I am proud to say that it is still active and around, a few threads need "dusting" but all in all, its done well. Its been maybe three years since Mortalitas created it, the group is invisible to all but a select few and we hold around over 50 members.
Should we ever make it public, it would no doubt be on the first page in the group section, possibly even in top position. I don't know why I am putting all this down, I guess maybe because it deserves it since how many groups remain active? not many, hell, mentorships become inactive as well after awhile.
Only things that usually stay active and this is not all time mind you, is the covens and houses. I guess one reason for the inactivity of groups and mentorships is that is just another thing to go through and post in, it can be time consuming to some. Groups require you to go to either powerpunks or the scifi section which you have to log into again.
Long live chaos. Anniversary soon as well.