Fresh Princess of VR11:29 Sep 26 2019
Times Read: 557
Now this is a story all about how
Her life got flipped turned upside down
and I'd like to take a minute just sit right there
I'll tell you how she become the princess of a Site called VR
Nooowwwww her name is Tristesse and she was born and be a terrible person full of rage. She think’s people want her e-husband and gets real jealous...when oh no her e-husband gives honour to another woman.
Now you can imagine my shock and my surprise when she goes from not wanting any drama to causing drama again.
She’ll sit on her throne and say “Oh I’m the victim....why oh why are people being so mean to me” and then we’ll all say because your a dumpster fire of a person who just wants to cause conflict.
She’ll call people racists day after day, she’ll bitch whine and complain.
So I’ll end this tale.....right here....of the Fresh Princess....of VR.
12:03 Sep 26 2019
Oh, pls. Go back to your silly crew. Run along, now.
12:05 Sep 26 2019
Oh, and he is not my e-husband. He is my vampire husband who has a thing for treating his wife badly. He calls me his wife. So, there. Stop your privileged crap.
13:52 Sep 26 2019
This is what we call E-Dating on the internet virtual conduct of what seems to be real but not to be real in the tribute of things I could agree with MasterOfMadness he usually doesn't right about anyone unless it's addable to the additions of things. I'm not good myself I will admit but I think VR should turn into a relaxing place for once.I can feel the sites tiredness and I'm also tired that's why I would rather talk outside of Vampire Rave to family members instead of bringing matters into the site but I was fault I brought some into the site because most people where being accuse I'm an young adult still learning trial an error ...lots of error in order to perform proper I will be putting a dot after these words which means I wont be replying unless the conversation wish's to continue if you want to rant and rave Tristessx I would suggest you do it in a journal instead or make it privet at least if it's in a journal it wont be against TOS as long as you only use first names and don't go to over board with it.
I told my family yesterday on a talk of things if your mad at someone on Vampire Rave just go play video games instead of bothering the user with grave intentions with that lesson being learned things should be avoided and clam from here on out This is why I play video games I will be like okay bye Vampire Rave sure I'll be online but my attention will be else where if my profile doesn't seem to be moving really any where I usually don't say anything to anyone unless something is said about me to be provoke and picked and pride at.
But he's right though look at it this way not everyone will see eye to eye but that doesn't mean you always have to be rude about such things and take it over board I need to take my own advice to and remind my self from time to time when things occur.~Reaper
16:45 Sep 26 2019
Reaper get off the bath salts FFS
18:24 Sep 26 2019
XD what bath salts? I haven't discovered that yet.~Reaper
18:25 Sep 26 2019
Let's not forget the one where she stated that she was glad my cats were dead and that I should join them. All for what? Because someone left me honor and I reciprocated in kind? He's your fucking internet boyfriend, Tristesse, and trust me when I say that I don't need nor want to steal your fake husband away. I am perfectly capable of finding people I can see in person, I don't need an internet fling. You're just a cunt who needs to start shit for no fucking reason because you're bored with your life. Stop being a dumpster fire of person and stop picking fights with people who haven't done anything to you.
18:35 Sep 26 2019
like me and Immortalxkiss sometimes we don't see to eye to eye on things but I would half to highly agree with her not that I'm taking sides or anything but because of her reasoning and history of you and her TristesseX it isn't right to tell someone to go die with there pets you should how ever be wishing them a well happy life as long as they live instead rewording things in a matter would make things allot better in this conversation, And as such for honor mine gets attacked to I can say one thing that someone don't agree with and here they come but guess what I already know who it is even anonymously I wouldn't really call it attacking though its amuses me now days I just watch behind the screen and smile at the number increasing I go okay only one person hates me and they have a small circle that goes after people who disagrees with such things.How ever with the boyfriend stealing thing it kinda reminds me of the Impaler family at the time when they wined at Iris18 back in forth for 5 months straight but this time now it's with TristesseX~Reaper
19:36 Sep 26 2019
Half to highly agree