Four days off work, nuff said :)
Reduced to doing puzzles meant for eight year eight year olds :)
..when you have a medical condition you can't pronounce or spell :)
The upside to having to deal with "difficult" people on a daily basis is finally not wanting to kill 'em. I.T problems at work however, still have the ability to make me spit feathers.
Went to the docs yesterday about a foot problem I've had for about five weeks. Doc was either very clever (made a diagnoses without even touching the offending foot) or having a bad day and couldn't be bothered. Having an x-ray next week.
Work with the boss on leave is actually a joyous thing, work gets done but without her laying stress on everyone.
I'm reading what I thought was the last book in the Game of Thrones series...then I notice in the preface that another one is on the way....guess I'll be busy till Christmas lol
I've heard it said that everyone is good at something. Just found out that I am the only one (not in the universe just my office) who can sort out the copier when it has a hissy-fit...yep feeling good :)