Today was my first day of orientation for the new job. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Okay, so I was running a little late this morning, which is never cool... But whatever. I got there on time. :) And THEN I found out that I didn't have to be there for another half hour--my letter lied to me. Whatever. No biggie. I just didn't wear any make-up today.
So the first kid I met was named Karl. HILARIOUS!! I LOVE Karl! :) He's sooooooooooooooooooooo super friendly! He's working at the same park I am, only he's doing outside stuff, demonstrations and whatnot. Cool, cool. Apparently I'm the only person on Earth who isn't living in housing, but whatever. I'm honestly glad I'm not--I don't mind living w/ my mom for the time being, ya know?
Anyway, so this Karl kid... He's been moving all around the country and to get here? He BIKED (on a pedal bike, yes!!) from CHICAGO!! It took him 6 days, but he said it was pretty amazing. That's fucking awesome.
I ended up going into the housing kitchen w/ him because we were both heading to orientation and I didn't know where the FUCK to go... So I met Jennifer (very nice, not her first year), Laura (totally cool her--a newby like me), Mar(k)(c) (who is now been deemed "Sparkles," but we'll get to that later), and... *sigh* Rusty (Brandon--he goes by Rusty of his own accord), who has reddish hair, is 6'4", skinny, smart, beautiful, and *sigh* wears a single band silver ring on his right hand--how sexy!! :) I think I've said a whole of 2 sentences to him (maybe?), but I'm totally in love with this boy. lol. I think it's the being tall and the red hair... And the ring. Or maybe the fact that he's really cute and super friendly and likes the same things as me... And he eats offbrand honey nut Cheerios (only not...), which is weird, but I like the original, so I'm down with that. :) Sadly, this is his second year, so I only saw him for a few brief moments a few times today... LUCKILY we're working at the same place, so I'm hoping to see more of him. ;) *hint, hint* KIDDING, KIDDING! (Maybe.)
Well, after all the sillies eat at their little housing kitchen, we get into Mike's truck (he's a maintenance/security/whatever guy--older, full time) and drive about 15 seconds to the other housing complex (go figure). They're serving donuts and nonsense--all sorts of gross stuff like that--and we are introduced to all of the 'important' people before we're forced to watch some movie on sexual harassment, blah-blah-blah. I immediately pick out the most annoying kids--the ones I want to be the furthest away from. There were 3. Of course, two of them are my new work 'best friends.' lol! :)
Blah-blah-blah, we visit 3 of the sites (we're going tomorrow to the rest). Pretty DAMN awesome! :)
There's a group now, 3 of us, kind of 4... We've gotten a little cliquey already. Of course I'm the only girl in said group (it's not all bad being 'one of the guys'--I swear!)... Anyway, we've all got nicknames, the four of us. Doug is now "Su" because, well, he was joking and being a suck up (SU). Steve is "Pantera" in public and "Bitch" in private--long story. I am "Bob," although, at first, Steve wanted me to be Catwoman. Mar(c)(k) is "Sparkles," although that happened by accident--is mishearing of sorts. But we love it. :)
The first two will be my new drinking buddies... I can't wait! :) Su is living on the island, Pantera/Bitch is working w/ me, and Sparkles is working at one of the other sites on the mainland. Fucking awesome... I LOVE it!
Anyhow, everyone seems reeeeeeeeeeeeally nice and I cannot WAIT for tomorrow!!! :)
Hopefully I'll also be getting my schedule tomorrow and, for those of you who care, I'll let you know what's going on.
For those of you who I miss, I miss you terribly! For those of you I don't miss, maybe next time. ;)
Lots of love, hugs, and laughter.