Well lets see where to begin, my doggies in the vets she's been being sick since 9pm last night and she kept being sick al through the day so we decided to take her to the vets where she was admitted with a viral infection and put on a drip. But before she was put on the drip she had an attack of Colic. (Whatever that is) anyway then she was put on a drip and we were phoned earlier on and told that she was looking much better so we just have 2 wait and see i suppose.
Peace out
Well *looks around* First time I've written in here so i expect you all expect me to say something deeply profound....HAH good luck there peoples. Anyway i'm just in the middle of coming up with idea's for my newest story that i am going to start working on.
It's called the Elementals, the character list is in my stories section if you wanna go look there feel free to.
Well thats all i can think of for now.
Peace out peeps