Michelle...and Jesus. But not the Jesus you are thinking about...she's a little Arian girl i like to call Jesus...aha
Goddamn inside jokes
(Sorry to insult your father Jesus)
Has a penis...i am sure it works fine lol
According to my dear friend Michelle...there is never enough of said 'wiener'....
Michelle wrote a poem about how crazy I am...
bitch lol
Dear suspenders,
If boobs were hard...you would probably crack them. Jerk.
Michelle enjoys my boob dance...
it includes my holding my boobs and jiggling them while she isn't paying attention...
then she turns to face me, double takes, and proceed to engage in laughter...
that my friends is the proper boob dance...
I have no problem with using the guysroom. the guys have no problem with me using it...
but today there was an issue.
Sam and I were using the toilet about two hours ago. We smelled an awesome smell. He asked if it was me. I said no. I asked if it was him. Usually he would say yes but this time it was a no.
We finished up and left our stalls to find that the drains had backed up and there was shit everywhere!!!!
Green shit covered the floor...we were trapped!!!
we slowly tip toed out of the bathroom to avoid getting our converses covered in shit...
we ran outside to find that the dorm hose was gone....so we found the dorm hooker's car and wiped the shit on there...
today was a good day