So I've noticed on the site that some people here believe in vampires and lycans, some claim to be them and some don't believe and mock those who do. To be fair that's a pretty normal response, it's like if someone claimed to be an alien, people laugh. But in my studies I've come across some things to ponder. Basically both are in the Bible. I'm not the first person to notice the "curse" of Cain in Genesis 4 sounds a lot like a vampire and there's no record of his death even though the rest of the men from that passage are recorded to have died. (btw I claim to be a vampire) This is pretty well known in vamp culture but I noticed something else even stranger also in Genesis 4. When Cain is cursed God says he is to be "avenged sevenfold" if someone kills him. One of his descendants Lemech later kills someone and then says he is to be "avenged seventysevenfold". The first lycan? Very probable. This also implies that lycans are much more powerful than vampires, several times.
So people think what they want and maybe a lot of people here don't believe the Bible is fact anyway. But there is strong evidence for both in that book. If God created angels so powerful that people get magical powers from them, and magic is real, it stands to reason that he's crazy enough to create vampires. In any case the world is a strange and powerful place with all kinds of unexplained and nonscientific things in it. Maybe humans just don't want to consider the possibility that they're not the top of the food chain. Cheers-Maraselah