You know you haven't posted in awhile when a) you have to look back at the last post to even know what it was about and when it was and b) I didn't even post anything about how my Halloween ended up and here it is December!
Well, here's the short version. Halloween was both bad and good. Because I celebrate it all month, I was able to celebrate. But of course, as most of you will recall, the northeast got a little storm that went by the name Sandy.
That put the kibosh on the planned Oct. 30 party I was going to go to and of course the Greenwich Village Halloween parade which was going to be the big finale. So all in all - sad and annoying but I guess I can take solace that it wasn't because I didn't have plans. Here's hoping next year will be much better.
November was eventful mainly because I helped a friend drive from Washington, DC to Santa Fe, NM where he was relocating. It was pretty epic as you might imagine but in no small part because we did it in 2 1/2 days flat. We've been friends for 20 years now and I'd always wanted to do a drive like that AND I'd always wanted to see Santa Fe.
The one big highlight of the trip came on the Oklahoma/Texas border. We see a sign that says "Gas." Nothing else. Not Shell, Mobil, or any other well known names. It was about 8PM at that point and we weren't stopping until Amarillo, TX (another 100 miles) and so with a quarter tank of gas, we thought it best not to take our chances. We pull off the interstate and follow the sign down the road which after a short bit became gravel. We see the station up ahead as in the middle of nowhere, it's pretty well lit up. This is, kid you not, a picture of the pumps.
So we pull up and he goes in to pay while I pump. He comes back out and I head in to go to the bathroom and maybe get some coffee. I walk in and these two old guys, straight out of No Country for Old Men are standing there. I see the bathroom and they point me to it. I come back out and I see this old style coffee maker with about half a pot on it so I ask, "Uh, how old do you suppose that is?" One of the old-timers (and yes, this is an incredibly apt description of him) says, "Well............I figure a couple hours ago. Try it. If ya like it, buy it."
I have told this story a hundred times already and it never gets old. That line is only trumped by my decision to go ahead and pour myself a cup (a full 12 ounces mind you) and then hear, "50 cents."
So that was the big event of November. December has started off quite well as I got to see two of my favorite bands, Aesthetic Perfection and The Birthday Massacre this past weekend. I also got to see William Control in concert for the first time (I swear that man is a vampire!). It was an amazing show and only topped by the after party where I got to chat with Daniel Graves of AP AND Rainbow, one of the guitarist for TBM whom I got a photo with.
Oh and speaking of vampires - hahaha - overheard between what I figure must have been a donor and a vampire: "I'm sweet but kinda tangy. Kinda like ketchup."
Yep - been a wild few months. So at least now you're both caught up AND know why on earth I've been away so much! Drop a line people. I've been keeping up with journals but would still like to hear from ya!