. luigi is behind and mario is in the front....luigi is doin her from behind while mario is doing it in her mouth all you hear are grunts and her moaning. as luigi scream marios name,mario screams luigi's name and princess screams her dad name. they all cum on her face and her dad walks in and licks it off.
mario"luigi" king"peach" "peach"daddy" luigi"MARIO".