i felt the need to write, hell i feel the need to scream and shout some things that i feel need to be said.
but i wont allow myself to say it. nope. so im just gonna write some bs so i can release some of this build up stress.
hm. lets see what bs can i come up with... well considering i always turn all my emotions into a joke its best to start with that yes?
we can start with an old one:
two men walk into a bar, the third one ducked
there were more that were amusingly lame, but i dont remember them.
so sad, be glad.
dang. i think i just realized why i have so much... um. frustration? whatever it is.
i'm waiting for something to blow up, because i know there is going to be at least one explosion, all i can really do is hope that a) everyone is as ready as can be for it, and b) they wont be very big or last very long.
i dont feel like writing in orange for this...