It loves...
It give's nurishment where and when its needed too
It protects what and who its supposed too
Its calm, gentle, loving, and swift
Its harsh, destructive, fierce,
Its everchanging, everlasting
It has no true form,
Its creative, intellegent, and there
It is........
Not seen unless looked upon
Not heard unless listend too
Not felt unless touched
Not existing unless needed too
Not needing unless wanted too
No meaning unless givin one
Always there..Always protecting Always nurishing
its not Reasonable
its not Explainable
its not Describable
its not Understandable
it just is
like it or not..doesnt matter...its true...its real...its love..
i love nature, i am a part of it, and my mother spiritual mother is the wind she guids me and helpos me stay calm when i am at the brink of madness, my spirituyal mother is my element as well i am wind, it is the most special element, it is the one that brings rain where its needed, it grows the fire, and moves the water, it cares for this planet and everyone on it, and is unstobable, everchanging, forever needed, and always there but not, it is who i am, and my mother, and i listen to its will
i crave blood, the smell of blood as it fills the air,
i crave the sight of blood as it covers my body,
i crave the feel of blood as it touches my lips,
i crave the taste of blood as it flows in my mouth,
i crave the warmth it gives me runing down my throat,
i crave the energy it gives me as it fills my soul,
i crave the the joyful moans from her as i bite down.
i crave as she wraps her arms around me wanting it,
i crave while she begs me to take it from her,
i crave the cravings, and the joy they give me,
i crave blood, and i shall drink it all,