The thorns of an untouchable rose pierce a fragile heart, deep within the untold depths - two souls thrown apart.
Decisions made and stories told - reason hides from sight, the losses mount for he who grew the rose day and night.
The uncaring mother let the rose receive its first wilt, and hides herself from view in the comfort of her guilt.
For he who saw it grow from seed to beautiful pose, the piercing thorns will be sorely missed - that of an untouchable rose.
The world has changed, in some ways. The world is the same, in others. Obtained knowledge is at odds with what the earth knows of its past. Was time created by man? A label given to the chronology of things already understood by the earth? Yes, the earth was here all along, the sun passing across its skies long before any human could observe it taking place. Land shifted and rains fell. Heavenly bodies destroyed life, yet life endured. We were not here to see it, yet it took place. We do not dominate lady earth, she tolerates our existence. The earth will endure anything we do or don't do. We are but a snapshot in earth's chronology of events, and the earth will be here long after we are gone. We should cherish our relationship with her - and respect the fact that our labels cannot properly describe her power to endure the sands of time.
01:22 Jun 24 2010
Virginity of love. Awesome!!!