I know the apartment above me has the exact same layout as mine, so I know where the larger and the smaller bedrooms are located. Although I have never in anyway met the occupants, I know they have a small child…if I had to guess…I’d say 4…maybe 5 years old.
Around 4:30 am I hear footsteps running…~Thump thump thump thump thump thump trump!~…from that apartment’s smaller bedroom, which I believe must be the child’s room, out to the living room and then what I have to assume was a stationary jumping up and down, or perhaps a running in circles…~THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMP!~.
Then after a few moments I hear those footsteps run…~Thump thump thump thump thump thump trump!~…back through the living room and into the larger bedroom, which logic dictates must be the parents…at least such would be true in my universe.
After a minute of silence I then hear two pairs of footsteps going back to the smaller bedroom…~Thump pat thump pat thump pat thump pat thump pat thump pat .~…and a returning…~Pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat.~…back to the larger bedroom.
Around 5:30 am I again hear footsteps running…~Thump thump thump thump thump thump trump!~…from the small bedroom to the living room and then in a flash there was.. ~PAT PAT PAT PAT PAT PAT PAT PAT PAT PAT PAT PAT PAT!~…from the large bedroom to the living room and then again a…~Thump pat thump pat thump pat thump pat thump pat thump pat .~…back to the smaller bedroom with a following…~Pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat.~…traveling back to the larger bedroom.
At 6:30 am…Christmas On My Ceiling…finally began!
I ventured out last night and bought a new Bissell Sweeper…so yeah…I’m pretty excited about sweeping my rugs later this morning.
I also bought “Tarzan…A New Threat Awaits”…actually it was just the old threats I’ve listened to all my life…what a politically correct preachy piece of shit that movie is…Johnny Weismuller must be rolling over in his fucking grave…wow…horrible.
“Mad Max …Fury Road” came home with me as well. I have heard, since its release, that it was not very good, but I thought it was a solid 7 on a scale of 10…I wasn’t disappointed at all…of course after viewing “Tarzan…A New Threat Awaits”, which by the way rates a weak 2 on that 10 scale, almost any movie would be a welcome change. The only cinema I have viewed worse than “Tarzan…A New Threat Awaits”, would be “Gravity” and, of course, the finale of “Dexter”.
In the literature department I scooped up Anne Rices newest vampire novel…”Prince Lestat and the Realms of Atlantis” which received stellar reviews and if you’ve never read any of her “Vampire Chronicles”, you should.
So…after a Christmas sweeping with my new red Bissell…at least I hope it’s red as it is on the box…you know, sometimes the pricks screw you and it’s only red on the box, but in actuality ends up being a blue Bissell, which irritates the shit out of me, I hope that doesn’t happen. Where was I? Oh yeah…after a Christmas sweep, I am going to jump into bed, slide under the covers and electric blanket, in my unheated bedroom on this cold and snowy (YEAH!) white Sunday morning and begin reading the aforementioned novel.
I suppose I could wait and Christmas sweep tomorrow and this morning go straight to ”Prince Lestat and the Realms of Atlantis”…I mean…it’s not like that Bissell is going anywhere, am I right?!